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Hello my friends
I have an urgent problem and we hope you can help me
I want to detect if the audio output of the device has changed
Such as the headset is connected or disConnected.
or change the default audio output
Is this possible?
I really searched a lot and found suggestions but unfortunately I did not understand them
Please explain to me

Posted (edited)

Um, I see that you haven't given enough detail in what approaches you have already taken and researched. This may be difficult for a blind person.

How about some code for what you already have done in this 'urgent' problem?

Is this related to the other post you made at https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/189645-an-important-question-in-the-bassdll-file/ ?

Would the condensed summary of AutoIt at https://github.com/J2TeaM/awesome-AutoIt be of assistance?

Edited by Confuzzled
; _IMMNotificationClient

; By KaFu, based on this example by trancexx
; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/151474-looking-to-capture-immnotificationclientondevicestatechanged-events/#entry1084193

Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc")
Func _ErrFunc($oError)
    ConsoleWrite("COM Error, ScriptLine(" & $oError.scriptline & ") : Number 0x" & Hex($oError.number, 8) & " - " & $oError.windescription & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>_ErrFunc

; Global Const $sIID_IMMNotificationClient = "{7991EEC9-7E89-4D85-8390-6C703CEC60C0}"
Global Const $tagIMMNotificationClient = "OnDeviceStateChanged hresult(wstr;dword);" & _
        "OnDeviceAdded hresult(wstr);" & _
        "OnDeviceRemoved hresult(wstr);" & _
        "OnDefaultDeviceChanged hresult(dword;dword;wstr);" & _
        "OnPropertyValueChanged hresult(wstr;int64);" ; last param type is improvisation because AutoIt lacks proper type

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged($hresult, $wstr, $dword)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged" & @TAB & $wstr & @TAB & $dword & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded($hresult, $wstr)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded" & @TAB & $wstr & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved($hresult, $wstr)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved" & @TAB & $wstr & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged($hresult, $dword1, $dword2, $wstr)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged" & @TAB & $dword1 & @TAB & $dword2 & @TAB & $wstr & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged($hresult, $wstr, $int64)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged" & @TAB & $wstr & @TAB & $int64 & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged

    Global Const $sIID_IUnknown = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    Global Const $tagMyInterface = "FirstMethod hresult(wstr);" & _
    "SecondMethod hresult(int;wstr);"

Global $t_IMMNotificationClient
Global $o_IMMNotificationClient = ObjectFromDtag("_IMMNotificationClient_", $tagIMMNotificationClient, $t_IMMNotificationClient)
; Global $p_IMMNotificationClient = ptr($o_IMMNotificationClient())
Global $p_IMMNotificationClient = $o_IMMNotificationClient()

    ; Is object get?
    ConsoleWrite("!!! IsObj($oMyObject) = " & IsObj($o_IMMNotificationClient) & @CRLF)
    ; Get object pointer:
    ConsoleWrite("+>>> Object pointer = " & $o_IMMNotificationClient() & @CRLF)

