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Posted (edited)


I am trying to check a number of applications are up to date and install the update if required. This will run as a shutdown script, pushed out through Group Policy.

I am querying various registry keys to determine if

  1. The software is actually installed
  2. The software is at the correct version

Once the need for update is determined then it calls another function to run the update.

If the software is up to date or not installed, it moves down to the next software section which changes the registry key variables and calls the registry query function again

I have managed to get the function for (un)installs to work but I am having trouble with the registry query function

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>

; Here we go!

;Declare variables
Global $RegKey86, $RegKey64, $RegValueName, $RegValueData, $CheckVersion86, $CheckVersion64

; 7Zip
Func _7Zip_Function()

; Registry location and values that are checked for current software version
; Ensure the x64 key is preceeded with 'HKLM64'

; Excecution
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If _CheckSW() = 1 Then
EndFunc ;==>_7Zip_Function

; Functions
Func _CheckSW()
    $CheckVersion86=RegRead ($RegKey86, $RegValueName)
    $CheckVersion64=RegRead ($RegKey64, $RegValueName)
    If $CheckVersion86=$RegValueData Or $CheckVersion64=$RegValueData Then
        Return 0
    ElseIf $CheckVersion86="" And $CheckVersion64="" Then
        Return 0
        Return 1
EndFunc ;==>CheckSW


Edited by MarkBe

What trouble are you having?  Personally I would use _VersionCompare something like:

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

; Here we go!

;Declare variables
Global $RegKey86, $RegKey64, $RegValueName, $RegValueData, $CheckVersion86, $CheckVersion64

; 7Zip
Func _7Zip_Function()

; Registry location and values that are checked for current software version
; Ensure the x64 key is preceeded with 'HKLM64'

; Excecution
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If _RegVersionCompare($RegKey64, $RegValueName, $RegValueData) = 1 Then
EndFunc ;==>_7Zip_Function

; Functions
Func _RegVersionCompare($sRegHive, $sRegKey, $sRegValue)
    Local $iVersionCompare = _VersionCompare(RegRead($sRegHive, $sRegKey), $sRegValue)
    Switch $iVersionCompare
        Case 0
            Return 0
        Case 1
            Return 0
        Case -1
            Return 1
EndFunc ;==>CheckSW


Posted (edited)

Thanks Subz

This is very close. Once I had put in #include <Misc.au3> it runs the installer if the software is out of date and does not run the installer if it is current.

There is one scenario that isn't working quite right for me yet, if the software isn't installed at all, I don't want the installer to run. Do you have a suggestion for handling that?


p.s. I like the fact that if someone has manually installed a newer version that the script you suggested doesn't roll it back

Edited by MarkBe

You could use the following:

Func _RegVersionCompare($sRegHive, $sRegKey, $sRegValue)
    If RegRead($sRegHive, $sRegKey) = "" Then Return 0
    Local $iVersionCompare = _VersionCompare(RegRead($sRegHive, $sRegKey), $sRegValue)
    Switch $iVersionCompare
        Case 0
            Return 0
        Case 1
            Return 0
        Case -1
            Return 1
EndFunc ;==>CheckSW



Thanks Subz

You have pointed me in the right direction. Unfortunately the old version of 7Zip I am updating stores the version in a different hive ... I'll try and fix this new development myself and post back if I get stuck again

Now I just need to work out how to mark your reply as the answer ...


They only have the Like this buttons on each post, if you want to mark the post as resolved, you can edit the first post which allows you to edit the title of the post.


There's probably a more elegant way to do this but I ended up with the following:

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

; Here we go!

;Declare variables
Global $RegHive86, $RegHive64, $RegKey, $RegValue, $OldVerRegHive86, $OldVerRegHive64, $OldVerRegHive86on64, $OldVerRegVerString, $OldVerRegVerValue, $OldVerUninstallStringx86, $OldVerUninstallStringx64

; 7Zip
Func _7Zip_Function()

; Variables
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Registry location and values that are checked for current software version. Don't use paths with hash values
; Ensure the x64 key is preceeded with 'HKLM64'

; Reg keys and values that are checked for old versions

    If _RegVersionCompare($RegHive64, $RegHive86, $OldVerRegHive64, $OldVerRegHive86, $OldVerRegHive86on64, $RegKey, $RegValue) = 1 Then
EndFunc ;==>_7Zip_Function

