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Target a single cell in a word table

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I  need a good idea or a small example on how to target the find replace for a single cell 
for instance if there is a "zero" that needs to be found and replaced then its a problem when other cells contain zeros 

Didn't really yet get to find out more of the possibility's available ..  looking


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And here is a basic example:
nb: The StringReplace Chr(7) removes the cell end ascii character Bel

#include <Word.au3>
Local $sWord = @ScriptDir & "\Word.docx"
Local $oWord = _Word_Create()
Local $oDoc = _Word_DocOpen($oWord, $sWord)
If StringReplace($oDoc.Tables(1).Cell(2,2).Range.Text, Chr(7), "") = 0 Then $oDoc.Tables(1).Cell(2,2).Range.Text = 1


Edited by Subz
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Thanks I'm reading the table from array and replacing like so :

Func _replace($table, $row, $col, $find = "", $replace = '')
        $oDoc.Tables($table).Cell($row, $col + 1).Range.Text = $replace
EndFunc   ;==>_replace

but now, how do i keep the alignment formatting of the cell after the replace takes place ..

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#include <Word.au3>
Local $sWord = @ScriptDir & "\Word.docx"
Local $oWord = _Word_Create()
Local $oDoc = _Word_DocOpen($oWord, $sWord)
Local $oTables = $oDoc.Tables
If StringReplace($oDoc.Tables(1).Cell(2,2).Range.Text, Chr(7), "") = 0 Then
    $oDoc.Tables(1).Cell(2,2).Range.Text = 1
    $oDoc.Tables(1).Cell(2,2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1


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