faustf Posted April 24, 2017 Posted April 24, 2017 hi guys i have strange error , when i run any script run and maybe at half appear this error Autoit3.exe - No Disk there is no disk in the drive. please insert a disk into drive \device\harddisk2\dr2 cancel tryagain continue i click over continue and after some time repopup the same error how can resulve it???
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted April 24, 2017 Moderators Posted April 24, 2017 Just to be clear, this happens regardless of the script you're running? "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
ModemJunki Posted April 24, 2017 Posted April 24, 2017 Can you post a screenshot and an example script? Always carry a towel.
Belini Posted April 24, 2017 Posted April 24, 2017 In your script you use the DriveGetDrive() ? My Codes: Virtual Key Code UDF: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/138246-virtual-key-code-udf/ GuiSplashTextOn.au3: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/143542-guisplashtexton-udf/ Menu versions of Autoit: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/137435-menu-versions-of-autoit/#entry962011 Selects first folder of letters: ]http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/144780-select-folders-by-letter/#entry1021708/spoiler] List files and folders with long addresses.: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/144910-list-files-and-folders-with-long-addresses/#entry102 2926 Program JUKEBOX made in Autoit:some functions:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ2tC2fD5Qs Navigation to search:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lblwOFIbgtQ
faustf Posted April 25, 2017 Author Posted April 25, 2017 no not use DriveGetDrive the problem appear with this script expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: faustf Script Function: GROSSISTI GRABBER BY faustf DA CONTROLLARE ASSOLUTAMENTE LA 3 COLONNA c IN EXCEL: METTE COMPONENTI PC---> MODULI MEMORIA ----> MASTERIZZATORIDVD INTERNI??? FUTURES INSERIRE I LOG , ADESSO SOLO SULL EXCEL #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include <IE.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <InetConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIsysinfoConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> _IEErrorHandlerRegister(_User_ErrFunc) If ProcessExists("iexplore.exe") Then ; Check if the internet esplorer process is running. ProcessClose("iexplore.exe") EndIf If ProcessExists("EXCEL.exe") Then ; Check if the excel process is running. ProcessClose("EXCEL.exe") EndIf Global $iGRitardo = 2000, $oIE, $sGName4ExcelG1 Global $aGArray, $aGArray1, $sGName4ExcelG2, $sGName4ExcelG3, $iGTimeToCeck = "6000", $iGTimeOut = "60000" Global $iGCTRLExTrktOrNOT = 0, $iGPageDynamo = 3, $iGCTRLcreateGroup3 = 0 ; variabili relative all excel Global $oWorkbook, $A_excel = 2, $B_excel = 2, $C_excel = 2, $D_excel = 2, $E_excel = 2, $F_excel = 2, $G_excel = 2, $H_excel = 2 ;Global $I = 1, $J = 1, $K = 1, $L = 1, $I_P = 0, Global $NumB_excell_riga = 2, $H_excel_360 = 2 _ENTRA_DENTRO() _EXCEL_CREA() _1_STEP() Func _1_STEP() ConsoleWrite('@@ (57) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _1_STEP()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $aLChoice = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\tmp_conf.txt") Local $aLName_link1 = _read_name_e_link_shift(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_1.txt", @ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_1.txt") If $aLName_link1[0] <> "END" Then ;_ArrayDisplay($aLName_link1) $sGName4ExcelG1 = $aLName_link1[0] ; inserisco il nome del gruppo 1 nella variabile globale che riutilizzo per l excel Local $sLHtmlRead1 = _Navigo_link($aLName_link1[1]) ; inserisco dentorurl del primo gruppo da navigare ;ConsoleWrite($sLHtmlRead) _2_STEP() Else MsgBox(0, "Info", "Hai finito di Grabbare, salvati l'excel") ; salva l'excel EndIf EndFunc ;==>_1_STEP Func _2_STEP() ConsoleWrite('@@ (76) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _2_STEP()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace _FileBornExist(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_2.txt") ; controllo se cè file per listare i gruppi2 _FileBornExist(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_2.txt") ; controllo se cè file per listare i link dei gruppi2 _letturaPAG_2_gruppi() ; ritorna su due array globali , nomi $aGArray , link $aGArray1 _Salvataggio_Nomi_Link_txt(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_2.txt", @ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_2.txt", $aGArray, $aGArray1) _3_STEP() EndFunc ;==>_2_STEP Func _3_STEP() ConsoleWrite('@@ (88) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _3_STEP()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $aLName_link2 = _read_name_e_link_shift(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_2.txt", @ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_2.txt") ;_ArrayDisplay($aLName_link2) If $aLName_link2[0] <> "END" Then $sGName4ExcelG2 = $aLName_link2[0] ; inserisco il nome del gruppo 2 nella variabile