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Hello my friends
I am a totally blind young man
for easier to read books and articles Among the blind
i has programmed a tool
This tool converts text to audio with the possibility to save it into a wav or mp3 file
It is also compatible with all persons, whether blind or ordinary
I have completed the work of this tool and want to take your opinion
i Especially published here for anyone looking about how to convert text to speech, I will put this tool open source for you
I want to know what your think about it
and if it need any other additions?
Note :
This tool converts texts to audio using sapi 5 voices
so i was also puted a hot keys to control the tool
Now I put this project to you for public benefit and I am ready to answer any question.
Apology :
I am an Arab youth from Algeria
I do not mastered English very well
So I apologize to you if there are written mistakes
With my greetings and best wishes

My texts to audio converter.zip


I like it how technology assists people needs.

Also, I liked how you use lame to export SAPI onto wav/mp3 files. Very interesting!

Would be happy to see this in github! :)


Mods, could someone move this to the examples section?

My stuff


My UDFs  _AuThread multithreading emulation for AutoIt · _ExtInputBox an inputbox with multiple inputs and more features · forceUTF8 fix strings encoding without knowing its original charset · JSONgen JSON generator · _TCPServer UDF multi-client and multi-task (run on background) event-based TCP server easy to do · _TCPClient_UDF multi-server and multi-task (runs on background) event-based TCP client easy to do · ParseURL and ParseStr functions ported from PHP · _CmdLine UDF easily parse command line parameters, keys or flags · AutoPHP Create documents (bills, incomes) from HTML by sending variables/arrays from AutoIt to PHP · (Un)Serialize Convert arrays and data into a storable string (PHP compatible) · RTTL Plays and exports to MP3 Nokia-format monophonic ringtones (for very old cellphones) · I18n library Simple and easy to use localization library · Scripting.Dictionary OOP and OOP-like approach · Buffer/stack limit arrays to N items by removing the last one once the limit is reached · NGBioAPI UDF to work with Nitgen fingerprint readers · Serial/Licensing system require license key based on unique machine ID from your users · HTTP a simple WinHTTP library that allows GET, POST and file uploads · Thread true AutoIt threads (under-dev) · RC4 RC4 encryption compatible with PHP and JS ·  storage.au3 localStorage and sessionStorage for AutoIt Classes _WKHtmlToX uses wkhtmlto* to convert HTML files and webpages into PDF or images (jpg, bmp, gif, png...) Snippets _Word_DocFindReplaceByLongText replace strings using Word UDF with strings longer than 255 characters (MSWord limit) rangeparser parser for printing-like pages interval (e.g.: "1,2,3-5") EnvParser parse strings/paths with environment variables and get full path GUICtrlStaticMarquee static text scrolling Random stuff Super Mario beep sound your ears will hurt


  • 1 month later...
On 2017/6/26 at 0:19 AM, Jefrey said:

I like it how technology assists people needs.

Also, I liked how you use lame to export SAPI onto wav/mp3 files. Very interesting!

Would be happy to see this in github! :)


Mods, could someone move this to the examples section?

Sorry to bother you sir. But I can see you know a lot about audio conversion right? I Recently I met a related problem about MP3 conversion may I ask you? I want to convert XM to MP3 with this XM converter as you can see "http://www.videoconverterfactory.com/tips/xm-converter.html". It claims that it is capable of reducing audio size. But I have no idea why, after conversion to mp3, the XM file gets bigger size while the audio quality stays the same.

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