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Posted (edited)

Hello. It's me asking stupid questions once again : )

Now I'm kinda stuck with some really basic things. My script just loops and wait for existing windows and if the conditions are met, run function. Mainly it is as simple as this:

While 1

If WinExists("Title","") AND WinExists("[CLASS:Notepad]") Then function()


If I'm not mistaken, right now it checks separately if there is a window named Title and if there is a window of notepad class. How can I check if those conditions met for the same spesific window?

I feel kinda stupid asking questions like these :facepalm:



Edited by Edun
Posted (edited)

Just remove the 'AND' and the second 'WinExists'

and then have a look at the page in the help file that this link sends you to:   :D


Okay - I see, you want both conditions met for the same window...




Edited by l3ill
18 minutes ago, l3ill said:

Just remove the 'AND' and the second 'WinExists'

and then have a look at the page in the help file that this link sends you to:   :D


Oh dear... Thank you. I've actually got pretty decent and well working script here and then I can't figure problem like this by myself. Shame on me.


15 minutes ago, l3ill said:
$sVar = "Test_Window - Notepad"
$hWnd = WinGetHandle($sVar)

If WinExists("[CLASS:Notepad]") And WinGetTitle($hWnd) = $sVar Then
    MsgBox(64, "", "it's there")


This was the first idea that came to my idea and I was actually able to figure it out by myself (Hurray!). Unfortunately this didn't fit too well for my script since it's repeatingly detecting multiply Windows so I had to find alternative method. Still thank you for the reply.


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You could try this.

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

Local $hWnd = WinWaitActive("[CLASS:Notepad]")
WinSetTitle($hWnd, "", "My Window") ; <<< Change title to "My Window1" to not detect the NOTEPAD window.

While 1
    If WinExists("[REGEXPTITLE:^My Window$;CLASS:Notepad]") Then MsgBox(0, "", "Window Exists")
    ; The regular expression pattern above (to match the title) is "^My Window$".  Where "^" specifices the start of the title matching,
    ;      and, "$" specifices the end of the title matching.

Func Terminate()
EndFunc   ;==>Terminate



Seems simple enough and you guys have been really helpful, but for some weird reason I'm still doing this wrong.

So notepad isn't actually the program I'm using here. This is more like the information I use:

Title:    Window something here
Class:    WindowsForms10.Window.208.app.0.f7e717_r12_ad2

For the Class it can be exact match but I'd like to use it WindowsForms10* because after that it might changes at some point. But for name it should be a match only for the first word and random text after that.

I've tried to make this work using TITLE, REGEXPTITLE and REGEXPCLASS and a lot of different variations of these.

Shouldn't it be working with something as simple as this:

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)

If WinExists("[TITLE:Window;CLASS:WindowsForms10.Window.208.app.0.f7e717_r12_ad2]")



Okay I think I got it fixed, not sure how though since I've been struggling with this so much. Maybe it has something to do with WinTitleMatchmode and using REGEXPCLASS?

Well I got a lot of helpful information here, thank you all.




1 hour ago, Edun said:


For the Class it can be exact match but I'd like to use it WindowsForms10* because after that it might changes at some point.


It appears you are familiar with the wildcard character "*". in "WindowsForms10*" above. The Regular Expression (RE) equivalent is "WindowsForms10.*". Where "." represents any one character, and the "*" is a quantifiers that specifies the preceding character is matched zero to many times.


If WinExists("[REGEXPTITLE:^Window.*;REGEXPCLASS:^WindowsForms10.*]")
; Title RE pattern, "^Window.*" means match the window title that starts with "Window" and is followed by either no characters or many characters.
; Class RE pattern, "^WindowsForms10.*" means match the window class that starts with "WindowsForms10" and is followed by either no characters or many characters.


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