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Select Item from Context menu


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I am working on an automation project and I am having issues finding documentation on selecting an item from a context menu, or a menu that appears upon a right click. I tried using the Send("{DOWN}") command as a workaround but it's not very redundant. Essentially I need to search the context menu for the string "Abort Text" and click that option. The class of the context menu is showing as CLASS:#32768. I have uploaded a portion of the context menu. If it helps I have the handle of the treeview where the first item is right clicked in order to make the treeview appear.




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I am afraid that doesn't work. When I output $treeItem to a msgbox it returns 0 as in the item was not found. I tried the handle of the treeview itself and the handle of the context menu. 

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks for your post, I ended up using the following code.


$treeView_hnd = ControlGetHandle($title, "", $window)
$findItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_FindItem($treeView_hnd, "Scapa Test Trace - FullTest", True)
_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem($treeView_hnd, $findItem, "Right")
Send("{DOWN 9}")
ControlClick($abort_title, "", $abort_button)


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