Func ObjectFromDtag($sFunctionPrefix, $tagInterface, ByRef $tInterface)
    Local Const $tagIUnknown = "QueryInterface hresult(ptr;ptr*);" & _
            "AddRef dword();" & _
            "Release dword();"
    ; Adding IUnknown methods
    $tagInterface = $tagIUnknown & $tagInterface
    Local Const $PTR_SIZE = DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate("ptr"))
    ; Below line really simple even though it looks super complex. It's just written weird to fit one line, not to steal your eyes
    Local $aMethods = StringSplit(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringTrimRight(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($tagInterface, "\h*(\w+)\h*(\w+\*?)\h*(\((.*?)\))\h*(;|;*\z)", "$1\|$2;$4" & @LF), ";" & @LF, @LF), 1), "object", "idispatch"), "variant*", "ptr"), "hresult", "long"), "bstr", "ptr"), @LF, 3)
    Local $iUbound = UBound($aMethods)
    Local $sMethod, $aSplit, $sNamePart, $aTagPart, $sTagPart, $sRet, $sParams
    ; Allocation. Read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810466.aspx to see why like this (object + methods):
    $tInterface = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & $iUbound + 1 & "]")
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    For $i = 0 To $iUbound - 1
        $aSplit = StringSplit($aMethods[$i], "|", 2)
        If UBound($aSplit) <> 2 Then ReDim $aSplit[2]
        $sNamePart = $aSplit[0]
        $sTagPart = $aSplit[1]
        $sMethod = $sFunctionPrefix & $sNamePart
        $aTagPart = StringSplit($sTagPart, ";", 2)
        $sRet = $aTagPart[0]
        $sParams = StringReplace($sTagPart, $sRet, "", 1)
        $sParams = "ptr" & $sParams
        DllStructSetData($tInterface, 1, DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister($sMethod, $sRet, $sParams)), $i + 2) ; Freeing is left to AutoIt.
    DllStructSetData($tInterface, 1, DllStructGetPtr($tInterface) + $PTR_SIZE) ; Interface method pointers are actually pointer size away
    Return ObjCreateInterface(DllStructGetPtr($tInterface), "", $tagInterface, False) ; and first pointer is object pointer that's wrapped
EndFunc   ;==>ObjectFromDtag

Global Const $sCLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = "{BCDE0395-E52F-467C-8E3D-C4579291692E}"
Global Const $sIID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = "{A95664D2-9614-4F35-A746-DE8DB63617E6}"

Global Const $tagIMMDeviceEnumerator = "EnumAudioEndpoints hresult(dword;dword;ptr*);" & _
        "GetDefaultAudioEndpoint hresult(dword;dword;ptr*);" & _
        "GetDevice hresult(wstr;ptr*);" & _
        "RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback hresult(ptr);" & _
        "UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback hresult(ptr);"
Global $o_MMDeviceEnumerator = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, $sIID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, $tagIMMDeviceEnumerator)

Func _UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback()
EndFunc   ;==>_UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback

; ===================================================================================
; Main Loop
#include <Misc.au3>
While Sleep(10)
    If _IsPressed("1B") Then ExitLoop ; ESC to exit



Dear brother
to be  everything is clear for me
please provide this service to me
I want when I change the default audio output the script execute these commands
_BASS_Startup(@scriptDir & "\dll\bass.dll")
If @error = -1 Then
    MsgBox (0, "", "DLL Does not exist?  Please check file exists.")
_BASS_Init(0, -1, 44100, 0, "")
If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio")
$MusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, $file, 0, 0, 0)
_BASS_ChannelSetDevice($MusicHandle, 1)
_BASS_ChannelSetvolume($MusicHandle, $volume)

_BASS_ChannelPlay($MusicHandle, 1)
_BASS_ChannelSetPosition($MusicHandle, $restartPlaying, $BASS_POS_BYTE)
I'm sorry if I upset you


; _IMMNotificationClient

; By KaFu, based on this example by trancexx
; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/151474-looking-to-capture-immnotificationclientondevicestatechanged-events/#entry1084193

Global $iAudioSwitched = 0

Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc")
Func _ErrFunc($oError)
    ConsoleWrite("COM Error, ScriptLine(" & $oError.scriptline & ") : Number 0x" & Hex($oError.number, 8) & " - " & $oError.windescription & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>_ErrFunc

; Global Const $sIID_IMMNotificationClient = "{7991EEC9-7E89-4D85-8390-6C703CEC60C0}"
Global Const $tagIMMNotificationClient = "OnDeviceStateChanged hresult(wstr;dword);" & _
        "OnDeviceAdded hresult(wstr);" & _
        "OnDeviceRemoved hresult(wstr);" & _
        "OnDefaultDeviceChanged hresult(dword;dword;wstr);" & _
        "OnPropertyValueChanged hresult(wstr;int64);" ; last param type is improvisation because AutoIt lacks proper type

