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I'm not sure about what you want to achieve. If you want to name the new file according to the name of the original file, you could do it like this

; read file path from input
$file = GUICtrlRead($Input1)
If $file = "" Then ContinueLoop

; extract filename from full path (assuming that the file has no extension)
$filename = StringRegExpReplace($file, '.+\\(.+)', "$1")

; some code here...

; open dest file in write/overwrite mode, creating path if doesn't exist
; using flag 10 = $FO_OVERWRITE (2) + $FO_CREATEPATH (8)
$hFile = FileOpen("C:\Users\Public\Documents\BatchPlots\" & filename & "_new", 10)

FileWrite($hFile, $out)


48 minutes ago, mikell said:

I'm not sure about what you want to achieve. If you want to name the new file according to the name of the original file, you could do it like this

; read file path from input
$file = GUICtrlRead($Input1)
If $file = "" Then ContinueLoop

; extract filename from full path (assuming that the file has no extension)
$filename = StringRegExpReplace($file, '.+\\(.+)', "$1")

; some code here...

; open dest file in write/overwrite mode, creating path if doesn't exist
; using flag 10 = $FO_OVERWRITE (2) + $FO_CREATEPATH (8)
$hFile = FileOpen("C:\Users\Public\Documents\BatchPlots\" & filename & "_new", 10)

FileWrite($hFile, $out)


Thank you Mikell, you're the best.. I've learned a lot from you.

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