; Functions
Func _RegVersionCompare($sRegHive64, $sRegHive86, $sOldVerRegHive64, $sOldVerRegHive86, $sOldVerRegHive86on64, $sRegKey, $sRegValue)
    If Not RegRead($sRegHive64, $sRegKey) = "" Then
        Local $iVersionCompare = _VersionCompare(RegRead($sRegHive64, $sRegKey), $sRegValue)
        Switch $iVersionCompare
            Case 0
                Return 0
            Case 1
                Return 0
            Case -1
                Return 1
    ElseIf Not RegRead($sRegHive86, $sRegKey) = "" Then
        Local $iVersionCompare = _VersionCompare(RegRead($sRegHive86, $sRegKey), $sRegValue)
        Switch $iVersionCompare
            Case 0
                Return 0
            Case 1
                Return 0
            Case -1
                Return 1
    ElseIf Not RegRead($sOldVerRegHive64, $sRegKey) = "" Then
        Return 1
    ElseIf Not RegRead($sOldVerRegHive86, $sRegKey) = "" Then
        Return 1
    ElseIf Not RegRead($sOldVerRegHive86on64, $sRegKey) = "" Then
        Return 1
        Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_RegVersionCompare



Couple of things to note:

$OldVerRegHive86 = $OldVerRegHive86on64
- HKLM on a x64 system accesses 32 bit hive i.e. HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node

Since x64 and x86 versions of 7-zip are different installers you should specify which version to install using @OSArch macro, you may also need to get the Guids for both x86/x64 to uninstall for example:

  • "{23170F69-40C1-2701-0920-000001000000}" ; 7-Zip 9.20 x86 Msi Version
  • "{23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000}" ; 7-Zip 9.20 x64 Msi Version
  • "{23170F69-40C1-2701-1604-000001000000}" ; 7-Zip 16.04 x86 Msi Version
  • "{23170F69-40C1-2702-1604-000001000000}" ; 7-Zip 16.04 x64 Msi Version

Yes, discovered that the hard way - last time I deployed this using a batch script

What I have in that section for 7Zip is

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

$SoftwareName="7Zip Archiver"
$InstallingUpdateMessage="Updating " & $SoftwareName & " to " & $SoftwareVersion & "."
$EndMessage="The current version of " & $SoftwareName & " is now installed."
$FailMessage=$SoftwareName & " update failed to install. Please report error to your local IT department."
$UninstallingOldMessage="Uninstalling old versions of " & $SoftwareName & "."

; Paths and files (Don't forget the "\" at the end of the path)==> \\Servername\Share\
$SWInstaller=((@OSArch = "X86") ? $x86Installer : $x64Installer)
$InstallerSwitches=" /S"

Func _InstallSW()
    MsgBox ($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Installing", $InstallingUpdateMessage, 3)
    FileCopy ($SourcePath & $SWInstaller, $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller, $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH)
    If StringLower(StringRight($SWInstaller, 4))=".exe" Then
        RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /k START "' & $SoftwareName & ' Installer" /wait "' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches & ' && EXIT', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE)
        RunWait ('msiexec /i "' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches, @SystemDir)
EndFunc ;==>InstallSW



You should be able to run the install directly from the domain share, but if you wish to copy, I would probably place an "If FileExists" so that it doesn't copy down everytime, I would also use SplashTextOn function to display the progress of the install.  Not sure why you need cmd to run the exe you should be able to just run it directly from the Working directory using RunWait.  Lastly not sure what the last Runwait ('msiexe /i... is suppose to do :)

2 minutes ago, Subz said:

You should be able to run the install directly from the domain share, but if you wish to copy, I would probably place an "If FileExists" so that it doesn't copy down everytime, I would also use SplashTextOn function to display the progress of the install.  Not sure why you need cmd to run the exe you should be able to just run it directly from the Working directory using RunWait.  Lastly not sure what the last Runwait ('msiexe /i... is suppose to do :)

I used to run the installers from the domain share but some remote users found that the script timed out before completion

I also decided to replace on copy because some users got a corrupted copy on the C:\ and so I needed the EXE to be replaced so it didn't fail repetitively! There are some awful network connections between the servers and some of my users - being addressed at the moment though :-)

SplashTextOn sounds good. I haven't discovered many of the cool features of AutoIT yet ... I'm a bit of a noob!

This was taken all from a RunAsWait so I needed to plug in credentials to elevate. Not sure why I used CMD ... think it was because I used to do all the grunt work with CMD and just use AutoIT to elevate. Ran into problems (x64 v x86 batch) so decided to learn AutoIT.

Lastly, I have the msiexec in the function so that if, in the next software section the installer is an MSI then I can still call the same _InstallSW() function and just pipe in different variables


definitely cleaner:

Func _InstallSW()
    MsgBox ($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Installing", $InstallingUpdateMessage, 3)
    FileCopy ($SourcePath & $SWInstaller, $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller, $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH)
    If StringLower(StringRight($SWInstaller, 4))=".exe" Then
        RunWait ('"' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches)
        RunWait ('msiexec /i "' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches)
EndFunc ;==>InstallSW


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