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Posted (edited)
  On 7/26/2017 at 9:55 PM, Malkey said:

This matches one "not single quote" character.




yes but it's in a (group)* so it matches everything between single quotes that is not a quote itself unless you type 2 after each other, so you can escape a single quote by typing 2 like in vbscript: msgbox "a ""test"" here"
i hope you know what i mean :)

Edited by TheAutomator
Posted (edited)
$str = "# test ## 123 ## done# abc123 #some other test#"
msgbox(0, '' , stringmid($str , 1 , stringinstr($str , "#" , 0 , 6))  & @CR &  stringmid($str , stringinstr($str , "#" , 0 , 6) + 1 , stringinstr($str , "#" , 0 , 7) - stringinstr($str , "#" , 0 , 6) - 1) & @CR & stringmid($str , stringinstr($str , "#" , 0 , 7)))

also this regex way :)

#include <array.au3>

$str = "# test ## 123 ## done# abc123 #some other test#"
$split = stringreverse(_ArrayToString(StringRegExp(stringreverse($str) , "(#.*?#)(.*?)(#.*#)" , 3) , @CR))
msgbox(0, '' , $split)


Edited by iamtheky

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Posted (edited)


Using this:-

"#some other test# abc123 # test ## 123 ## done#"

as the test string,  both your examples do not return an array like this:-

#some other test#
# test ## 123 ## done#

as I expected  But, we could differ in what to expect.


Edited by Malkey
Added "I" in "as I expected." and etc..
Posted (edited)

Neither of my examples return an array at all, but are the splits not in the expected locations?  Are you not entertained!?

ah, nvm, i now see the edge case you manufactured.  As well, there are plenty of arrangements that blow up all of the proposed solutions, thats on the OP tho.

Edited by iamtheky

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  On 7/26/2017 at 11:35 PM, Malkey said:

I suppose vbscript.regexp is a different flavour.  AutoIt uses Perl-compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE).

#include <array.au3>
$regexp = StringRegExp("# test ## 123 ## done# abc123 #some other test#", "(#(?:[^#]+|##)*#)|[^#]+", 3)



Ah i see, so that's why it doesn't work, just a different type of regex language..

I wanted to split a string into tokens like most parsers do with quoted strings.

Thanks for the explanation and help :)


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