globale che riutilizzo per l excel ;ConsoleWrite("de"&$aLName_link2[1]&@CRLF) $sLName_link2 = _ArrayToString($aLName_link2, 1, 1) Local $sLHtmlRead2 = _Navigo_link($sLName_link2) ; inserisco dentro url del 2° gruppo da navigare Local $sL2DeepDysp = _CTRLPage_Not_Displayed($sLHtmlRead2) ; controllo se la pagina viene mostrata o meno ;MsgBox(0,'101',$sL2DeepDysp) ; DEBUG INFO If $sL2DeepDysp = "Dysplayed" Then _4_STEP() ElseIf $sL2DeepDysp = "Not Dysplayed" Then _3_STEP() EndIf Else _1_STEP() EndIf EndFunc ;==>_3_STEP Func _4_STEP() ConsoleWrite('@@ (115) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _4_STEP()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $sLFiltri_sino = _Controllo_su_Filtri() ;MsgBox(0,'119','controllo filtri'&$sLFiltri_sino) ; DEBUG INFO Select Case $sLFiltri_sino = "SI Filtri" ; si sono dentro la pagina filtri ;#cs Local $oBtns = $oIE.document.GetElementsByTagName("input") For $oBtn In $oBtns $name = String($oBtn.name()) ConsoleWrite($name & @CRLF) If $name = "ckDisponibili" Then _IEAction($oBtn, "click") EndIf _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) Next Local $oChk = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "btCerca") _IEAction($oChk, "click") _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) ; #ce #cs Local $oChk = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "ckDisponibili") If @error Then MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, '_IEGetObjByName', '@error = ' & @error & @CRLF & '@extended = ' & @extended) ; Set @error when you return from function with Failure Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf _IEAction($oChk, "click") ;clicco v dispunto disponibili _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) Local $oChk = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "btCerca") _IEAction($oChk, "click") _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) #ce Sleep($iGRitardo) Local $sLResultYorN = _Controllo_Nn_Produce_risultati() ; controllo se appare il fumetto la ricerca non produce risultati If $sLResultYorN = "Non Produce Risultati" Then _3_STEP() EndIf ; clicco su filtro cerca solo prodotti disponibili Local $iLResultManyOrNot = _controllo_troppi_risultati() ; controllo se mi appare il fumetto troppi risultati _Controllo_Errore_Generico2() ; serve per controllare se cè un errore generico di pagina html , torna allo step 3 Select Case $iLResultManyOrNot = 0 ; mi è apparso il fumetto troppi risultati (nella pagina filtri) ;_Mostra_subito_perprezzo_2() ; se rimane il fumetto va a cliccare sul tasto a tendina per selezionare range prezzi Case $iLResultManyOrNot = 1 ; non è apparso il fumetto troppi risultati (nella pagina filtri) Local $iLResultProduct4MeYorN = _controllo_se_cisono_prodotti() ; controlla se non ci sono prodotti o se appare il banner mi spiace non ci sono prodotti Select Case $iLResultProduct4MeYorN = 0 ; non ci sono prodotti ;_X_3_pagina() ; questa funzione controlla se esiste la terza pagina e su quanti link è entrato $sGName4ExcelG3 = "" Case $iLResultProduct4MeYorN = 1 ; ci sono prodotti Sleep($iGRitardo) Local $sLUrl = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "locationurl") _IENavigate($oIE, $sLUrl & "&modo=0") _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) Local $iLResultMultyPageExistYN = _controllo_se_multipagina_exist() ; controlla se quando entro dentro prodotti ci sono piu pagine ;Local $real_page = ($Controll_page - 2) ;Local $1_fase = StringReplace($stringa, 'amp;', '') ;$indirizzo_MULTI_pag = StringTrimRight($1_fase, '1') Select Case $iLResultMultyPageExistYN = 0 ; non ci sono multipagine puoi iniziare ad estrarre _estrazione_prodotti() ; estrazione prodotti Case $iLResultMultyPageExistYN = 1 ; ci sono multipagine Local $sLUrl = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "locationurl") Local $iLNM = 1 Do ; loop scorri piu pagine ed estrai prodotti Local $iLCTRLEndMultiPage = _controllo_se_cisono_prodotti() If $iLCTRLEndMultiPage <> 0 Then _estrazione_prodotti() ; estrazione prodotti EndIf _IENavigate($oIE, $sLUrl & "&page=" & $iLNM) ;MsgBox(0,'186',$sLUrl & "&page=" & $iLNM) ; DEBUG ;MsgBox(0,'187',$iLCTRLEndMultiPage) ; DEBUG _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) $iLNM += 1 Until $iLCTRLEndMultiPage = 0 EndSelect EndSelect EndSelect Case $sLFiltri_sino = "NO Filtri" ; non sono dentro la pagina filtri $iGCTRLExTrktOrNOT = 1 _Controllo_Errore_Generico2() _5_STEP_D() ; per creazione terzo gruppo , dinamico EndSelect Select Case $iGCTRLcreateGroup3 <= 0 $aCTRLeXistLink = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_2.txt") If IsArray($aCTRLeXistLink) Then _3_STEP() Else _1_STEP() EndIf Case $iGCTRLcreateGroup3 >= 3 $aCTRLeXistLink = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") If IsArray($aCTRLeXistLink) Then _6_STEP_D() Else _3_STEP() EndIf $iGCTRLcreateGroup3 -= 1 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_4_STEP Func _5_STEP_D() ConsoleWrite('@@ (227) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _5_STEP_D()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace _crea_txt_appoggio_gruppi_e_link_DINAMICO() ;creo