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Posted (edited)

I have the same issue,

I made some minor edits and decided to run the Server on my dedicated server (run via script) and run (via script) the client on my computer. It would not connect at all. I used a port that has been used for years. Other example Autoit Server & Clients examples work, but the client does not need to connect with V4 or V3 of this. I can connect to the AutoIT Socket Server with a different Client example, but it does not have the features I want (was testing purposes only). Thus this leads me into believing Server has no issues but the Client has something not allowing it to connect.

Tried Default Chat Examples in V1/V3/V4 with the the same ip/port the linked below example.

This, for example, connects instantly and works fine, so the only conclusion is the Client does not connect at all to an external Server.



@Rurorita helped me and figured it out. You need to have (Opt('TCPTimeout', X)) inside Io_Connect, Calling it before the Io_Connect or after has no effect. V4 console prints 


SocketIO.au3: Because you are using Autoit version Opt('TCPTimeout') has been set to 5. You could manually use another value by putting Opt('TCPTimeout', 5) (once) after _Io_Connect or _Io_listen. Why this is done you could read more about here: https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3575


which is wrong. Very thankful to Rurorita for assistance and figuring out the problem.

Edited by TehDoug

The issue comes in effect when 1. the ping is greater then the timeout or 2. the server doesnt accept in time. So if the server is on load then the timeout can appear too.

He only had to set a timeout coresponding to his ping then it worked nicely. However if the timeout is set too high then lags can come in effect.

But this issue seems to variate and i have to adress it in the framework once i understand why it behaves so strange.


Thought I'd give a better way of handling higher pings:

Took it from a different Example, instead of timeout 100 (sometimes still does not connect, 150 100% does) but it makes input lag. Below seems to fix those issues will need fixing up, just though I'd post an example of a re-try loop rather than TimeOut which causes pauses.

Local $nMaxTimeout = 10
      Local $socket = TCPConnect($sAddress, $iPort)
      If @error = 10060 Then
            ; Timeout occurs try again
            $nMaxTimeout -= 1
            If $nMaxTimeout < 0 Then
                MsgBox(BitOR($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, $MB_ICONHAND), "", "Could not connect, after " & 10 - $nMaxTimeout & " TimeOut")
                Return False
        ElseIf @error Then
            $iError = @error
            ; The server is probably offline/port is not opened on the server.
            MsgBox(BitOR($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, $MB_ICONHAND), "", "Could not connect, Error code: " & $iError)
            Return False



What maybe would work too is to $nPing = ping() the server right before TCPConnect and setting this $nPing, if not unusally high, as the current tcptimeout. Then connect. And after success reseting the tcptimeout. maybe thats enough to fix any lag in the hope that tcpsend is not influenced by the timeout. if so then it maybe helps to have the ping for each socket stored. I will do some research and probably implement something into the framework to combat this.


Hi Guys,

I appriciate the love and I want to answer all the questions, however im working full time so I havent had the chance to make any updates to the IO project, when its vacation time i will probably be a little bit more active.

  • 3 weeks later...

To those who messaged me about the modified variant. I will release the Modified SocketIO UDF under the name SocketIOEx on Github and this forum. The framework around SocketIoEx will simply be called _netcode UDF.

It will not be so soon, as i need to address certain issues and thoughts. I want to make the SocketIOEx more redundant, more DDOS proof and faster overall. For that i, for example, need to recode certain Autoit Functions like TCPSend() and TCPRecv(), as those come with known issues. _netcode UDF will be a plug and play UDF, it manages the whole network stuff and also reacts to certain bugs that may appear and so on. It will be really easy to use, someone could call the Send function with hundreds of MB of data and the _netcode would manage that. Also, whats not done yet, i plan to add a feature where a Client could get parts of the same data set from different providers to maxout the download speed. Similiar to torrent.

But currently im working on Support for Tor, its already working, but the Tor app comes with a couple of issues.

5 hours ago, Rurorita said:

But currently im working on Support for Tor, its already working, but the Tor app comes with a couple of issues.