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged($hresult, $wstr, $dword)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged" & @TAB & $wstr & @TAB & $dword & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded($hresult, $wstr)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded" & @TAB & $wstr & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved($hresult, $wstr)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved" & @TAB & $wstr & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged($hresult, $dword1, $dword2, $wstr)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged" & @TAB & $dword1 & @TAB & $dword2 & @TAB & $wstr & @CRLF)
    $iAudioSwitched = TimerInit()
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged($hresult, $wstr, $int64)
    #forceref $hresult
    ConsoleWrite("_IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged" & @TAB & $wstr & @TAB & $int64 & @CRLF)
    Return 0 ; S_OK
EndFunc   ;==>_IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged

    Global Const $sIID_IUnknown = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    Global Const $tagMyInterface = "FirstMethod hresult(wstr);" & _
    "SecondMethod hresult(int;wstr);"

Global $t_IMMNotificationClient
Global $o_IMMNotificationClient = ObjectFromDtag("_IMMNotificationClient_", $tagIMMNotificationClient, $t_IMMNotificationClient)
; Global $p_IMMNotificationClient = ptr($o_IMMNotificationClient())
Global $p_IMMNotificationClient = $o_IMMNotificationClient()

    ; Is object get?
    ConsoleWrite("!!! IsObj($oMyObject) = " & IsObj($o_IMMNotificationClient) & @CRLF)
    ; Get object pointer:
    ConsoleWrite("+>>> Object pointer = " & $o_IMMNotificationClient() & @CRLF)

Func ObjectFromDtag($sFunctionPrefix, $tagInterface, ByRef $tInterface)
    Local Const $tagIUnknown = "QueryInterface hresult(ptr;ptr*);" & _
            "AddRef dword();" & _
            "Release dword();"
    ; Adding IUnknown methods
    $tagInterface = $tagIUnknown & $tagInterface
    Local Const $PTR_SIZE = DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate("ptr"))
    ; Below line really simple even though it looks super complex. It's just written weird to fit one line, not to steal your eyes
    Local $aMethods = StringSplit(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringTrimRight(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($tagInterface, "\h*(\w+)\h*(\w+\*?)\h*(\((.*?)\))\h*(;|;*\z)", "$1\|$2;$4" & @LF), ";" & @LF, @LF), 1), "object", "idispatch"), "variant*", "ptr"), "hresult", "long"), "bstr", "ptr"), @LF, 3)
    Local $iUbound = UBound($aMethods)
    Local $sMethod, $aSplit, $sNamePart, $aTagPart, $sTagPart, $sRet, $sParams
    ; Allocation. Read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810466.aspx to see why like this (object + methods):
    $tInterface = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & $iUbound + 1 & "]")
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    For $i = 0 To $iUbound - 1
        $aSplit = StringSplit($aMethods[$i], "|", 2)
        If UBound($aSplit) <> 2 Then ReDim $aSplit[2]
        $sNamePart = $aSplit[0]
        $sTagPart = $aSplit[1]
        $sMethod = $sFunctionPrefix & $sNamePart
        $aTagPart = StringSplit($sTagPart, ";", 2)
        $sRet = $aTagPart[0]
        $sParams = StringReplace($sTagPart, $sRet, "", 1)
        $sParams = "ptr" & $sParams
        DllStructSetData($tInterface, 1, DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister($sMethod, $sRet, $sParams)), $i + 2) ; Freeing is left to AutoIt.
    DllStructSetData($tInterface, 1, DllStructGetPtr($tInterface) + $PTR_SIZE) ; Interface method pointers are actually pointer size away
    Return ObjCreateInterface(DllStructGetPtr($tInterface), "", $tagInterface, False) ; and first pointer is object pointer that's wrapped
EndFunc   ;==>ObjectFromDtag

