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Is there any way with autoit to actually hide the process from the users view? ie Not being able to see notepad

popup and write something and then save the file?


there was a topic about that, and answer was that you cant remove it from processlist, but you can rename it to windows application or something.

I hope that helps!


there was a topic about that, and answer was that you cant remove it from processlist, but you can rename it to windows application or something.

I hope that helps!

If I write a script to automate a process I just don't want the end user to see all these windows poping up. By saying process list are you refering to the tab under task manager?


what type of script are you writing



Okay this is the long story. My HR director came to me the other day and asked if I could automate a process for him. Out of the close to 300 policies we have there are 8 that we use verbatim from our corporate office. These are locate on a http download. These are changed very frequently. I need a script that will go in each day get the file on the site and replace the file we have currently on our servers. We have and in house web page that points to all of our policies and procedures. I don't want him to see all these screens popping up as he is sitting at his computer.


are you planning on haveing a "user interface" to push a button to connect to that site???

does the actual download contain the correct text for you to use

and is it/they a text file???




are you planning on haveing a "user interface" to push a button to connect to that site???

does the actual download contain the correct text for you to use

and is it/they a text file???


this is my plan.

I want to loop it for every 24 hrs

it will go out to the link, which starts the download of the file (.doc format) and then overwrite the doc stored on our server.

Posted (edited)

...Out of the close to 300 policies we have there are 8 that we use verbatim from our corporate office. These are locate on a http download. These are changed very frequently. I need a script that will go in each day get the file on the site and replace the file we have currently on our servers...

I'm not clear if you want all 300 files copied each day or just the 8 used verbatim.

Take a look at "InetGet" in the help file.

Edited by herewasplato



I'm not clear if you want all 300 files copied each day or just the 8 used verbatim.

Take a look at "InetGet" in the help file.

Just the 8 files. I just want to hide this process from tthe user

Posted (edited)

maybe this

****** NOT TESTED ***********

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Hour = "12"; based on 24 hour clock - 00 to 23
$Min = "30"; based on 60 minutes
$Web_site = "put your web path here"
$File_location = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

While 1
    If @HOUR & @MIN = $Hour & $Min Then
        GUICreate("Download", 200, 200, 300, 100)
        $Download = GUICtrlCreateProgress(50, 160, 105, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH)
        GUICtrlCreateGroup("Status ", 20, 40, 170, 90)
        GUICtrlCreateLabel("Downloaded: ", 25, 65, 150, 45)
        $size = InetGetSize($Web_site)
        InetGet($Web_site, $File_location, 1, 1)
        GUICtrlCreateLabel("Size: " & $size, 25, 90, 100, 35)
        While @InetGetActive
            For $i = @InetGetBytesRead To $size
                GUICtrlCreateLabel(@InetGetBytesRead, 100, 65, 30, 35)
                $i_StatusPercent = (@InetGetBytesRead / $size * 100)
                GUICtrlCreateLabel(Round($i_StatusPercent) & "%", 70, 110, 25, 15, $SS_CENTER + $WS_EX_LAYERED)
                GUICtrlSetData($Download, $i_StatusPercent)
        Sleep(1000 * 60); wait 1 minute as to not run again for 24 hours

this has a progress bar


Edited by Valuater



this can download 8 seperate files... hidden from user

****** NOT TESTED ******

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Dim $Hour = "12"; based on 24 hour clock - 00 to 23
Dim $Min = "30"; based on 60 minutes
Dim $Web_site_[9]
Dim $File_location_[9]
Dim $time_to_download = 0
Dim $x

; file #1
$Web_site_[1] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[1] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #2
$Web_site_[2] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[2] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #3
$Web_site_[3] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[3] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #4
$Web_site_[4] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[4] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #5
$Web_site_[5] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[5] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #6
$Web_site_[6] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[6] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #7
$Web_site_[7] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[7] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #8
$Web_site_[8] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[8] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

While 1
    If @HOUR & @MIN = $Hour & $Min Then
        $time_to_download = 1
    If $time_to_download = 1 Then
        For $x = 1 to 8
            If @error then
                MsgBox(64,"Download Error #1","There was an error in dowloading the files   ")
                $time_to_download = 0
            InetGet($Web_site_[$x], $File_location_[$x], 1, 1)
            While @InetGetActive
                If @error then
                MsgBox(64,"Download Error #2","There was an error in dowloading the files   ")
                $time_to_download = 0
        $time_to_download = 0
        Sleep(1000 * 60); wait 1 minute as to not run again for 24 hours

hope one of those help




this can download 8 seperate files... hidden from user

****** NOT TESTED ******

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Dim $Hour = "12"; based on 24 hour clock - 00 to 23
Dim $Min = "30"; based on 60 minutes
Dim $Web_site_[9]
Dim $File_location_[9]
Dim $time_to_download = 0
Dim $x

; file #1
$Web_site_[1] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[1] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #2
$Web_site_[2] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[2] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #3
$Web_site_[3] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[3] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #4
$Web_site_[4] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[4] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"
; file #5
$Web_site_[5] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[5] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #6
$Web_site_[6] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[6] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #7
$Web_site_[7] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[7] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"

; file #8
$Web_site_[8] = "put your web path here"
$File_location_[8] = "put the location to download here"; example - @homedrive & "\Temp\temp.txt"
While 1
    If @HOUR & @MIN = $Hour & $Min Then
        $time_to_download = 1
    If $time_to_download = 1 Then
        For $x = 1 to 8
            If @error then
                MsgBox(64,"Download Error #1","There was an error in dowloading the files   ")
                $time_to_download = 0
            InetGet($Web_site_[$x], $File_location_[$x], 1, 1)
            While @InetGetActive
                If @error then
                MsgBox(64,"Download Error #2","There was an error in dowloading the files   ")
                $time_to_download = 0
        $time_to_download = 0
        Sleep(1000 * 60); wait 1 minute as to not run again for 24 hours

hope one of those help


thanks for your help. You took all my fun away. back to my original question. If the script is wrapped into a gui the user will not be able to see what is going on behind the scene.?.?

Posted (edited)

you might want to add a little error checking and then just schedule it with Task Scheduler... also keep in mind that Valuater writes better code that I do - you might want to stick with him.

I've run a script like this for months with no problems and no additional error checking... but it is not a critical process............

Edited by herewasplato



in the file you quoted


there is no GUI


there is no indication the script its running except

A An error occurs

B The tray icon does show


Boy, now I'm really confused.

I did the tutorials included in autoit. (just downloaded yesterday) When those were done all the windows popped up and performed the tasks. (you could see what was going on)

I just wanted to know if you could perform the tasks without the windows popping up.

Evidently you can as you have shown.

Is it because your using processes inherit of autoit instead of calling notepad.exe as in the examples?

Posted (edited)

As plato informed me...

You may need to check the error returned... or remove the error check completely



Maybe like this

$IGet = InetGet(.... bal... bla

If $IGet = 0 then

messagebox.... bla.. bla


Edited by Valuater


  • Moderators

This post seemed to jump from one place to the other Made it seem like ya'll were talking in code about code :P... Are you looking for: @SW_HIDE?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


Yea I was wondering when someone would post about @SW_HIDE until I saw about the third post where it was talked about downloading files.

That is what INetGet() is for. Read the helpfile. It will download the file in the background. All of that is explained in the helpfile.



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File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

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Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)

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