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Posted (edited)

Hey guys,

I'm looking to implement an accurate voice recognition method in my program. I tried to understand the Microsoft SAPI API, read their online documentation and found it very confusing and unclear. (Like seriously, it's so bad and vague, but that's just my opinion). I have also tried using UTTER UDF, but could not get a grasp either, because you know, that's an extension UDF to Microsoft SAPI.

Let's face it, the Google Speech Recognition is much more accurate than Microsoft SAPI (by far). Right now, I am determined to just use the Google Speech API. I have dug deep in regards to implementing the Google Speech API in AutoIT and I haven't found even one post about it. I suppose it's because the Google Speech API was only recently made available to the public. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link to google api. On that page, notice that there is language support for various languages such as Java, C#, and PHP. However, there's no support for AutoIT. So my question is; how can I go about implementing the Google Speech API into my AutoIT program? Is it even possible?

Cheers guys!

Edited by LeloDragneel

Hi @LeloDragneel.

Yeah it is possible to implement the Google Speech API. It accepts REST, AutoIt can handle that.

The UDF you will haft to write yourself, based on their documentation, or wait for someone to make it.

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