file txt di appoggio con i link e i nomi profondita 3 livello minimo _LetturaHTML_DINAMICO_gruppi_Deep3() ; leggo sulla pagina 3 i link dei gruppi e i nomi _estrazione_menu_p_ripulito(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt", @ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") ; estrae dalla array i link e i grppi e li mette in un txt, fatto su misura per la 3 pagina _6_STEP_D() EndFunc ;==>_5_STEP_D Func _6_STEP_D() ConsoleWrite('@@ (237) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _6_STEP_D() gruppo 3' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $aLNameLinkG3 = _read_name_e_link_shift(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt", @ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") ; leggo il nome e il link del terzo gruppo e lo elimino dai txt $iGCTRLcreateGroup3 = $iGPageDynamo ; MsgBox(0, '494', @ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt"); DEBUG ;_ArrayDisplay($aLNameLinkG3, '479 link g3') ; DEBUG If IsArray($aLNameLinkG3) Then Select Case $aLNameLinkG3[0] <> "" $sGName4ExcelG3 = $aLNameLinkG3[0] Local $sLHTML_3_Read = _Navigo_link($aLNameLinkG3[1]) Local $sLCTRL3Result = _Controllo_su_Filtri() If $sLCTRL3Result = "SI Filtri" Then _4_STEP() ElseIf $sLCTRL3Result = "NO Filtri" Then $iGPageDynamo += 1 _6_STEP_D() EndIf Case $aLNameLinkG3[0] = "END" ; finito di leggere il foglio del gruppo 3 ; qui cè da metterci x_3_pagina() MsgBox(0, '260', $iGPageDynamo) If $iGPageDynamo = 3 Then $sGName4ExcelG3 = "" _3_STEP() ElseIf $iGPageDynamo > 3 Then MsgBox(0, '506', 'gruppi maggiori di 3 ') EndIf EndSelect Else MsgBox(0, '159', 'Non è uun array il gruppo 3 ') EndIf EndFunc ;==>_6_STEP_D Func _estrazione_prodotti() ConsoleWrite('@@ (278) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _estrazione_prodotti()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $produ_sHTML_sporco = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) Local $Esaurito_345 = StringInStr($produ_sHTML_sporco, "Esaurito") Local $Non_Vendibile_319 = StringInStr($produ_sHTML_sporco, "Non Vendibile") If $Esaurito_345 = 0 Or $Non_Vendibile_319 = 0 Then Local $produ_sHTML_sporco_promo = StringReplace($produ_sHTML_sporco, "-€", "€") Local $produ_sHTML_sporco_promo_2 = StringReplace($produ_sHTML_sporco_promo, "strong", "") Local $produ_sHTML = StringReplace($produ_sHTML_sporco_promo_2, "</>", "") _True_write_File(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\PROD.TXT", $produ_sHTML) Local $produ_sTXT = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) _True_write_File(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\PRODtxt.TXT", $produ_sTXT) Local $aArray_Cod_prodotti = StringRegExp($produ_sTXT, '(?i)Codice Articolo : (.*?)\r\n', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) Local $produ_sHTML_Clean = StringReplace($produ_sHTML, "<>", "") _True_write_File(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\PREZZIDEBUG.TXT", $produ_sHTML) Local $aArray_Listino_prodotti = StringRegExp($produ_sHTML_Clean, '(?i)"tooltip">€ (.*?)<span>.+?</span>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) Local $aArray_Listino_prodotti_decimale = StringRegExp($produ_sHTML_Clean, '(?i)"tooltip">€ .+?<span>(.*?)</span>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($aArray_Listino_prodotti) Then Else If StringInStr($produ_sHTML_Clean, "€") <> 0 Then EndIf EndIf If $aArray_Cod_prodotti = 1 Then Local $aArray_Cod_prodotti = StringRegExp($produ_sHTML, '(?i)class="modello">(.*?) <span class="txtCompatibile">', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) EndIf Local $sResult_control = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "G" & $G_excel) If $sResult_control <> '' Then MsgBox(0, 'info', 'cè stato uno shift da controllare fuck !!!!') EndIf $G_excel -= 1 Local $sResult_control1 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "G" & $G_excel) If $sResult_control1 = '' Then MsgBox(0, 'info', 'cè stato uno shift_vuoto da controllare fuck !!!!') EndIf $G_excel += 1 ;----------------- INIZIO ESTRAGGO DISPONIBILITA WEB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local $sHTML_text_dispo = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) Local $aArray_Dispo_web = StringRegExp($sHTML_text_dispo, '(?i)Dispo WEB: ([^\r\n]*)', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) Local $aArray_Arrivi_web = StringRegExp($sHTML_text_dispo, '(?i)Arrivi:([^\r\n]*)', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) For $i_dispoweb = 0 To UBound($aArray_Dispo_web) - 1 If $aArray_Dispo_web[$i_dispoweb] <> 0 Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray_Dispo_web[$i_dispoweb], "G" & $G_excel) ; disponibilita $G_excel += 1 ;;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "dispo web " & $i_dispoweb, $aArray_Dispo_web[$i_dispoweb]) EndIf Next For $i_arriviweb = 0 To UBound($aArray_Arrivi_web) - 1 Local $arrivi_web_clean = StringReplace($aArray_Arrivi_web[$i_arriviweb], "?", "") ;----------------- controllo excel se slitta i valori ------------------------------------------------------- Local $H_excel_read_control = ($H_excel_360 + 2) Local $controllo_lettura_excel = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "H" & $H_excel_read_control) ;MsgBox (0,'fioodena',$controllo_lettura_excel) If $controllo_lettura_excel <> "" Then MsgBox(0, 'Info', 'slittamento su foglo excel avvenuto CONTROLLA !!! ') EndIf ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $arrivi_web_clean, "H" & $H_excel) ; riordino $H_excel += 1 $H_excel_360 += 1 ;;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "arrivi web " & $i_arriviweb, $aArray_Arrivi_web[$i_arriviweb]) Next ;----------------- FINE ESTRAGGO DISPONIBILITA WEB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For $i_CodP = 0 To UBound($aArray_Cod_prodotti) - 1 Local $verifica_estensione = StringRight($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], 3) ; Local $controllo_pulizia_codice = StringInStr($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], '</strong>') ;Local $iIndex = _ArraySearch($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], '</strong>') ;;MsgBox(0,'array search',$controllo_pulizia_codice) If $controllo_pulizia_codice = 0 Then If StringLen($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP]) > 34 Then Local $replace_Cls_Cod_2 = StringRegExpReplace($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], '(?i)^.*>(.*?)', '') ;Local $replace_Cls_Cod=StringRegExpReplace($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], '(?i)</(.*?)$', '') If $replace_Cls_Cod_2 = "HD-10" Then $bug_EXC_2372_397 = 1 EndIf $Remove_space_400 = StringStripWS($replace_Cls_Cod_2, $STR_STRIPALL) ; rimuove gli spazi dei codici _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $replace_Cls_Cod_2, "D" & $D_excel) ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], "D" & $D_excel) Else If $aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP] = "HD-10" Then $bug_EXC_2372_397 = 1 EndIf $Remove_space_400 = StringStripWS($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], $STR_STRIPALL) ; rimuove gli spazi dei codici _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], "D" & $D_excel) EndIf Else ; _crea_txt_menu(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri" & '\maremmalupa.html', $aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP]) ;MsgBox(0, '', $aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP]) Local $aArr_prodotti = StringRegExp($aArray_Cod_prodotti[$i_CodP], '(?i)title="QuickInfo:(.*?)"', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) For $vaff = 0 To UBound($aArr_prodotti) - 1 MsgBox(0, '', 'sono qui mmmde') $Remove_space_400 = StringStripWS($aArr_prodotti[$vaff], $STR_STRIPALL) ; rimuove gli spazi dei codici _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArr_prodotti[$vaff], "D" & $D_excel) If $aArr_prodotti[$vaff] = "HD-10" Then $bug_EXC_2372_397 = 1 EndIf Next EndIf _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $sGName4ExcelG2, "B" & $B_excel) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $sGName4ExcelG1, "A" & $A_excel) If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") Then Local $aLEmpty = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") If IsArray($aLEmpty) Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $sGName4ExcelG3, "C" & $A_excel) EndIf EndIf #cs If $ilterzo = 1 Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $sGName4ExcelG3, "C" & $A_excel) Else If $sGUrl <> "" Then ; questo serve se ho piu pagine ,aggiunge il 3 codice _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $sGName4ExcelG3, "C" & $A_excel) EndIf EndIf #ce $B_excel += 1 $A_excel += 1 $D_excel += 1 Next $ilterzo = 0 ;----------------- fine ESTRAGGO CODICI PRODOTTO DAL CORPO HTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;----------------- INIZIO ESTRAGGO PREZZO STREET PRICE PRODOTTO DAL CORPO HTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; prezzi "I" Local $A = 1 For $I = 0 To UBound($aArray_Listino_prodotti) - 1 Local $letter = (Chr(Asc("H") + $A)) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray_Listino_prodotti[$I] & $aArray_Listino_prodotti_decimale[$I], $letter & $NumB_excell_riga) $A += 1 If $A = 5 Then $A = 1 $NumB_excell_riga += 1 EndIf Next ;----------------- fine ESTRAGGO PREZZO STREET PRICE PRODOTTO DAL CORPO HTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;----------------- INIZIO ESTRAGGO DESCRIZIONE SHORT PRODOTTO DAL CORPO HTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Local $sText = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) Local $sTexto = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) _True_write_File(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\DEBUG_SHORTDESCRITZ.TXT", $sText) _True_write_File(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\DEBUG_SHORTDESCRITZ_testo.TXT", $sTexto) Local $aArray_Descrizione_prodotti = StringRegExp($sText, '(?is)<div class="mostro">\h*\n(.*?)</div>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) ; descrizione breve If IsArray($aArray_Descrizione_prodotti) Then Else $aArray_Descrizione_prodotti = StringRegExp($sText, '(?is)<div class="mostro">(.*?)