Global Const $sCLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = "{BCDE0395-E52F-467C-8E3D-C4579291692E}"
Global Const $sIID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = "{A95664D2-9614-4F35-A746-DE8DB63617E6}"

Global Const $tagIMMDeviceEnumerator = "EnumAudioEndpoints hresult(dword;dword;ptr*);" & _
        "GetDefaultAudioEndpoint hresult(dword;dword;ptr*);" & _
        "GetDevice hresult(wstr;ptr*);" & _
        "RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback hresult(ptr);" & _
        "UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback hresult(ptr);"
Global $o_MMDeviceEnumerator = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, $sIID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, $tagIMMDeviceEnumerator)

Func _UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback()
EndFunc   ;==>_UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback

; ===================================================================================
; Main Loop
#include <Misc.au3>
While Sleep(10)

    ; If _IsPressed("1B") Then ExitLoop ; ESC to exit

    if $iAudioSwitched and TimerDiff($iAudioSwitched) > 250 then
        ConsoleWrite("Audio switched" & @crlf)
            _BASS_Startup(@scriptDir & "\dll\bass.dll")
            If @error = -1 Then
                MsgBox (0, "", "DLL Does not exist?  Please check file exists.")
            _BASS_Init(0, -1, 44100, 0, "")
            If @error Then
                MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio")
            $MusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, $file, 0, 0, 0)
            _BASS_ChannelSetDevice($MusicHandle, 1)
            _BASS_ChannelSetvolume($MusicHandle, $volume)

            _BASS_ChannelPlay($MusicHandle, 1)
            _BASS_ChannelSetPosition($MusicHandle, $restartPlaying, $BASS_POS_BYTE)
        $iAudioSwitched = 0




First, I want to apologize to you on this issue
I urgently need to convert this code into an include file and simplify it


; _IMMNotificationClient

; By KaFu, based on this example by trancexx
; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/151474-looking-to-capture-immnotificationclientondevicestatechanged-events/#entry1084193

Global $iAudioSwitched = 0

Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc")
Func _ErrFunc($oError)
ConsoleWrite("COM Error, ScriptLine(" & $oError.scriptline & ") : Number 0x" & Hex($oError.number, 8) & " - " & $oError.windescription & @CRLF)

; Global Const $sIID_IMMNotificationClient = "{7991EEC9-7E89-4D85-8390-6C703CEC60C0}"
Global Const $tagIMMNotificationClient = "OnDeviceStateChanged hresult(wstr;dword);" & _
"OnDeviceAdded hresult(wstr);" & _
"OnDeviceRemoved hresult(wstr);" & _
"OnDefaultDeviceChanged hresult(dword;dword;wstr);" & _
"OnPropertyValueChanged hresult(wstr;int64);" ; last param type is improvisation because AutoIt lacks proper type

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceStateChanged($hresult, $wstr, $dword)
#forceref $hresult

Return 0 ; S_OK

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceAdded($hresult, $wstr)
#forceref $hresult
Return 0 ; S_OK

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDeviceRemoved($hresult, $wstr)
#forceref $hresult
Return 0 ; S_OK

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnDefaultDeviceChanged($hresult, $dword1, $dword2, $wstr)
#forceref $hresult
$iAudioSwitched = TimerInit()
Return 0 ; S_OK

Func _IMMNotificationClient_OnPropertyValueChanged($hresult, $wstr, $int64)
#forceref $hresult

Return 0 ; S_OK

Global Const $sIID_IUnknown = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
Global Const $tagMyInterface = "FirstMethod hresult(wstr);" & _
"SecondMethod hresult(int;wstr);"

Global $t_IMMNotificationClient
Global $o_IMMNotificationClient = ObjectFromDtag("_IMMNotificationClient_", $tagIMMNotificationClient, $t_IMMNotificationClient)
; Global $p_IMMNotificationClient = ptr($o_IMMNotificationClient())
Global $p_IMMNotificationClient = $o_IMMNotificationClient()

