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possible bug with arrays [NOT]


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Hi all.


Because of me wondering if I could access the key/value pair arrays with the numbers as indexes, I have found out that the zeroth element for some reason doesn't return anything.

Here's the example:


local $r[2]
$r["test2"]="how are you"
msgbox(64, $r[0], $r[1]) ; prints the ["test2"] but not ["test1"]. Is this even supposed to be a thing?



BTW, I haven't seen Autoit get updated since 2015; is it abandened or something?

Any help/clarification appreciated.

Edited by Melba23
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The reason it doesn't work is because AutoIt, currently, doesn't support maps (Which is what you're trying to do). You can assign/get a value using a string in the brackts ([]) because autoit will implicitly convert a string to 0 when it's expecting an integer but supplied a string. So what you really did was this

local $r[2]
$r[0]="how are you"
msgbox(64, $r[0], $r[1]) ; prints the ["test2"] but not ["test1"]. Is this even supposed to be a thing?


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Thanks much guys.

Upon further testing, it seems that the [0] returns the last added element the way I did it. But then comes the question how would you dynamically loop through such arrays if you didn't know the string indexes?

The enum variable way seems a bad idea (performance-wise) for big arrays, so is there another way?

P.S., I'm not using the beta, I did once, and it would always scream at me that it is the beta, and it annoyed me.

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That's why I said "currently, doesn't support maps". :)

If you're trying to loop through an array of unknown values you can use UBound to get the number of elements

#include <Array.au3>

Global $aArray[32]

; UBound - 1 to make it zero based
For $i = 0 to UBound($aArray) - 1
    $aArray[$i] = Random(0, 32, 1)



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