</strong> \h*</div>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) ; descrizione breve EndIf _True_write_File("F:\_GROSSITI-GRAB\Espri_temp\descrizione-short.txt", $sText) For $i_DP = 0 To UBound($aArray_Descrizione_prodotti) - 1 Local $str = StringRegExpReplace($aArray_Descrizione_prodotti[$i_DP], '<strong.*?>', "") $str = StringRegExpReplace($str, '</strong> ', " ") ; @crlf) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $str, "E" & $E_excel) $E_excel += 1 Next ;----------------- FINE ESTRAGGO DESCRIZIONE SHORT PRODOTTO DAL CORPO HTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EndIf ; endif del controllo se è esaurito EndFunc ;==>_estrazione_prodotti Func _controllo_se_multipagina_exist() ; controlla se quando entro dentro prodotti ci sono piu pagine ConsoleWrite('@@ (456) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _controllo_se_multipagina_exist()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $sText = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) Local $sText_solo_testo = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) Local $aArray_link_altrePAG1_2 = StringRegExp($sText_solo_testo, '(?is)precedente(.*?)successiva', 3) Local $aArray_link_altrePAG1 = StringRegExp($sText, '<div class="(.*?)" abp=".+?">', 3) Local $macth_successiva = StringInStr($sText_solo_testo, "successiva") If $macth_successiva = 0 Then Return 0 ; non ci sono multipagine puoi iniziare ad estrarre Else Return 1 ; ci sono multipagine EndIf EndFunc ;==>_controllo_se_multipagina_exist Func _controllo_se_cisono_prodotti() ; controllase ci sono prodotti o se appare il banner mi spiace non ci sono prodotti ConsoleWrite('@@ (473) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _controllo_se_cisono_prodotti()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $controllo_0_prodotti = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) Local $iPosition = StringInStr($controllo_0_prodotti, "Spiacenti, la ricerca effettuata non ha trovato prodotti disponibili alla vendita per te.") If $iPosition <> 0 Then Return 0 ; non ci sono prodotti Else Return 1 ; ci sono prodotti EndIf EndFunc ;==>_controllo_se_cisono_prodotti Func _controllo_troppi_risultati() ; controllo se mi appare il fumetto troppi risultati ConsoleWrite('@@ (485) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _controllo_troppi_risultati()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $sLHtml = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) Local $iLResult = StringInStr($sLHtml, "Troppi risultati!") If $iLResult = 0 Then Return 1 ; non apparso il fumetto troppi risultati Else Return 0 ; apparso il fumetto troppi risultati EndIf #cs Local $status_before = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "locationurl") Local $oChk = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "btCerca") _IEAction($oChk, "click") _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) Sleep($iGRitardo) Local $status_after = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "locationurl") If $status_before = $status_after Then Return 0 ; apparso il fumetto troppi risultati Else Return 1 ; non apparso il fumetto troppi risultati EndIf #ce EndFunc ;==>_controllo_troppi_risultati Func _Controllo_Nn_Produce_risultati() ; controllo se appare il fumetto la ricerca non produce risultati ConsoleWrite('@@ (511) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _Controllo_Nn_Produce_risultati()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $read_npr_160 = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) Local $Position_read_npr = StringInStr($read_npr_160, "La ricerca non produce risultati.") If $Position_read_npr = 0 Then Return "Produce Risultati" Else Return "Non Produce Risultati" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Controllo_Nn_Produce_risultati Func _crea_txt_appoggio_gruppi_e_link_DINAMICO() ;creo file txt di appoggio con i link e i nomi profondita 3 livello minimo ConsoleWrite('@@ (529) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _crea_txt_appoggio_gruppi_e_link_DINAMICO()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace _FileBornExist(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") ; controllo se c'è file per listare i gruppi _FileBornExist(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\Gruppi_link_" & $iGPageDynamo & ".txt") ; controllo se c'è file per listare i link dei gruppi EndFunc ;==>_crea_txt_appoggio_gruppi_e_link_DINAMICO Func _LetturaHTML_DINAMICO_gruppi_Deep3() ; leggo sulla pagina 3 i link dei gruppi e i nomi ConsoleWrite('@@ (537) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _LetturaHTML_DINAMICO_gruppi_Deep3()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $sLHTML_3_Level = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) $aGArray = StringRegExp($sLHTML_3_Level, '(?s)Famiglia=.+?">(.*?)