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13 hours ago, kylomas said:

Exactly why many insist that regexp should NOT be used as an HTML parser.

I am not one of them.  Just pointing out the possibilities.

Regexp = Golf (fascinating and frustrating)

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- Sir Winston Churchill

On 1/5/2017 at 8:53 AM, mikell said:

Waiting now for Champak's feedback  :D

Once again, I tip my hat and say bloody brilliant. I keep playing with it just to watch the speed :). The sad thing is if it breaks down because of a website change, I know nothing about regex to repair it. I played with Regex a couple years ago for about two months and nearly went insane and just let it go, I've never simply let a function go before. I'm going to run more tests throughout the week and see how it works. For the most part it's only three states I'm in and around, so I should be good unless they change up the site.

Right now I'm going to look into getting the actual values of the "Areas" select box, instead of what's visibly shown and then I'll have everything I need to complete all my functions of this page. Is that possible with the 

 Read data from html Tables from raw HTML source

or do I need to find a different way.



53 minutes ago, Champak said:

The sad thing is if it breaks down because of a website change

Well, in this case any code will fail and will need to be repaired
The used regex is not so complicated, the _ArrayDisplay reveals the trick - but I can explain it in details if you want


56 minutes ago, Champak said:

I'm going to look into getting the actual values of the "Areas" select box

This can be done using _IE funcs, but also using ... guess what ?  :D
Example below

#include <Array.au3>

$url1 = "http://www.newyorkgasprices.com/GasPriceSearch.aspx?typ=adv&fuel=A&srch=0&tme_limit=24"


Func _GetAreas($url)
$txt = StringRegExpReplace(BinaryToString(InetRead($url, 1)), '(?s).*<option value="All Areas"(.*?)</select>.*', "$1")
; Msgbox(0,"", $txt)
$areas = StringRegExp($txt, '>(.+?)<', 3)


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, mikell said:

This can be done using _IE funcs, but also using ... guess what ?  :D

Unfortunately I'm spoiled now :D, I'm going to try and stay away from _IE when it's possible lol.


Cool, thanks. Not exactly what I needed, but more than enough for me to figure out what I needed. I changed it to the following:

Func _GetAreas($url)

$txt = StringRegExpReplace(BinaryToString(InetRead($url, 1)), '(?s).*<option value="All Areas"(.*?)</select>.*', "$1")
$areas = StringRegExp($txt, '="(.+?)">', 3)

Local $NewArray[UBound($areas)][2]

For $i = 0 To UBound($areas) - 1

    $Location = StringSplit($areas[$i], ",", 2)

    $NewArray[$i][0] = $Location[0]
    $NewArray[$i][1] = $Location[1]



From this example you provided, I have a VERY SLIGHT understanding of what's going on...more than the previous one :D. I'll probably play around with the site and regex just to see what's what and give it another go...at least with this simple example.

If I have any general questions about RegEx I'll just inbox you...if that's cool.




Edited by Champak
1 hour ago, Champak said:

I'm going to try and stay away from _IE when it's possible

Hmm. I'm a regex addict - I confess - but not yet perverted enough to forget that _IE is generally much more reliable.  but sooo slow though...

Feel free to ask questions about regex, the way you want. It's cool. definitely.

1 hour ago, mikell said:

Hmm. I'm a regex addict - I confess - but not yet perverted enough to forget that _IE is generally much more reliable.  but sooo slow though...

Feel free to ask questions about regex, the way you want. It's cool. definitely.

Excuse me, if you allow,  I would like to make a small hijacking off topic. I would like to take advantage of the great skill with which you knows how to use regexp to ask a question. I know that you can get 1D array as a result of a regular expression, but there is some way to get multidimensional arrays as a result of any particular regular expression?
Sorry if this question is probably trivial, but I know nearly nothing about regular expressions. (Also, I have seen surprising and unimaginable things done with regular expressions, so I tried to ask.  ...who knows ..)  Thanks


image.jpeg.9f1a974c98e9f77d824b358729b089b0.jpeg Chimp

small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....

51 minutes ago, Chimp said:

there is some way to get multidimensional arrays as a result of any particular regular expression

Alas, no. Too bad. The returns are always either strings or 1D arrays
So it's the user's task to manage each case (as Champak did previously) or to build a little func to do the job  :mellow:

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