Hi, I am curious, what kind of issues are you experiencing with Tor? I may be able to help you as I made a GUI for Tor a few years back. Also, how are you adding support for Tor in your UDF? Are you directly interfacing with the SOCKS proxy?

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, TheDcoder said:

Hi, I am curious, what kind of issues are you experiencing with Tor? I may be able to help you as I made a GUI for Tor a few years back. Also, how are you adding support for Tor in your UDF? Are you directly interfacing with the SOCKS proxy?

Hi, the issue i was speaking of yesterday was actually an issue with SocketIO. When i was sending packets greater then what could be transmitted per second then the Recv function of SocketIO wasnt returning the full packet. It has nothing todo with Tor, it is just that i never had in mind before that an internet connection could actually be so slow that when the recv function is called, that the packet isnt yet fully there and ready to be processed. At first i was thinking that tor was limited in some form, but actually i just have to recode this function. Also i have to find a way how to ask the Tor app when we are connected to the .onion adress and how to check when a connection is dead.

For now what i do is that both parties, the server and the client, start a tor session.

The Server Side runs a listener like usually and also starts up a Tor Session creating a Hidden Service, which then connects to the listener.

The Client Side starts a regular tor session with the Socks interface enabled and then connects to that. This tor Session is then commanded to connect to the .onion address.

It is really basic and working quite nice and fast. I just have to change certain parts of SocketIO to handle incomplete packets, but in a way it can not be misused.

I made an RSA example and modified it a little to use it with tor. The transmitted packets are small and therefore it works really fast. Even if i spam the Send function.



But i also coded an desktop Screenshot example. Each packet is atleast 200kb in size. But thats not a speed that the tor app can manage to send per second always. So i ended up with incomplete packets.

Edited by Rurorita

@Rurorita The "packets" you are referring to may not exist, the TCP packets may be split into smaller ones by any one of the network relays... and you don't really have to worry about this as the OS collects all these packets and puts their data into a buffer (from which the TCPRecv function reads from).

That means you should not rely on the receive function to give you the whole information in a single call, always buffer the input until you have the information you need... this means calling the receive function multiple times and storing the result in a string.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, TheDcoder said:

@Rurorita The "packets" you are referring to may not exist, the TCP packets may be split into smaller ones by any one of the network relays... and you don't really have to worry about this as the OS collects all these packets and puts their data into a buffer (from which the TCPRecv function reads from).

That means you should not rely on the receive function to give you the whole information in a single call, always buffer the input until you have the information you need... this means calling the receive function multiple times and storing the result in a string.

This isnt the issue. And Socketio is already doing that. Looping until the buffer is empty. The loop is Exited once the TCPRecv returns "". The issue is that the buffer doesnt contains the whole packet yet because its gets emptied right in the transmission. If the whole packet is 100kb in size and only 50kb got transmitted yet then the buffer only hold this 50kb. Once we empty that buffer, we only have an incomplete packet. Im already addressing that.

Edited by Rurorita
6 minutes ago, Rurorita said:

Looping until the buffer is empty. The loop is Exited once the TCPRecv returns "".

This approach will not work because the buffer being empty doesn't mean that you got all packets, more of them may be on the way. You need to use protocol specific logic to determine if you have a received all data. IRC for example, ends each "command" with a new line so that the client knows it got all the necessary information to process that specific "command".

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

Just now, TheDcoder said:

This approach will not work because the buffer being empty doesn't mean that you got all packets, more of them may be on the way. You need to use protocol specific logic to determine if you have a received all data. IRC for example, ends each "command" with a new line so that the client knows it got all the necessary information to process that specific "command".

Right thats the point. But i also need to take in account that certain parts of a packet can get missing and that can also be the packet seperator. So i have to Validate.

25 minutes ago, Rurorita said:

But i also need to take in account that certain parts of a packet can get missing and that can also be the packet seperator.