</a>', 3) ; per estrarre i gruppi pag. 0 $aGArray1 = StringRegExp($sLHTML_3_Level, '(?is)<a\s+href="/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/MostraFiltri([^"]+)"', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) ;per estrarre i link da oag. 0 EndFunc ;==>_LetturaHTML_DINAMICO_gruppi_Deep3 Func _estrazione_menu_p_ripulito($Nomi_dei_MenuP, $Link_dei_MenuP) ; estrae dalla array i link e i grppi e li mette in un txt, fatto su misura per la 3 pagina ConsoleWrite('@@ (546) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _estrazione_menu_p_ripulito()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace For $I = 0 To UBound($aGArray) - 1 _True_write_File($Nomi_dei_MenuP, $aGArray[$I]) Next ; -------------- INIZIO RACCOLTA LINK GRUPPI ------------------------------------- For $I = 0 To UBound($aGArray1) - 1 ;Local $sLlink_pulito[$I] = StringReplace($aGArray1[$I], "amp;", "") ;_True_write_File($Link_dei_MenuP, "http://www.esprinet.com/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/MostraFiltri" & $sLlink_pulito[$I]) _True_write_File($Link_dei_MenuP, "http://www.esprinet.com/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/MostraFiltri" & StringReplace($aGArray1[$I], "amp;", "")) Next ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EndFunc ;==>_estrazione_menu_p_ripulito Func _Controllo_su_Filtri() ConsoleWrite('@@ (566) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _Controllo_su_Filtri()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $sHTML = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) If @error Then MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, '_IEBodyReadHTML', '@error = ' & @error & @CRLF & '@extended = ' & @extended) EndIf ;Local $bodi_filtro = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "miniFiltri") Local $bodi_filtro = StringInStr($sHTML, "miniFiltri") If @error Then MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, '_IEGetObjById', '@error = ' & @error & @CRLF & '@extended = ' & @extended) ; Set @error when you return from function with Failure Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If $bodi_filtro = 0 Then Return "NO Filtri" Else Return "SI Filtri" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Controllo_su_Filtri Func _Controllo_Errore_Generico2() ConsoleWrite('@@ (585) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _Controllo_Errore_Generico2()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $controllo_ERRORE_GEN = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) Local $iPosition = StringInStr($controllo_ERRORE_GEN, "verificato un problema cercando di servire la risorsa che stavi cercando.") If $iPosition <> 0 Then $Controllo_ERRORgenerico = 0 MsgBox(0, 'Info', 'ce un errore torna in dietro dai retta nini ', 30) _3_STEP() EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Controllo_Errore_Generico2 Func _CTRLPage_Not_Displayed($sLHTML_Page_Nt_Dysp) ConsoleWrite('@@ (598) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _CTRLPage_Not_Displayed()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $iLResultPg_Nt_Dysp = StringInStr($sLHTML_Page_Nt_Dysp, "The webpage cannot be displayed") If $iLResultPg_Nt_Dysp = 0 Then Return "Dysplayed" Else Return "Not Dysplayed" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CTRLPage_Not_Displayed Func _Salvataggio_Nomi_Link_txt($PathName, $PathLink, $DataName, $DataLink) ; salva nomi e link sul txt, da dopo il livello 1 ConsoleWrite('@@ (610) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _Salvataggio_Nomi_Link_txt()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace For $I = 0 To UBound($DataName) - 1 _True_write_File($PathName, $DataName[$I]) _True_write_File($PathLink, "http://www.esprinet.com/" & $DataLink[$I]) Next EndFunc ;==>_Salvataggio_Nomi_Link_txt Func _letturaPAG_2_gruppi() ; legge la seconda pagina amplificatori autoradio audioporttile hifi ConsoleWrite('@@ (622) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _letturaPAG_2_gruppi()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $sLHTML_2_level = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) ;leggo l html body , ma è sporco per estrarre i link direttamente $aGArray = StringRegExp($sLHTML_2_level, "btn btn-small gradient eleCat.+?<a[^>]+>\h*([^<]+)</a>", 3) ;_ArrayDisplay($aGArray) Local $sLHTML_2_level_clean = StringReplace($sLHTML_2_level, '&', '">') ; pulisco l html body $aGArray1 = StringRegExp($sLHTML_2_level_clean, '(?i)" rel="/(.*?)">', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) ; cerco la stringa link ;_ArrayDisplay($aGArray1) EndFunc ;==>_letturaPAG_2_gruppi ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: faustf ; Modified.......: ; What do........: controlla se il file esiste nella cartella se si lo cancella e ne crea uno nuovo vuoto, se no non fa nulla ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileBornExist($sFilePath) ConsoleWrite('@@ (640) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _FileBornExist()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $iFileExists = FileExists($sFilePath) If $iFileExists Then FileDelete($sFilePath) _FileCreate($sFilePath) Else _FileCreate($sFilePath) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileBornExist Func _Navigo_link($sUrlpath) ConsoleWrite('@@ (653) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _Navigo_link()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace _IENavigate($oIE, $sUrlpath) _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) Sleep($iGRitardo) Local $sLTexet = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) Return $sLTexet EndFunc ;==>_Navigo_link Func _EXCEL_CREA() ConsoleWrite('@@ (666) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _EXCEL_CREA()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $oAppl = _Excel_Open(True,False,True,True,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example", "Error creating the Excel application object." