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Posted (edited)

I need to declare a lot of variables as global and assign them later inside a function.

I can do this with a variable already declared as global:

$variable01 = "a123"

But not this:

$variable01 = "a123", $variable02 = "r123", $variable03 = "z456", $variable04 = "a789"

It's very uncomfortable -to manage and aesthetically- to declare them one by one, each in one line. Is there any posibility to do ten in a line or something like that?

I can't do the assignment of variables at the same time as declaration (yes, appending Global before the previous example works as expected), has to be in other place inside a function.

Sorry if this is a silly question but I haven't found anything in the FAQ, the best coding practices or help file.

Edited by Bresacon

I personally prefer to declare and assign variables one line at a time, in autoit, but to each their own

Global $vVar1 = "1234", $vVar2 = "2345", $vVar3 = "3456", $vVar4 = "4567", $vVar5 = "5678", $vVar6 = "6789", _
        $vVar7 = "7890", $vVar8 = "890", $vVar9 = "90"


1 hour ago, InunoTaishou said:

I personally prefer to declare and assign variables one line at a time, in autoit, but to each their own

Global $vVar1 = "1234", $vVar2 = "2345", $vVar3 = "3456", $vVar4 = "4567", $vVar5 = "5678", $vVar6 = "6789", _
        $vVar7 = "7890", $vVar8 = "890", $vVar9 = "90"


I wish I could do that but has to be separated.


1 hour ago, Subz said:

I assume you mean something like this:

Global $variable01, $variable02, $variable03, $variable04
Func _Variables()
    Dim $variable01 = "a123", $variable02 = "r123", $variable03 = "z456", $variable04 = "a789"


Yes, it will reuse the global definition but isn't the Dim keyword a not recommended one or something?


Its not recommended when declaring new variables, the variable should already be declared as either Local or Global before using Dim similar to how ReDim is used.

Posted (edited)

You could use an array. Perhaps something like this.

Global $aVar[4] ; use a global array as a container
Global Enum $00 = 0, $01, $02, $03 ; can be omitted because ...
; special variable names are not necessarily needed

AssignElements() ; fill the array

; test the result
ConsoleWrite($aVar[$00] & @CRLF & $aVar[$01] & @CRLF & $aVar[$02] & @CRLF & $aVar[$03] & @CRLF)

Func AssignElements()
    $aVar = StringSplit( _
    'a123|r123|z456|a789' _ ; this data could also be replaced by a variable
    , '|', 2)


Edited by czardas
  • Moderators


You asked:


 Is there any posibility to do ten in a line or something like that?

And then when shown that this was indeed possible:

Global $vVar1 = "1234", $vVar2 = "2345", $vVar3 = "3456", $vVar4 = "4567", $vVar5 = "5678", $vVar6 = "6789", _
        $vVar7 = "7890", $vVar8 = "890", $vVar9 = "90"

say that:


I wish I could do that but has to be separated.

So what exactly do you want?


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Light dawns - thanks. Although I still fail to see why only assigning one variable per line is difficult "to manage and aesthetically" - just put those lines inside a region and shrink it when not required:

Global $variable01, $variable02, $variable03, $variable04

Func _Assign_Values()
    ; Other code
    $variable01 = "a123"
    $variable02 = "r123"
    $variable03 = "z456"
    $variable04 = "a789"
    ; Other code


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


Posted (edited)

Testing Subz's Dim example of post #3, to my surprise, it works.    And the help file explains why it works.

Global $variable01, $variable02, $variable03, $variable04

ConsoleWrite($variable01 & "   " & $variable02 & "   " & $variable03 & "  " & $variable04 & @CRLF)

Func _Variables()
    ; Dim = If the variable name already exist globally, it reuses the global variable - from AutoIt help.
    Dim $variable01 = "a123", $variable02 = "r123", $variable03 = "z456", $variable04 = "a789"
EndFunc   ;==>_Variables

#cs Returns :-
a123   r123   z456  a789


Edited by Malkey
Wrong quote - sorry Subz
11 hours ago, Subz said:

Its not recommended when declaring new variables, the variable should already be declared as either Local or Global before using Dim similar to how ReDim is used.

That's the confirmation I needed.

Thanks everybody. This forum is superb. ;)


11 hours ago, czardas said:

You could use an array. Perhaps something like this.

Global $aVar[4] ; use a global array as a container
Global Enum $00 = 0, $01, $02, $03 ; can be omitted because ...
; special variable names are not necessarily needed

AssignElements() ; fill the array

; test the result
ConsoleWrite($aVar[$00] & @CRLF & $aVar[$01] & @CRLF & $aVar[$02] & @CRLF & $aVar[$03] & @CRLF)

Func AssignElements()
    $aVar = StringSplit( _
    'a123|r123|z456|a789' _ ; this data could also be replaced by a variable
    , '|', 2)


I'll try that. Looks very tidy.


10 hours ago, Melba23 said:


Light dawns - thanks. Although I still fail to see why only assigning one variable per line is difficult "to manage and aesthetically" - just put those lines inside a region and shrink it when not required:

Global $variable01, $variable02, $variable03, $variable04

Func _Assign_Values()
    ; Other code
    $variable01 = "a123"
    $variable02 = "r123"
    $variable03 = "z456"
    $variable04 = "a789"
    ; Other code


I didn't know that trick, but I don't use SciTe. Laugh all you want, I always used the Notepad2 mod variant, am very comfortable in there. And lately I've been trying RJ TextEd -I like this one very much- and SublimeText.

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