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Trying to loop through every row in a Excel sheet

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Hello :)
I am relatively new to the world of Microsoft Office and the Excel UDF.

I am trying to loop through every row in a spreadsheet and get the text/values from each column in the given row... so far I have looked into the Help file for the Excel UDF and the wiki page for Excel UDF but I have no idea about how this is done :(... This is all I have in my script:

Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True)
Global Const $sSpreadsheet = @ScriptDir & '\data.xlsx'
Global $oSpreadsheet = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sSpreadsheet, True, False)

; ...

I am placing my bet on the _Excel_Range functions... especially _Excel_RangeRead. I don't know how $vRange works so I would be glad if someone can point me in the right direction :D. What I would ideally like is to get all of the contents of the spreadsheet (it's just a normal text one) in a 2D array.

Thanks in Advance!

Edited by TheDcoder
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I came upon this function a while ago if you want to have a premade way of removing blanks:

Func _ArrayRemoveBlanks(ByRef $arr) ;self explanatory
  $idx = 0
  For $i = 0 To UBound($arr) - 1
    If $arr[$i] <> "" Then
      $arr[$idx] = $arr[$i]
      $idx += 1
  ReDim $arr[$idx]

Just makes it super simple, I copy this into my scripts whenever I need to work with arrays.


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@anthonyjr2 That's a strange way to remove blanks from an (1D) array... I wonder why it rewrites a row with the same contents? ($arr[$idx] = $arr[$i])

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To be fair I never actually checked to see how it worked, I got it from here a long time ago:

But from looking at it now, what it's doing is going through and checking to see if each element is blank. If it isn't blank, it adds it to a new array. That way in the end the array will only contain non-blank elements. So that line is just putting the nonblank elements into a new array.


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5 minutes ago, anthonyjr2 said:

it adds it to a new array

I can only see one array and that is $arr ;)

5 minutes ago, anthonyjr2 said:

That way in the end the array will only contain non-blank elements.

No, what it's doing is using $idx to count all "non-blank" elements and and resizing/trimming the array using ReDim

Edited by TheDcoder

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@anthonyjr2 Your statement only makes it look smarter to be honest :D. There are several flaws... not to mention the obvious unnecessary rewriting of elements.... or that is what I thought until now. It actually moves all non-empty elements up, shifts all gaps to the bottom and then truncates the array. I have to admit, it's clever... but not very effective! Still does the job though, so I guess we can use it when feeling lazy :).

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I suggest to loop through the array; write the line numbers of empty rows to a string so you get a valid range for _ArrayDelete; then call _ArrayDelete a single time passing the mentioned string.

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@water That is what I had in mind :).

I am urged to create another function which can remove all blank elements with the most efficient way to do it... but if I do that, I will be pushing my personal projects again... they have crossed the deadline a long time ago :(

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Congrats :D

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I think it depends on what the end result you want for example do you only want to remove blank rows or blank cells?  For example would you want to just remove Row 3 or all blanks and move them up?

|   A   |   B   |
|   A1  |   A1  |
|       |   A2  |
|       |       |
|   A4  |       |
|   A5  |   A5  |

Anyway I figured out how to do it within Excel and then export it to an Array, just need to comment/uncomment the Row or Cell section in the code to see both examples.

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Global Const $xlByRows = 1
Global Const $xlByColumns = 2
Global Const $xlPrevious = 2
Global Const $xlUp = -4162
Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True)
Global $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & '\Filename.xlsx'
Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sWorkbook, True, False)

;~ #### Begin Remove All Blank Rows #### ~;
    Global $oEntireRow, $iLastRow = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Find('*', $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1), Default, Default, $xlByRows, $xlPrevious).Row
    For $i = $iLastRow To 1 Step - 1
        $oEntireRow = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells($i, 1).EntireRow
        If $oExcel.WorksheetFunction.CountA($oEntireRow) = 0 Then $oEntireRow.Delete
;~ #### Begin Remove All Blank Rows #### ~;

;~ #### Begin Remove All Blank Cells #### ~;
;~  $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells.SpecialCells($xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete($xlUp)
;~ #### End Remove All Blank Cells #### ~;

Global $aWorkbook = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
_Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook, False)



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@Subz It works! I have no idea how... but it does work :D. Although I have noticed that it can take a while (around 5 seconds for me) for the code to filter all blank rows :)

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

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instead of the loop you can use the specials as well (works especially well if you have to only check one column, should be similar for checking the whole row).  Would look something like:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True)
Global Const $sSpreadsheet = @ScriptDir & '\filename.xlsx'
Global $oSpreadsheet = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sSpreadsheet, True, True)

$oExcel.activesheet.Range("A1:A10").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete = True

Global $aSpreadsheet = _Excel_RangeRead($oSpreadsheet , Default , Default , 1)
_Excel_BookClose($oSpreadsheet, FALSE)
_Excel_Close($oExcel , FALSE , TRUE)


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'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

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@iamtheky That would work if you had a key column (with blank rows to show new range, see example below), but wouldn't work with the example I posted above, which is why I used the loop and the CountA function against each row (for deleting rows anyway).  Which is why it's slow to get a result,  As mentioned above it really depends on the workbook layout and also how you want the information returned.

|   A   |   B   |
|   A1  |   B1  |
|   A2  |   B2  |
|       |       |
|   A4  |   B4  |
|   A5  |       |
|   A6  |   B6  |
|       |       |
|   A8  |   B8  |


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