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Posted (edited)


the reason i need this :
somewhere I read that _ArrayUnique() can crash the script when sending it through more then an 2D array

in some cases it does 

I only need to create a 1D Array from column #4  . . .

Edit:     never mind should be something like this i guess ..

Func _1D_ArrayFromColumn(ByRef $aArray, $iColumn = 0, $iCount = 1)
    Local $aArray1D = [UBound($aArray)]
    For $i = $iCount To UBound($aArray) - 1
        _ArrayAdd($a1D, $iColumn)
    Return $aArray1D
EndFunc   ;==>_1D_ArrayFromColumn


Edited by Deye


I don't think any distributed functions work on arrays with more than 2 dimensions.  The following strips column #4 from a 10 column "2D" array...

#include <array.au3>

; create and populate a 10 column 2D array

Local $a2Darray[10][10]

For $1 = 0 To UBound($a2Darray) - 1
    For $2 = 0 To UBound($a2Darray, 2) - 1
        $a2Darray[$2][$1] = StringFormat('%03i-%03i', $1, $2)


; create a 1D array from column #4 of the previous array

Local $a1Darray[UBound($a2Darray)]

For $1 = 0 To UBound($a2Darray) - 1
    $a1Darray[$1] = $a2Darray[$1][3]

_ArrayDisplay($a1Darray, 'Column 4 of 2D array')


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@czardas - yes, before the code was added the request was crystal clear...

Deye - the code you added and the code I posted do essentially the same thing (except that the array name in the array add is wrong).  Is your question answered?


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"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill

4 hours ago, kylomas said:

@czardas - yes, before the code was added the request was crystal clear...

Not to me. Extracting a column is not going to solve the crash issue. It could have been a work-around solution to a different problem, in which case further information might have proved useful.

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