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I have a script that is calling 2 browser windows in my GUI and loading up the appropriate URLs.  Tested alone it works fine.  I also have another script that launches a 3rd party application in the GUI.  When I try to modify my 2nd script so that it includes the two browser windows along with the GUI, the GUI loads but not the browser windows.  Can someone get a second set of eyes on the script below and tell me where my brain jumped track please?  Many Thanks.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <windowsconstants.au3>
#include <IE.au3>

Global $oIE_google = _IECreateEmbedded()
Global $oIE_autoit = _IECreateEmbedded()

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Change to OnEvent mode

$mainWindow = GUICreate("Embed Cmd", 1280, 780, 10, 10)
GUISetState (@SW_SHOW)
GUIRegisterMsg(0xF, "WM_PAINT")

; create a borderless window that is a child to the main window
$embedWindow = GUICREATE("", 700, 400, 15, 15, $WS_POPUP, -1, $mainWindow)
Global $google = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE_google, 10, 10, 1000, 300)
Global $autoit = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE_autoit, 800, 10, 500, 300)
_IENavigate($oIE_google, "http://www.google.com")
_IENavigate($oIE_autoit, "http://www.bing.com")

DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $embedWindow, "hwnd", $mainWindow)

; launch the command prompt (black on white, without the operating system message)
$pid = run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Router Manager\Router Administration.exe")
ProcessWait ($pid)
; get the handle of the cmd window as i cannot be certain that there will be only one instance of the cmd running with the same window title or class
$cmdHandle = _ProcessGetHWnd($pid, 2)
$hWndChild = $cmdHandle[1][1]
; make the command prompt window a child to the earlier created borderless child window
DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $hWndChild, "hwnd", $embedWindow)
; resize the command prompt window so that its bolder and title bar are outside the borderless child window
;  giving the appearance of a borderless command prompt
WinMove($hWndChild, '', 10, 500, 485, 206)
;WinMove($hWndChild, '', 10, 500)
WinSetState($hWndChild, '', @SW_SHOW)
WinSetState($embedWindow, '', @SW_SHOW)
WinSetState($oIE_google, '', @SW_SHOW)
WinSetState($oIE_autoit, '', @SW_SHOW)

; inifinite event loop
While 1

; sleep for 100 milliseconds (to not hog the cpu)

; end of event loop

Func CLOSEClicked()
; take care of things to do when exiting

Func WM_PAINT($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "InvalidateRect", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", 0, "int", 0)
EndFunc  ;==>WM_PAINT

; Function Name:    _ProcessGetHWnd
; Description:      Returns the HWND(s) owned by the specified process (PID only !).
; Parameter(s):     $iPid        - the owner-PID.
;                    $iOption    - Optional : return/search methods :
;                        0 - returns the HWND for the first non-titleless window.
;                        1 - returns the HWND for the first found window (default).
;                        2 - returns all HWNDs for all matches.
;                   $sTitle        - Optional : the title to match (see notes).
;                    $iTimeout    - Optional : timeout in msec (see notes)
; Return Value(s):  On Success - returns the HWND (see below for method 2).
;                        $array[0][0] - number of HWNDs
;                        $array[x][0] - title
;                        $array[x][1] - HWND
;                   On Failure    - returns 0 and sets @error to 1.
; Note(s):            When a title is specified it will then only return the HWND to the titles
;                    matching that specific string. If no title is specified it will return as
;                    described by the option used.
;                    When using a timeout it's possible to use WinWaitDelay (Opt) to specify how
;                    often it should wait before attempting another time to get the HWND.
; Author(s):        Helge
Func _ProcessGetHWnd($iPid, $iOption = 1, $sTitle = "", $iTimeout = 2000)
    Local $aReturn[1][1] = [[0]], $aWin, $hTimer = TimerInit()

    While 1

    ; Get list of windows
        $aWin = WinList($sTitle)

    ; Searches thru all windows
        For $i = 1 To $aWin[0][0]

        ; Found a window owned by the given PID
            If $iPid = WinGetProcess($aWin[$i][1]) Then

            ; Option 0 or 1 used
                If $iOption = 1 OR ($iOption = 0 And $aWin[$i][0] <> "") Then
                    Return $aWin[$i][1]

            ; Option 2 is used
                ElseIf $iOption = 2 Then
                    ReDim $aReturn[UBound($aReturn) + 1][2]
                    $aReturn[0][0] += 1
                    $aReturn[$aReturn[0][0]][0] = $aWin[$i][0]
                    $aReturn[$aReturn[0][0]][1] = $aWin[$i][1]

    ; If option 2 is used and there was matches then the list is returned
        If $iOption = 2 And $aReturn[0][0] > 0 Then Return $aReturn

    ; If timed out then give up
        If TimerDiff($hTimer) > $iTimeout Then ExitLoop

    ; Waits before new attempt

; No matches
    Return 0
EndFunc  ;==>_ProcessGetHWnd

$StaticTxt = ControlGetText("Embed Cmd","",1007)
 MsgBox(1,"Static Text", $StaticTxt)

While GUIGetMsg() <> -3



Are you experiencing a strange occurrence and that the window instead of being embedded is acting like an overlay? In other words, are you getting a window covering up another and can actually click and drag it out separating the two?

If so, I wonder about the DLL calls  you're making to make the parent/child windows. I could be wrong. But wouldn't something like this be more helpful:


$h_HWND = _IEPropertyGet($o_IE, "hwnd")
$hhwnd = WinGetProcess($hWnd)
_WinAPI_SetParent($h_HWND, [your GUI])
_WinAPI_MoveWindow($h_HWND, $0, $0, 1049, 550, False)

The two browser windows would be something like this:

$o_IE = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
$o_IE.theatermode = True
$o_IE.fullscreen = True
$o_IE.statusbar = False
_IENavigate($o_IE, 'about:blank')

$o_IETwo = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
$o_IETwo.theatermode = True
$o_IETwo.fullscreen = True
$o_IETwo.statusbar = False
_IENavigate($o_IETwo, 'about:blank')

I hope this helps. The other folks here can add more insights.

Posted (edited)


You are overlaying your controls/windows and after the 2nd guicreate you do NOT do a GuiSetState() to show the gui...


edit: This is not launching the command processor...

; launch the command prompt (black on white, without the operating system message)
$pid = run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Router Manager\Router Administration.exe")

Also, not sure if winsetstate is the same as guisetstate...

edit2: Output from the cmd window is not read with windows cmds/funcs, rather with stdoutread.  So I am not sure what you expect from creating a cmd window.

If you outline what you are trying to do there are probably examples available.

Edited by kylomas
additional info

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@kylomas put simply I'm just trying to embed 2 browser windows and the router application.  We are doing web testing and want to watch the front end in one browser window, the back end in the other browser window, and the router in the 3rd.  This will be distributed to a few of our offices so it needs to be a standard GUI that encompasses both browsers and the router GUI in one AutoIT GUI.

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