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Posted (edited)

Hi, In my Excel sheet, I want to exclude the 1st column header line. Which would be A1 and start reading from A2 onward.

if A2 or last line is empty then stop. Else read the A2 or last line and display result.


Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False)
Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "C:\Temp\Test.xls")
$Lines = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

For $k = $Lines To 2 Step 1
Local $Column = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A" & $k)

If $Column = '' Then ; If A2 is blank
MsgBox(0, '', 'Blank cell.')

MsgBox(0, '', $Column)

_Excel_RangeDelete($oWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $k & ":" & $k, 1)



Edited by DigDeep
Posted (edited)

Tried this one too.

In this case, if the Excel has any values / text from A2 - end of the column... then the below works correctly as it should.

MsgBox(0, '', $Column)

_Excel_RangeDelete($oWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $k & ":" & $k, 1)


But the issue comes up if the excel does not has any data from A2 - end of the column. Which means $Lines would be 1 here. And in this case, it does not show the below result and EXIT.

If $Column = '' Then ; If A2 is blank
MsgBox(0, '', 'Blank cell.')

Attaching a test file here to check. You can then delete rows 2 - 5 and just keep row 1 and see that it does not show the msgbox as 'blank cell'.

My goal is to read the excel. If any data found from A & end of the column - A2, then display and take actions. If only row 1 exists with headers then mention as 'blank cells'.

It would be also a great idea if we can keep a loop in a way that if there is any data present > it will read and take actions > delete that row > until it comes to row2. Until it finds Row2 as blank.


Edited by DigDeep

You mean something like this?

#include <Excel.au3>
Local $Column
Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False)
Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "C:\Temp\Test.xls")
$Lines = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If $Lines <= 1 Then
    MsgBox(0, '', 'Blank cell.')
    For $k = $Lines To 2 Step - 1
        $Column = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A" & $k)
        If $Column = '' Then ; If A2 is blank
            MsgBox(0, '', 'Blank cell.')

            MsgBox(0, '', $Column)
            _Excel_RangeDelete($oWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $k & ":" & $k, 1)



Works all good in both the ways. Except just that in the 2nd part when it completes reading and deleting all rows until Row 2, it exits instead of saying 'Blank Cell'.

But I can still manage with this part too.

Thank you @Subz. Appreciate help.

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