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Hi guys
I have an inquiry please
I want an example of how to add an icon file to the compiled autoit file and how to use it in GUICtrlCreateIcon

Preferably in a separate list within the resourceFor example myIcons
I hope my request is clear and I hope you will help me solve this problem
Because I found an example in the help files but I did not understand the method well


I have tried the ResourcesEx.au3 file
It succeeded but the problem is that the icons are set in rt_icon
I want them to be in a completely independent list of major icons

Posted (edited)

To use custom icon on compiled exe, from scite with target script open, press Ctrl + F7 to open compile options.  Roughly the fifth option down is Icon.  Use the ... (browse) button and navigate to the .ico file.  Then press compile, the resulting exe will have the specified icon.  I am also pretty sure all the GUIs will have the specified icon instead of the default AutoIt icon after the compile.

Edited by Xandy
  • 2 weeks later...


Put this at the top of your source code - these are the parameters that are written if you follow the post that Xandy wrote.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

Is this what you wanted?


for example, I found this code
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=icons\volume+.ico, playerIcons, up, 0
I want to use it to create the icon in the GUI
e.g :
I hope this is clear

  • Developers

Fine, so what is the problem with that? 
Do you have the Full version of SciTE4AutoIt3 installed?
If so then open the SciTE4AutoIt3 helpfile and find the example for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add under AutoIt3Wrapper to get you going.


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  • Developers

That was on request of Jon at the time this project was started by me. I created the LITE version for inclusion in the standard AutoIt3 installer, which is a 2 file installation to keep things simple. We also wanted to leave it up to the scripter to choose their preferred Editor themselves.


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Although it is possible to change your favorite editor with just a few clicks :)
I hope AutoIT soon has the full version and the same lite is released!
Thanks to the Jon, Jos and AutoIT team.



i want to use the ResourcesEx.au3

but i want to add the icons to player not in RT_ICON

i don't know how to do that using the ResourcesEx.au3

can i do that?

I tried a lot and no icons appear on the screen

but if i use the RT_ICON all thank is work

i need your suggestions

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