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookNew($oAppl) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Categoria", "A1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Sotto Categoria", "B1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Sotto Sotto Categoria", "C1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Codice", "D1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Descrizione", "E1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "", "F1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Disponibilita", "G1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Arrivi", "H1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Listino", "I1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Margine", "J1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Prezzo c&c", "K1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "Prezzo Web", "L1") EndFunc ;==>_EXCEL_CREA Func _ENTRA_DENTRO() ConsoleWrite('@@ (690) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _ENTRA_DENTRO()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $aLSetting = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Temp_Espri\login.txt") If IsArray($aLSetting) Then Else MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the file.") Return False EndIf Local $User_read = $aLSetting[0] Local $pass_read = $aLSetting[1] $oIE = _IECreate("https://auth.esprinet.com/sso/customer/login?returnUrl=%2Fsso%2Fcustomer%2Fissue%3Fwtrealm%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.esprinet.com%252fauthproxy%252ftoken%26wctx%3DWsFedOwinState%253dJ8R2lIV2yzUNGiWHknXBfOYfvUw-HvA51FosMyAfPw42HyxSviKkI9SXqngjTry7ww2CUXcZp2GcQfYe0t7lrZXl5rxkf05M7Wo08XVrs85xIXuOyNayOWfePOHv9rB_YHhqx08jnVHjadPxm-a29NUSpjFvkuZ18vFQUDRHNUKbYiTd05v02dkJzA3ewuRHtax-1iPd8pa4g7MRtGy0bWqazf04Cvq6TtFI1u5rUK4E6kkkkn7w_-qvCymfZ1Gh%26wa%3Dwsignin1.0%26wreply%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.esprinet.com%252fauthproxy%252fstatus", 0, 1, 1, 1) ; <--- 0011 invisible explorer <--- 0111 visible explorer _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) Local $oBtns = $oIE.document.GetElementsByTagName("input") For $oBtn In $oBtns $name = String($oBtn.name()) $classname = String($oBtn.classname()) If $name = "Username" Then _IEAction($oBtn, "click") _IEFormElementSetValue($oBtn, $User_read) EndIf If $name = "Password" Then _IEAction($oBtn, "click") _IEFormElementSetValue($oBtn, $pass_read) EndIf Sleep(1000) If $classname = "btn btn-primary btn-block" Then _IEAction($oBtn, "click") EndIf Next While 1 Sleep(1000) Local $sText = _IEBodyReadText($oIE) If StringInStr($sText, "Sei connesso ad Esprinet") Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Sleep(500) _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) _IENavigate($oIE, "http://www.esprinet.com/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/ElencoGruppi/", 1) _IELoadWait($oIE, $iGTimeToCeck, $iGTimeOut) EndFunc ;==>_ENTRA_DENTRO ; ==================== FUNZIONI ASSIMILABILI A UDF AGGIUNTIVA ============================================================= ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: spider-esprinet.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: Italian ; Description ...: A collection of Function for spider ; Author ........: Faustf ; What do you do.: Write data in File ; Version .......: 0.0.1 BETA - Work in progress 23/03/2017 ; Syntax ........: path name and path link remove first line and shift ; ================================================================================ Func _read_name_e_link_shift($PathName, $PathLink) ConsoleWrite('@@ (755) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _read_name_e_link_shift()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $aLGruppi_1 = FileReadToArray($PathName) If @error Then MsgBox(0, 'Info', 'Errrore lettura nomi Gruppo X' & @error) EndIf Local $aLGruppi_Link_1 = FileReadToArray($PathLink) If @error Then MsgBox(0, 'Info', 'Errrore lettura Link Gruppo X ' & @error) EndIf FileDelete($PathName) FileDelete($PathLink) For $I = 1 To UBound($aLGruppi_1) - 1 _True_write_File($PathName, $aLGruppi_1[$I]) _True_write_File($PathLink, $aLGruppi_Link_1[$I]) Next Local $aLResult[2] If IsArray($aLGruppi_1) Then $aLResult[0] = $aLGruppi_1[0] $aLResult[1] = $aLGruppi_Link_1[0] Return $aLResult Else MsgBox(0, 'Errore', 'Non posso proseguire manca il link del gruppo 1 e/o i nomi del gruppo 1') $aLResult[0] = "END" Return $aLResult EndIf EndFunc ;==>_read_name_e_link_shift ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: spider-esprinet.