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Posted (edited)

Have anybody succesfully played around with libmpv for mpv player to embed the player in gui ?

Example of child gui.

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

Local $hGui, $mpv_pid
Local $sStream = "http://distribution.bbb3d.renderfarming.net/video/mp4/bbb_sunflower_1080p_60fps_normal.mp4"

$hGui = GUICreate("MPV Test", 640, 360, -1, -1)

$mpv_pid = Run(@ScriptDir & '\mpv.exe --wid="' & $hGui & '" "' & $sStream & '"')

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

MPV Player and Libmpv can be downloaded at https://mpv.srsfckn.biz/


Best Regards


Edited by Cipactli

Your command Run.... Where is the path of the program that you try to run??? and try before with @SW_SHOW and to debug it add this on your script

While ProcessExists ( $mpv_pid)
                    $_StderrRead = StderrRead ( $mpv_pid )
                    If Not @error And $_StderrRead <> '' Then
                        consolewrite("Error : " & $_StderrRead & @Crlf)
                    $_StdoutRead = StdoutRead ( $mpv_pid )
                    If Not @error And $_StdoutRead <> '' Then
                        consolewrite("Log: " & $_StdoutRead & @Crlf)


Posted (edited)
On 15/12/2016 at 8:38 AM, rootx said:

Your command Run.... Where is the path of the program that you try to run??? and try before with @SW_SHOW and to debug it add this on your script

While ProcessExists ( $mpv_pid)
                    $_StderrRead = StderrRead ( $mpv_pid )
                    If Not @error And $_StderrRead <> '' Then
                        consolewrite("Error : " & $_StderrRead & @Crlf)
                    $_StdoutRead = StdoutRead ( $mpv_pid )
                    If Not @error And $_StdoutRead <> '' Then
                        consolewrite("Log: " & $_StdoutRead & @Crlf)


Hello rootx

Thanks for the reply, but i cant use that since there is nothing to read, no console window.

mpv.exe (files) should be placed in script directory for code snippet to work.

On win32, the ID is interpreted as HWND. Pass it as value cast to intptr_t. mpv will create its own window, and set the wid window as parent, like with X11.


Edited by Cipactli

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