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TCPConnect('', '80')
Local $error = @error
MsgBox(0, 'AutoIt Version: ' & @AutoItVersion, 'AutoIt Error: ' & $error & @CRLF & 'WSAError: ' & _WSAGetLastErrorEx() & @TAB)
Func _WSAGetLastErrorEx()
    Local $a = DllCall('ws2_32.dll', 'int', 'WSAGetLastError')
    If @error Or Not IsArray($a) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 'FuncError -1')
    $a = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'FormatMessage', 'int', 0x00001000, 'ptr', 0, 'int', $a[0], 'int', 0, 'str', 0, 'int', 2048, 'ptr', 0)
    If @error Or Not IsArray($a) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 'FuncError -2')
    Return $a[3] & ' - ' & StringStripWS($a[5], 7)

Tested: autoit-v3.3.12.0, autoit-v3.3.14.0 and autoit-v3.3.15.0 beta on Win7.

Seems to have started with autoit-v3.3.14.0.



"The mediocre teacher tells. The Good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." -William Arthur Ward


I messed around with it some more -- and I suppose you don't have any choice but to use:

AutoItSetOption('TCPTimeout', 1000)

with the newer versions of Autoit -- which is fine.

I do think that the default value of 100ms needs to be set to at least 1000ms.


"The mediocre teacher tells. The Good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." -William Arthur Ward

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