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: Italian ; Description ...: A collection of Function for Logic of Gest ; Author ........: Faustf ; What do you do.: Write data in File ; Version .......: 0.0.1 BETA - Work in progress 23/03/2017 ; Syntax ........: ; ================================================================================ Func _True_write_File($sFilePath, $sDataWrite, $iReturn = 0) ConsoleWrite('@@ (796) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _True_write_File()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace If $iReturn = Default Then $iReturn = 0 $file = FileOpen($sFilePath, 1) If $iReturn = 0 Then FileWrite($file, $sDataWrite & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($file, $sDataWrite) EndIf FileClose($file) EndFunc ;==>_True_write_File ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: GUI_Configure.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: Italian ; Description ...: A collection of Function for Logic of Gest ; Author ........: Faustf ; What do you do.: Remove Blank in array 1d ; Version .......: 0.0.1 BETA - Work in progress 15/03/2016 ; Syntax ........: ; ================================================================================ Func _Remove_BlankIN_Array($arr_2) ConsoleWrite('@@ (819) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _Remove_BlankIN_Array()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace For $I = UBound($arr_2) - 1 To 0 Step -1 If $arr_2[$I] = "" Then _ArrayDelete($arr_2, $I) EndIf Next Return $arr_2 EndFunc ;==>_Remove_BlankIN_Array Func _User_ErrFunc($oError) ConsoleWrite('@@ (830) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _User_ErrFunc()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace ; Do anything here. ConsoleWrite(@ScriptFullPath & " (" & $oError.scriptline & ") : ==> COM Error intercepted !" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.number is: " & @TAB & @TAB & "0x" & Hex($oError.number) & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oError.windescription & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oError.description & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.source is: " & @TAB & @TAB & $oError.source & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oError.helpcontext & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "err.retcode is: " & @TAB & "0x" & Hex($oError.retcode) & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>_User_ErrFunc and other script similar (dirty copy)
Danp2 Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 In which function does the error appear? Latest Webdriver UDF Release Webdriver Wiki FAQs
ModemJunki Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 Is function _True_write_File creating files? Perhaps try to change: $file = FileOpen($sFilePath, 1) to $file = FileOpen($sFilePath, 9) Always carry a towel.
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted April 25, 2017 Moderators Posted April 25, 2017 (edited) 5 hours ago, faustf said: the problem appear with this script and other script similar (dirty copy) @faustf so as usual, you go from "error with any script I run" in your first post to just this script and one other. And I am going to take a wild guess that you have not done anything to track down where in the script it is failing, am I correct? You have almost 900 lines, lines and even entire blocks of code commented out, are you sure you have not commented something out that you need? Is this your script, or one you simply copied this from somewhere, and don't know quite what it does? Edited April 25, 2017 by JLogan3o13 "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
faustf Posted April 25, 2017 Author Posted April 25, 2017 (edited) is random but usally in _True_write_File() stopped http://it.tinypic.com/r/2uysx2u/9 @ModemJunki i change 1 to 9 but have the same effect is mine code , but i dont know how start to do this problem Edited April 25, 2017 by faustf
ModemJunki Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 _True_write_File is opening and closing the file to be written to. Maybe it goes too fast and the file close is not written from buffer, then it tries to open and you get error. Maybe try putting sleep(500) after FileClose($file)? If that works then adjust sleep down to the smallest amount you can get or 50 milliseconds, whichever is greater. Func _True_write_File($sFilePath, $sDataWrite, $iReturn = 0) ConsoleWrite('@@ (796) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') _True_write_File()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace If $iReturn = Default Then $iReturn = 0 $file = FileOpen($sFilePath, 1) If $iReturn = 0 Then FileWrite($file, $sDataWrite & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($file, $sDataWrite) EndIf FileClose($file) Sleep(500) EndFunc ;==>_True_write_File Always carry a towel.
faustf Posted April 25, 2017 Author Posted April 25, 2017 thankz i think i find a problem , is one path have not @_scriptdir but relative path wrong Xandy 1
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