No need, that is why TCP exists, it always makes sure that the data you receive is intact and is in the same order as it was sent.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

2 minutes ago, TheDcoder said:

No need, that is why TCP exists, it always makes sure that the data you receive is intact and is in the same order as it was sent.

That is what TCP is meant to prevent. But it does still happen. Im including certain packet validation technics and also have a feature where lost or bad packets get rerequested.

5 minutes ago, Rurorita said:

But it does still happen.

I don't think that is likely at all, otherwise all applications depending on TCP would be broken. The more probable situation is that there is something in your code which is sending data in the incorrect order/format.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

Just now, TheDcoder said:

I don't think that is likely at all, otherwise all applications depending on TCP would be broken. The more probable situation is that there is something in your code which is sending data in the incorrect order/format.

It doesnt happen in my code, im just coding preventions technics for the case. In reality it does happen, no clue how often. But i spoke to alot of devs and alot of them told me about similiar issues. I try to prevent the whole bad or missing packet issue and make things easy to use.


@Rurorita I have written several programs in AutoIt which use TCP for communication, and I have never experienced issues with corrupted data :think:

I suggest you investigate the issue on a lower-level, the issue is on the sender's side according to what you have told me.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion


What is TCP?

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a communications standard that enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network. It is designed to send packets across the internet and ensure the successful delivery of data and messages over networks.


Fully agree... this is handled on the protocal level you don't need to manage this on the application level 😉

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey guys and girls,

"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\PubTestwithaccounts\Includes\Networking\Dependencies\Autoit-Serialize-1.0.0\Serialize.au3" (40) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:
Local $val = $part[1]
Local $val = ^ ERROR


Func _UnSerialize(Const $source)
    Local Const $parts = StringSplit($source, "#")

    For $i = 1 To $parts[0]
        Local $part = StringSplit($parts[$i], '|', 2)
        Local $type = $part[0]
        Local $val = $part[1]

        Switch $type
            Case "s"
                Return BinaryToString($val)
            Case "a"
                Return __Serialize_UnSerializeArray($val)
            Case "o"
                Return __Serialize_UnSerializeScriptingDictionary($val)
            Case "b"
                Return $val == 1
            Case "Int32"
                Return Number($val, 1)
            Case "Int64"
                Return Number($val, 2)
            Case "Ptr"
                Return Ptr($val)
            Case "Binary"
                Return Binary($val)
            Case "Double"
                Return Number($val, 3)
            Case "Keyword"
                Return Null


EndFunc   ;==>UnSerialize


I guess it might be to do with none client connections, as it is hosted on my dedicated server which had a problem with RDP bots flooding trying to login with no password. But I also can't confirm that is the issue.

Anyone know a way to prevent this? I tried making sure "#" existed but that caused other issues and don't want to spaghetti code it myself.

Also closing the Client seems to Disconnect twice:


+[2021-04-30 20:31:22][SERVER][SUCCESS] Successfully fired event "auth" "$socket = 1148", "$mySocket = 1132"
>[2021-04-30 20:33:24][SERVER][INFO]    Attempting to fire event "disconnect" "$socket = 1232", "$mySocket = 1132"
+[2021-04-30 20:33:24][SERVER][SUCCESS] Successfully fired event "disconnect" "$socket = 1232", "$mySocket = 1132"
>[2021-04-30 20:33:24][SERVER][INFO]    Attempting to fire event "disconnect" "$socket = 1148", "$mySocket = 1132"
+[2021-04-30 20:33:24][SERVER][SUCCESS] Successfully fired event "disconnect" "$socket = 1148", "$mySocket = 1132"

D x


it does seem likes its from a bot connection, it would seem there needs to be a way to prevent none Autoit-Socket-IO clients from connecting as the server can't handle any incoming packets it's not designed to handle and thus crashes the server. I'm currently trying to check if it contains "|" if not return "Broke" then in __Io_HandleRecvdPackage if = "Broke" then return back to loop. Not sure if this is the best way but will be giving it a try to see if that prevents it.

Edited by TehDoug

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