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Posted (edited)

I have a script which is copying one file (the latest file among a bunch of structured folders) from one network device to another network device.

The weird thing is the file copied successfully to the destination folder right after the FileCopy command ran but the script is hanging for another few minutes until it return with exit code 0.

Below is my script:

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>

Func copyfile()

Local $testLogFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\CopyMSI", 1)
Local $BuildArtifacts = "\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts"
Local $dServer = "\\VM-DEV\c$\Users\Administrator\Desktop"

ControlSend("Run", "", 1001, $BuildArtifacts)
ControlClick("Run", "OK", 1)
_FileWriteLog($testLogFile, "Opened Builds folder")

;trying to get the latest build folder and grab the latest msi file for copying
Local $FolderList = _FileListToArray($BuildArtifacts, "Grand-4.*")
_ArraySort($FolderList, 1)
Local $latestSEbuild = $FolderList[0]
Sleep (5000)

Local $sServer = $BuildArtifacts & '\' & $latestSEbuild & '\G4.msi'
; start copying file from build to destination folder

FileCopy($sServer, $dServer, $FC_OVERWRITE)
_FileWriteLog($testLogFile, "Copied MSI")


Edited by Xulong
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How large is the MSI? And how long does it take you to copy that file manually? Is it a slow link? FileCopy is going to stop the script until it finishes, so if it is a large file it may take a few seconds. Longer if it is a slow link.

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1 minute ago, JLogan3o13 said:

How large is the MSI? And how long does it take you to copy that file manually? Is it a slow link? FileCopy is going to stop the script until it finishes, so if it is a large file it may take a few seconds. Longer if it is a slow link.

The file is not large only under 100MB, I can see the file being successfully copied over using the script but just the script won't return exit code after successfully copied over and hanging there for a few minutes before it returns the exit code.


Can you try something like this (untested), uses the default Windows copy process with overwrite, Jos wrote the _FileCopy function:

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>


Func copyfile()
    Local $sLogFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\CopyMSI.log", 1)
    Local $BuildArtifacts = "\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts"
    Local $dServer = "\\VM-DEV\c$\Users\Administrator\Desktop"

    _FileWriteLog($sLogFile, "Opened Builds folder")

    Local $FolderList = _FileListToArrayRec($BuildArtifacts, "Grand-4.*", 2, 0, 1, 2)

    Local $sServer = $FolderList[0] & '\G4.msi'

    _FileCopy($sServer, $dServer)
    _FileWriteLog($sLogFile, "Copied MSI")

Func _FileCopy($sSource, $sTarget)
    Local $FOF_RESPOND_YES = 16
    $hWinShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application")
    $hWinShell.namespace($sTarget).CopyHere($sSource, $FOF_RESPOND_YES)


1 hour ago, Subz said:

Can you try and add ConsoleWrite above _FIleCopy with ConsoleWrite($sServer, $dServer) and make sure the paths are correct?

I used MSGBOX which gives me the correct path but when I use the above ConsoleWrite it gives me error incorrect parameters.

So I tried my script again and it now returns the exit code straight after the FileCopy. But it hangs again when I use the script with CruiseControl as an executable task.


Can you run the code below, can you send through screenshot of _ArrayDisplay and also the output from ConsoleWrite

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>


Func copyfile()
    Local $sLogFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\CopyMSI.log", 1)
    Local $BuildArtifacts = "\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts"
    Local $dServer = "\\VM-DEV\c$\Users\Administrator\Desktop"

    _FileWriteLog($sLogFile, "Opened Builds folder")

    Local $FolderList = _FileListToArrayRec($BuildArtifacts, "Grand-4.*", 2, 0, 1, 2)

    Local $sServer = $FolderList[0] & '\G4.msi'
    ConsoleWrite('Source: ' & $sServer @CRLF & 'Destination: ' & $dServer & @CRLF)
    _FileCopy($sServer, $dServer)
    _FileWriteLog($sLogFile, "Copied MSI")

Func _FileCopy($sSource, $sTarget)
    Local $FOF_RESPOND_YES = 16
    $hWinShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application")
    $hWinShell.namespace($sTarget).CopyHere($sSource, $FOF_RESPOND_YES)



@Subz after executing the above script, I got below message back: 


>"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Users\xulong\Desktop\CopySEMsi.au3"    
C:\Users\xulong\Desktop\CopySEMsi.au3 (19) : ==> Badly formated variable or macro.: 
ConsoleWrite('Source: ' & $sServer @CRLF & 'Destination: ' & $dServer & @CRLF) 
ConsoleWrite('Source: ' & $sServer ^ ERROR
>Exit code: 1    Time: 0.3618



Here is the Array (I trimed a bit as the full list is too long)


Row|Col 0
[1]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[2]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[3]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[4]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[74]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[75]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[76]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)
[77]|\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts\Grand- (Sprint)

From ConsoleWrite, the results is:


Source: 77\G4.msi
Destination: \\VM-DEV\c$\Users\Administrator\Desktop

But the file didn't be copied over to Destination.

Posted (edited)

So the problem I have at the moment is the script I have post initially is working now (script not hanging after FileCopy) but when integrated with CCNet, the script is running for a few minutes and did not copy the file over (only takes 9 seconds if execute manually)

Edited by Xulong

So $sServer was incorrect so have now updated it, I only used the other _FileCopy function so you could see if it was hanging during the copy.  Here is your original code without the unnecessary code, like WinWait etc..

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>


Func copyfile()
    Local $sLogFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\CopyMSI.log", 1)
    Local $BuildArtifacts = "\\vm-build\BuildArtifacts"
    Local $dServer = "\\VM-DEV\c$\Users\Administrator\Desktop"

    _FileWriteLog($sLogFile, "Opened Builds folder")

    Local $FolderList = _FileListToArrayRec($BuildArtifacts, "Grand-4.*", 2, 0, 1, 2)

    Local $sServer = $FolderList[$FolderList[0]] & '\G4.msi'
    ConsoleWrite('Source: ' & $sServer & @CRLF & 'Destination: ' & $dServer & @CRLF)
    FileCopy($sServer, $dServer, $FC_OVERWRITE)
    _FileWriteLog($sLogFile, "Copied MSI")


Posted (edited)

Thank you for the script. Now I know the _FileListToArrayRec which is way more tidy and nice to use in this case. I am going to see how to fix the CC.Net issue now.

Edited by Xulong

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