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Hello guys,

im just started in programming and all..

and i wanted to learn autoscript to.

Was wondering if any can convert my  one-liner batch script to an autoit script -

FOR /F %%i IN (names.txt) DO @copy system.act %%i.act


So what this does is open and read the file "names.txt" incrementally, and copy a certain file named "system.act" and rename it to each name that is listed on "names.txt"


So im trying this on autoit but no idea how to start file manipulation and do command -


#include <File.au3>

$file = "c:\names.txt"
FileOpen($file, 0)

For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines($file)
    $line = FileReadLine($file, $i)


Can anyone help me or guide me on how to continue this to get the result that i want..:)?



You can try:

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Global Const $sFileListName = @HomeDrive & "\names.txt" ; path of file list name
Global Const $iFile = @HomeDrive & "\system.act" ; Path to file want copy and rename
Global Const $iDirCopyTo = @HomeDrive
Global Const $iExtFile = ".act"
Global Const $sOverWrite = True

If Not FileExists($sFileListName) Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR + $MB_TOPMOST, "Error 1", "The file doesn't exist: " & @CRLF & $sFileListName)
If Not FileExists($iFile) Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR + $MB_TOPMOST, "Error 2", "The file doesn't exist: " & @CRLF & $iFile)

Global $iNewPath, $sListName = FileReadToArray($sFileListName) ; Read list name to array by line

For $i = 0 To UBound($sListName) - 1
    $iNewPath = $iDirCopyTo & "\" & $sListName[$i] & $iExtFile
    ConsoleWrite("Copy (" & $i & ") to :> " & $iNewPath & "  :>: " & (FileCopy($iFile, $iNewPath, $sOverWrite) ? "OK" : "Error") & @CRLF)




Holy ****

Its perfect.

I like to thank you that you make an effort to actually make me a whole script..

and i learned a lot from your script. 

the real reason why i want it on autoit is that, the batch file that i made does not work if there is a  sp. charcter on the file name..

and i just tried this code and WOW.. thank you again from the bottom of my hearts..this will save me a countless hours..




One question though, the file being renamed has a space between the last letter and the .act extension.

for example "nextserver .act" is should be "nextserver.act" only no space..:)


can i ask where to edit it? or remove the space?


Try search before ask!
use StringStripWS() or StringReplace()

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Global Const $sFileListName = @HomeDrive & "\names.txt" ; path of file list name
Global Const $iFile = @HomeDrive & "\system.act" ; Path to file want copy and rename
Global Const $iDirCopyTo = @HomeDrive
Global Const $iExtFile = ".act"
Global Const $sOverWrite = True

If Not FileExists($sFileListName) Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR + $MB_TOPMOST, "Error 1", "The file doesn't exist: " & @CRLF & $sFileListName)
If Not FileExists($iFile) Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR + $MB_TOPMOST, "Error 2", "The file doesn't exist: " & @CRLF & $iFile)

Global $iNewPath, $sListName = FileReadToArray($sFileListName) ; Read list name to array by line

For $i = 0 To UBound($sListName) - 1
;~     $iNewPath = $iDirCopyTo & "\" & $sListName[$i] & $iExtFile
    $iNewPath = $iDirCopyTo & "\" & StringStripWS($sListName[$i] & $iExtFile, 8) ; No space on file name
;~  $iNewPath = $iDirCopyTo & "\" & StringReplace($sListName[$i] & $iExtFile, " .", ".") ; No space on file name
    ConsoleWrite("Copy (" & $i & ") to :> " & $iNewPath & "  :>: " & (FileCopy($iFile, $iNewPath, $sOverWrite) ? "OK" : "Error") & @CRLF)



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