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Hi everyone,

I made a script that runs a locally installed console with a runas /netonly so it can access an SQL DB in another domain through an ODBC connection. The script asks the user for username and password and then uses that information in the autoit RunAs command. Pretty straight forward and it works. All this is meant to be put into an AppV Sequence, and that works too.
The problem is: The password is saved in a variable as string, which means that it could be pulled from the memory in cleartext if someone would want to.

Question: Is there a possibility to save strings securely in the memory with autoit, so this can't happen?

Here's the script in question. It also saves the Username in the registry so the user doesn't have to enter it every time.

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>

;Define Variables - ONLY THINGS TO EDIT TO RUN-AS!
$ConnectDomain = "<DomainName>"
$ExeToRun = "<ConsoleExe>"

;Get default user:
$TSCredStore = "HKCU\Software\Company\Credentials\"&$ConnectDomain
$DefaultUser = RegRead($TSCredStore, "User")

;Window Asking for user, exit on cancel:
$MKAU = InputBox ( $ConnectDomain&" - User", "Please enter your "&$ConnectDomain&" User without domain.", $DefaultUser," M")
If @Error Then
;Write User to Default User Credentials Key:
RegWrite($TSCredStore, "User", "REG_SZ", $MKAU)

;Window Asking for password:
$MKAP = ""
$MKAP = InputBox ( $ConnectDomain&" - Password", "Please enter your "&$ConnectDomain&" Password" , "" , "*M")
If @Error Then
   ;Empty Password Variable
   $MKAP = ""

;Run Console with User
RunAs($MKAU,$ConnectDomain,$MKAP,$RUN_LOGON_NETWORK, @Scriptdir&"\"&$ExeToRun,"",@SW_SHOW , $STDIN_CHILD  )

;Empty Password Variable
$MKAP = ""



As I read from other topics related to deleting your variable or assigning 0 or ""; please check if those topics may help you: 


I have one suggestion: I see that you directly save your password to the variable MKAP. Well, do not assign your password directly to a variable. Try to encrypt it in the first time, and send the password back without assigning to variable again (at least your user key needs to be stored): 

#include <Crypt.au3>

;... some of your code from the top
;$MKAP = InputBox ( $ConnectDomain&" - Password", "Please enter your "&$ConnectDomain&" Password" , "" , "*M")

Local Const $sUserKey = "YouNeedAUserKey" ; Declare a password string to decrypt/encrypt the data.
;assign MKAP to the crypted value, not directly to the original password
Local $MKAP = _Crypt_EncryptData(InputBox ("$ConnectDomain - Password", "Please enter your $ConnectDomain Password" , "" , "*M"), $sUserKey, $CALG_AES_256)

;Run Console with User
;RunAs($MKAU,$ConnectDomain,$MKAP,$RUN_LOGON_NETWORK, @Scriptdir&"\"&$ExeToRun,"",@SW_SHOW , $STDIN_CHILD  )

;send the encrypted one without assigning to a variable
RunAs($MKAU,$ConnectDomain,BinaryToString(_Crypt_DecryptData($MKAP, $sUserKey, $CALG_AES_256)),$RUN_LOGON_NETWORK, @Scriptdir&"\"&$ExeToRun,"",@SW_SHOW , $STDIN_CHILD  )



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