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Posted (edited)

How can I check if element is focused in Firefox using FF.au3 UDF?

This is my try:

I have prepared a function that checks if the object is focused:


_FFCmd('FFau3.isfocused=function isfocused(a){try{return (a === document.activeElement)}catch(e){return}}')

$oElm = _FFXPath("//*[@id='someId']")

Func _FFIsFocused($sElement = "")
    Local $isFoc = _FFCmd("FFau3.isfocused(" & $sElement & ")")
    Return $isFoc
EndFunc   ;==>_FFIsFocused

Now, the javascript part is tested and it does return successfully.

After a lot of try/fails I inserted an alert box in order to display the object being compared.

Here is what I got


The focused object is: [object XULElement]

The object that I send for comparing is [object HTMLInputElement]

Why is that?



Edited by milos83
4 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

Have you tried comparing to


instead of



You nailed it!

Thank you Danp2!


I'm new to FF.au3 so I didn't know this is the right way to access the document.



The final working code is

_FFCmd('FFau3.isfocused=function isfocused(a){try{return (a === FFau3.WCD.activeElement)}catch(e){return}}')

$oElm = _FFXPath("//*[@id='someId']")

Func _FFIsFocused($sElement = "")
    Local $isFoc = _FFCmd("FFau3.isfocused(" & $sElement & ")")
    Return $isFoc
EndFunc   ;==>_FFIsFocused


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