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Hello all, 

I've lurked around here for a while and learned a ton from everyone, but I can't see this issue anywhere.  I've been running macros through Autoit for a while in a number of programs, but I'm having some issues with this one.

Func RunMacro()
    Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False) ;Excel Program
    Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "C:/Equity Helper/Scripts/calendarmacros.xlsm", Default, Default, True)

When I run this bit of code everything works fine as long as the macro gets to finish.  But the actual VBA calls two "Application.UserInput" fields, and if I cancel out of either the macro closes, and then AutoIt throws an error at--

$oExcel.(<---error throws here)Run("calendarmacros.xlsm!Calendar")

I don't want to use autoit for the user inputs if possible, it's just easier to get the data I need for the inputs from within the VBA environment, but I'm afraid that's what's causing the problem.

  • Moderators

When you cancel out are you closing Excel altogether? That error is telling you the $oExcel object (the Excel application object) no longer exists.

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I was, because of some error I was getting early in the process.  Better design prevailed and I didn't need that anymore, but it was still hanging out for no reason.  


All solved, thanks!

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