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Posted (edited)

I've made a program that relies on IniReadSectionNames. It reads (~3K) Autorun.inf files in the working folder and creates a GUI based on their contents.

I made sure to revert to a default GUI upon @error.

But someone (with Windows XP SP3 32-bit) reported to me he always gets the default menu.

I sent him a FileRead command instead and it works! So seemingly there's no access problem to AutoRun.inf.

In the following demo code, I always hit success, but he always ends up with semi-success:

Local $hIniLocation = "Autorun.inf"
    Local $aSections = IniReadSectionNames($hIniLocation)
    If @error Then
        $aSections = FileRead($hIniLocation)
        if @error then
            msgbox(48, "Double error", "Alternative access failed too due to:" & @crlf & @error & @crlf & @extended)
            msgbox(0, "Semi-success", "IniReadSectionNames failed, but alternativaly this file contains:" & @crlf & @crlf & $aSections)
        msgbox(0, "Success", "IniReadSectionNames worked!")

Why is that? Is there something further to check with him?


Edited by LWC
More general topic and tag
Posted (edited)

It seems to be about Autorun.inf specifically. If I change my script to use autorun.ini or something_else.inf, then it works for him.

But if FileRead works on Autorun.inf itself, why doesn't IniReadSectionNames?

Can I check the relevant rights and/or pipe IniReadSectionNames through FileRead (without creating a temp file just so it won't be called Autorun.inf)?

Edited by LWC

Checking the rights for this particular file on one particular PC could be not easy if trouble comes from antivirus policy etc
But if FileRead works you might provide an alternative way as a workaround

#include <Array.au3>
$txt = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\Autorun.inf")
$sections = StringRegExp($txt, '^|(?m)^\s*\[([^\]]+)', 3)
$sections[0] = UBound($sections)-1


Posted (edited)

That's very smart and works perfectly, thanks!

I'll submit a bug report asking to use your code internally in IniReadSectionNames as a fallback (unless of course they'll fix it directly).

But...IniReadSection suffers from the same issue. Can you suggest a bypass for it too?

Edited by LWC
1 hour ago, LWC said:

I'll submit a bug report

IMHO it's not a good idea as the problem certainly comes from some particular configuration on the user's PC
Workarounds exist for most Ini* funcs. How many of these funcs is your script using ?


But why not give the Ini functions the same powers that ReadFile has?

I only need IniReadSection, if you have a bypass.

Posted (edited)

I assume that File/Ini funcs don't all work the same way. Question for developpers  :)

Here is a possible workaround for IniReadSection

#include <Array.au3>

$txt = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\Autorun.inf")
$sections = StringRegExp($txt, '^|(?m)^\s*\[([^\]]+)', 3)
$sections[0] = UBound($sections)-1

For $i = 1 To $sections[0]
   ; read content of section
   $content = StringRegExp($txt, '\Q' & $sections[$i] & ']\E\s+([^\[]+)', 1)
   If IsArray($content) Then 
       ; get key/value pairs
       $tmp = StringRegExp($content[0], '(?m)^([^\v;=]+)=([^;\v]*)\N*$', 3)
       If not IsArray($tmp) Then 
            Msgbox(0,"", "section " & $sections[$i] & " is empty")
       ; format to 2D array
       $n = UBound($tmp)
       Local $aArray[$n/2+1][2]
       For $j = 0 To $n-1
            $aArray[Int($j/2)+1][Mod($j, 2)] = $tmp[$j]
       $aArray[0][0] = $n/2
      _ArrayDisplay($aArray, "section " & $sections[$i])
      Msgbox(0,"", "section " & $sections[$i] & " is empty")


Edited by mikell
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

I used your first regexp, but then continued with some simpler code combined with ideas from here.

#include <Array.au3>

$txt = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\Autorun.inf")
$aSections = StringRegExp($txt, '^|(?m)^\s*\[([^\]]+)', 3)
$aSections[0] = UBound($aSections)-1

    For $iCount = 1 To $aSections[0]
        if $filecontent="" then
            $aKV = IniReadSection($hIniLocation, $aSections[$iCount])
            If @error Then ; If empty section then ignore (treat as void)
            $value = StringRegExp($filecontent, "\Q" & $aSections[$iCount] & ']\E\s+([^\[]+)', 1)
            If not IsArray($value) Then ; If empty section then ignore (treat as void)
            If StringInStr($value[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then
                $value = StringSplit(StringStripCR($value[0]), @LF)
            ElseIf StringInStr($value[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then
                $value = StringSplit($value[0], @LF)
                $value = StringSplit($value[0], @CR)
            local $aKV[1][2]
            For $xCount = 1 To $value[0]
                if $value[$xCount]="" or StringLeft($value[$xCount], 1)=";" then ContinueLoop
                ReDim $aKV[ubound($aKV)+1][ubound($aKV, 2)]
                $value_temp = StringSplit($value[$xCount], "=", 2)
                $aKV[ubound($aKV)-1][0] = $value_temp[0]
                $aKV[ubound($aKV)-1][1] = $value_temp[1]
                $aKV[0][0] += 1
            if $aKV[0][0]="" then ContinueLoop
        _ArrayDisplay($aKV, $aSections[$iCount])

What do you think?

Edited by LWC

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