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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I need to start a script that include:

- admin privileges

- multiple cmd commands

- no bat, no exe, no tmp files created anywhere (especially in the user temp folder)

In a bat file it would be simple, but users shouldn't see what commands I'm sending.

Example of the script:

echo off
echo I AM A TOOL
echo NOTE:
echo - note 1
echo - note 2
echo - etc
set USER1=0
if /i %username% equ user.user (
set USER1=1
set COMPUTER1=1 )
if /i %username% equ another.user set USER1=1
if /i %computername% equ notebook set COMPUTER1=1
if %USER1% EQU 1 ( 
if %COMPUTER1% EQU 1 (
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\blablabla" /f
) else ( echo Computer not authorized. Contact assistance.)
) else ( echo User not authorized. Contact assistance.)

With the send("") is a disaster.

I'm a noob here, so what can I do?


EDIT: OR ELSE I explain the situation and what I need, so if there is a simple solution I can use that.


SITUATION: our domain users have Users rights on the machine. Some of them need administrator rights.

We create a local user with administrator rights, so that the users must insert username and password when asked to run something with administrator rights.

We have an internal domain group policy that blocks EXE, BAT, COM, TMP files from the user local temp directory, for a security reason (malware). That also blocks most software installation.

But some users are often out of office, away from workplace and in another country, they need a complete control on their computers.


WHAT I NEED: I need to check the username and the computer name. If the username is the one with local administrator rights and the computer name is a computer that is qualified to temporary remove the policy, then I need to execute a REG DELETE command with administrator rights.


I hope I explained myself.


Thank you very much.

Edited by Baboo85

Maybe something like:

;~ AdminInfo.ini
;~ [UserName]
;~ Username = Firstname Lastname
;~ [ComputerName]
;~ ComputerName = Domain

#include <Array.au3>
Global $bUserName = False, $bComputerName = False
Global $sErrorMsg = ""
Global $sAdminInfo = @ScriptDir & "\AdminInfo.ini"
    If FileExists($sAdminInfo) = 0 Then Exit

Global $aUserName = IniReadSection($sAdminInfo, "UserName")
    If @error Then Exit
If _ArraySearch($aUserName, @UserName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) > 0 Then $bUserName = True

Global $aComputerName = IniReadSection($sAdminInfo, "ComputerName")
    If @error Then Exit
If _ArraySearch($aComputerName, @ComputerName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) > 0 Then $bComputerName = True

MsgBox(0,'', "Username: " & $bUserName & @CRLF & "ComputerName: " & $bComputerName)

If $bComputerName And $bUserName Then
    MsgBox(0,'', 'test')
    RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\blahblabla", "RegValue")
    If $bComputerName = False Then $sErrorMsg &= @ComputerName & " is not authorised" & @CRLF
    If $bComputerName = False Then $sErrorMsg &= @UserName & " is not authorised"
    MsgBox(4096, "Error", $sErrorMsg)


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\blahblabla", "RegValue")

So this is the command to remove a key from the registry? Nice.

Thank you, I'll try this and I'll let you know, because I can't add files (AdminInfo.ini), I need to keep all into the exe file. I need an array.

It's inconvenient, but users shouldn't see anything.

Also I'll add the #RequireAdmin command

Edited by Baboo85

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