; Is object get?
ConsoleWrite("!!! IsObj($oMyObject) = " & IsObj($o_IMMNotificationClient) & @CRLF)
; Get object pointer:
ConsoleWrite("+>>> Object pointer = " & $o_IMMNotificationClient() & @CRLF)

Func ObjectFromDtag($sFunctionPrefix, $tagInterface, ByRef $tInterface)
Local Const $tagIUnknown = "QueryInterface hresult(ptr;ptr*);" & _
"AddRef dword();" & _
"Release dword();"
; Adding IUnknown methods
$tagInterface = $tagIUnknown & $tagInterface
Local Const $PTR_SIZE = DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate("ptr"))
; Below line really simple even though it looks super complex. It's just written weird to fit one line, not to steal your eyes
Local $aMethods = StringSplit(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringTrimRight(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($tagInterface,"\h*(\w+)\h*(\w+\*?)\h*(\((.*?)\))\h*(;|;*\z)", "$1\|$2;$4" & @LF), ";" & @LF, @LF), 1), "object", "idispatch"), "variant*", "ptr"), "hresult", "long"),"bstr", "ptr"), @LF, 3)
Local $iUbound = UBound($aMethods)
Local $sMethod, $aSplit, $sNamePart, $aTagPart, $sTagPart, $sRet, $sParams
; Allocation. Read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810466.aspx to see why like this (object + methods):
$tInterface = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & $iUbound + 1 & "]")
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
For $i = 0 To $iUbound - 1
$aSplit = StringSplit($aMethods[$i], "|", 2)
If UBound($aSplit) <> 2 Then ReDim $aSplit[2]
$sNamePart = $aSplit[0]
$sTagPart = $aSplit[1]
$sMethod = $sFunctionPrefix & $sNamePart
$aTagPart = StringSplit($sTagPart, ";", 2)
$sRet = $aTagPart[0]
$sParams = StringReplace($sTagPart, $sRet, "", 1)
$sParams = "ptr" & $sParams
DllStructSetData($tInterface, 1, DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister($sMethod, $sRet, $sParams)), $i + 2) ; Freeing is left to AutoIt.
DllStructSetData($tInterface, 1, DllStructGetPtr($tInterface) + $PTR_SIZE) ; Interface method pointers are actually pointer size away
Return ObjCreateInterface(DllStructGetPtr($tInterface), "", $tagInterface, False) ; and first pointer is object pointer that's wrapped


Global Const $sCLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = "{BCDE0395-E52F-467C-8E3D-C4579291692E}"
Global Const $sIID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = "{A95664D2-9614-4F35-A746-DE8DB63617E6}"

Global Const $tagIMMDeviceEnumerator = "EnumAudioEndpoints hresult(dword;dword;ptr*);" & _
"GetDefaultAudioEndpoint hresult(dword;dword;ptr*);" & _
"GetDevice hresult(wstr;ptr*);" & _
"RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback hresult(ptr);" & _
"UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback hresult(ptr);"
Global $o_MMDeviceEnumerator = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, $sIID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, $tagIMMDeviceEnumerator)

Func _UnregisterEndpointNotificationCallback()

; ===================================================================================
; Main Loop

FUNC outputChanged()
if $iAudioSwitched and TimerDiff($iAudioSwitched) > 250 then
$iAudioSwitched = 0
$iAudioSwitched = 0


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
1 hour ago, nacerbaaziz said:

it  obstruct several tasks in the program.

What do you mean by this? what's not working, and what, if any, errors are you seeing?

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator


There's a error message that some of the variables in the program is Not Declarated

وهذه المتغيرات ليس لها علاقة بهذا الرمز.
انها مسؤوله عن أمور أخرى في البرنامج
please help me


Declare them then. I'm not getting that from what you posted by the way, so it is somewhere else that you're getting that error. Probably in you main script or one of the other includes you might have in it.

There's no way to troubleshoot this without know what variables aren't declared or where they're used in the script.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator

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