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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone,

I want to autosave a file, for example in a folder in desktop, how can I automatically change the directory to C:\Desktop\ in this File Save Dialog ?

Thank you so much!

How to autosave a file in the correct folder.png

Edited by quannguyen95
  • 7 months later...
FileSaveDialog("save as",@ProgramFilesDir &"\Epson\JavaPOS\SetupPOS",'XML(*.xml)',0,"Jpos.xml")
WinActivate("Save ")


;ControlSend($wnd,"",'[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2;Text:Save]',"s")
;ControlClick($wnd,'', 'button2')

$hWND = WinWait("[CLASS:DirectUIHWND; INSTANCE:2]")
Controlsend("[CLASS:DirectUIHWND; INSTANCE:2]", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]","!s")

 I am not able to click on the save button on windows 10, however windows7  work fine any help is appreciated


Posted (edited)

Reason is,  this is part of a  bigger script, I am working  with an XML file,  however after making changes within the xml file, the changes appear to update only  if I save it as in that same directory. unless there is another way to save xml file

;*********************************************************Routine to add Ip address to pc.properties and  jpos.xml (printers and cash drawer); Sept 6 2017
Global $Jpos=@ProgramFilesDir&"\Epson\JavaPOS\SetupPOS\"&"Jpos.xml"
FileSetAttrib($Jpos & '\JPOS.xml', "-R")
 $ipvalue= "" ;$tabprinter
 $xml = $Jpos

$pdata = FileRead($xml)

Local $posa1 = StringInStr($pdata, '"CashDrawer">')
_Replace($posa1, $ipvalue,$xml)
$pdata = FileRead($xml)

Local $posa2 = StringInStr($pdata, '"POSPrinter">')
_Replace($posa2, $ipvalue,$xml)

FileSetAttrib($Jpos & '\JPOS.xml', "+R")
;~Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($pdata, $FO_APPEND)
;~FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, "" & @CRLF & @CRLF)

;************************************************************function to replace ip inside xlm s Epson********************

Func _Replace($PosData,$ipvalue,$xml)
$pos1 = $PosData

if $pos1>0 Then
    $pos2 = StringInStr($pdata, '</JposEntry', 0, 1, $pos1)
    if $pos2 > 0 Then
        $mdata = StringMid($pdata, $pos1, $pos2-$pos1)

        $p1 = StringInStr($pdata, 'name="PortName"', 0, 1, $pos1)
        if $p1<=$pos2 Then
            $p2 = StringInStr($pdata, '>', 0, 1, $p1)
            if $p2>0 Then
                $txt = StringMid($pdata, $p1, $p2-$p1)
                ;MsgBox(0, '1', $txt)
                $tmp = _StringBetween($txt, 'value="', '"')
                if not @error Then
                    $txt2 = StringReplace($txt, $tmp[0], $ipvalue)
                ;MsgBox(0, '2', $txt2)

                $mdata2 = StringReplace($mdata, $txt, $txt2)
                $pdata = StringReplace($pdata, $mdata, $mdata2)
                ConsoleWrite($pdata & @CRLF)

                $file = FileOpen($xml, 2)
                FileWrite($file, $pdata)
                ;FileSetAttrib(@ScriptDir & '\JPOS.xml', "+R")



Edited by antonioj84
35 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

FileSaveDialog doesn't save a file. Rather, it presents the end-user with a file save dialog where they can navigate and provide input.

Thanks, what do you suggest ? in that case. I have a work around but  it's ugly

1 minute ago, Danp2 said:

I see you are already using FileOpen and FileWrite. Is that not working for you?

No it does not, the file will show kB = 0 even  though the data is updated,  once i do the "saves as" the  file size will show kb =11.  Is there something more I need to add in the code make sure its updated ?

44 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

You need to uncomment this line so that the file gets properly closed.

FYI, you can't call FileClose with a literal string like this.



You are correct, I have done the change, I will test Monday. Thanks for helping out

Posted (edited)

here is my solution. I created  dialogsaveas.exe  I anyone can improve on my code, you are welcome, let me know.

;;;;;; DialogSaveas.exe
Global $Jpos=@ProgramFilesDir&"\Epson\JavaPOS\SetupPOS\"&"Jpos.xml" ;path
FileSetAttrib($Jpos & '\JPOS.xml', "-R")  ; make file editable
FileSaveDialog("save as",@ProgramFilesDir &"\Epson\JavaPOS\SetupPOS",'XML(*.xml)',0,"Jpos.xml") ; create a save as dialog box
;;;;; DialogSaveas.exe

Run('dialogSaveas.exe',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ; hide save dialog box
Sleep(250)   ;* sleep time require

WinActive("save as ")  
$Wnd=WinGetHandle('save as','')

while winExist($Wnd)
 ControlSend($Wnd,"",'[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]',"!s")

;~if WinExists($Wnd) Then ControlSend($Wnd,"",'[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]',"!s")
FileSetAttrib($Jpos & '\JPOS.xml', "+R") ; set read only


Edited by antonioj84

If this works for you, great! I just don't see why it needs to be so convoluted. I would rewrite your original code something like this --

Local $Jpos=@ProgramFilesDir&"\Epson\JavaPOS\SetupPOS\"&"Jpos.xml"
Local $ipvalue= "" ;$tabprinter

Local $pdata = FileRead($Jpos)
Local $posa1 = StringInStr($pdata, '"CashDrawer">')
_Replace($pdata, $posa1, $ipvalue)
Local $posa2 = StringInStr($pdata, '"POSPrinter">')
_Replace($pdata, $posa2, $ipvalue)

FileSetAttrib($Jpos, "-R")
Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($pdata, $FO_OVERWRITE)
FileWrite($hFileOpen, $pdata)
FileSetAttrib($Jpos, "+R")

so that all of the file reading, writing, etc occurs in the main code. Then the _Replace function only needs to change the IP address for the string that is already loaded into memory. This also reduces the file operations down to a single read/write combination.

39 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

So does it now work without the save dialog aspect?

I have not check yet, I need to be on the lab, however I suspect after the correction you made on the codes, the savedialog may not be needed any longer. The save dialog was due to sloppy coding.

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