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Posted (edited)

Edit: A solution was found! Thanks Jos and others who helped me find this:

You can have AutoIt run a different "Main" autoit script when you hit F5 instead of the current one, per folder, by doing the following:

  1. Run SciTE (might need administrator, depending on how autoit was installed)
  2. Options -> global properties (alt o g)
  3. Uncomment properties.directory.enable=1 (line 270 in my case)
  4. create a file SciTEDirectory.properties in the project's main folder
    • Alternatively, if you don't have admin or don't want to edit the global.properties for whatever reason, you can just skip step 1,2,3 and name it SciTE.properties
  5. Put in the file you created command.go.$(au3)="$(SciteDefaultHome)\..\AutoIt3.exe" "$(SciteDefaultHome)\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "NAME OF SCRIPT HERE.au3" /UserParams $(1) $(2) $(3) $(4)
  6. Save the file. Now anything you run in that folder or subfolder will run the main script when you hit F5

Using SciTEDirectory.properties effects that folder and subfolders, where as SciTE.properties only effects that folder. Apart from that they work the same

Original question:
I have a main script, and a bunch of includes / udf's. Almost every single time I edit my includes I hit F5 to run the script, but it runs the include instead. I'm tired of switching back to the main script's tab in SciTE to run it, just to switch back to the include. Is there some kind of #flag or option to set a "main au3 file" so when I hit F5, it will see that and run the main file instead?

Edited by corgano


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Posted (edited)

Guess you really want this since you posted it 3 times. (Merged :))

I can't imagine you have include files that you only need for one single main script, but a simple solution to you question could be to temporarily add an #include("path\mainscript.au3") at the end of the include while developing the include file.


Edited by Jos

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Posted (edited)

Wait, what? Something must have messed up,  had no intention of posting this three times! Is there a way i can delete the duplicates? Sorry for the triple-post. Thanks mods

I will give  #include("path\mainscript.au3")  a try, but i think running the include first might have issues, because it uses global vars declared in the main.

Is there a SciTE option for this? like to check for a "makefile" of sorts with something like "mainscript=file.au3" in it, and then have SciTE run whatever mainscript is if the makefile exists, and if it doesn't run the current file? I know SciTE is very configurable but not sure if it can do something like this.

Edited by corgano



How would SciTE, or any other program know that the include file you're editing isn't the main script, or know which script IS the main script?

Also, where are your #include lines in your main script if they depend on Global variables in the main script to work?

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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15 hours ago, corgano said:

Is there a SciTE option for this?

I assume you mean an #AutoIt3Wrapper directive and No there is none and I have no intent to even consider this as I doubt this will be used much.
As far as SciTE options is concerned: THe only option I can think of is to have the set of include files into its own directory and add a scite.properties to that directory in which you modify the F5/Run option to run the Main script instead of the file being edited.


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4 hours ago, Jos said:

..add a scite.properties to that directory...

Wait, you can have a .properties on a per-folder basis? Does it override the au3.properties? Where in the SciTE docs do i find info on this? I wasn't sure what to search for. A folder-wide SciTE.properties that overwrites command.go.$(au3) would work perfectly!


Posted (edited)

Thanks Jos, I think I found it. For anyone looking to set a custom command, here are the steps:

  1. Run SciTE (might need administrator, depending on how autoit was installed)
  2. Options -> global properties (alt o g)
  3. Uncomment properties.directory.enable=1 (line 270 in my case)
  4. create a file SciTEDirectory.properties in the project's main folder
    • Alternatively, if you don't have admin or don't want to edit the global.properties for whatever reason, you can just skip step 1,2,3 and name it SciTE.properties
  5. Put in the file you created command.go.$(au3)="$(SciteDefaultHome)\..\AutoIt3.exe" "$(SciteDefaultHome)\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "NAME OF SCRIPT HERE.au3" /UserParams $(1) $(2) $(3) $(4)
  6. Save the file. Now anything you run in that folder or subfolder will run the main script when you hit F5

I love this solution, it is a lot better than modding UDFs and works almost out-of-the-box. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :D

Edited by corgano


  • Developers

I would not recomment to modify SciTEGlobal.properties since this file will be overridden with the next installer.
Either go the SciTE.properties route or modify that setting in your SciTEUser.properties.


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  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

I came across this post by accident, and just wanted to add my own quick fix to this problem. Personally I don't want to run the main script instead like OP does. I just want to avoid running it by accident causing tons of error messages in SciTE, and messing up my bookmarks

In the main script (important: #include-once is to avoid inadvertently looping):

#include "name_of_the_udf.au3"


In every UDF I put these three lines in the top to avoid accidentally executing the UDF (or if I just want to F5 run it in SciTE to check its syntax):


If @ScriptName  = "name_of_this_udf.au3" Then Exit SetError(1, ConsoleWriteError("! UDF CANNOT BE RUN !" & @CRLF), -99)
#include "name_of_main_script.au3"



EDIT: if you have your includes in a subdirectory of your main script dir, you just use relative paths instead.


#include "includes/name_of_the_udf.au3"
If @ScriptName  = "name_of_this_udf.au3" Then Exit SetError(1, ConsoleWriteError("! UDF CANNOT BE RUN !" & @CRLF), -99)
#include "../name_of_main_script.au3"


Edited by Irios

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