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43 minutes ago, FrancescoDiMuro said:

The issue occurs when I convert the file ( with FileMove ) the file I did create.

Does that mean when you rename/move the file to .csv those characters disappear?


Regarding your compile error, I suspect that your Anti-Virus is messing something up.

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Just now, TheDcoder said:

Does that mean when you rename/move the file to .csv those characters disappear?


Regarding your compile error, I suspect that your Anti-Virus is messing something up.

Yeah buddy... When I move the file, those characters ( especially ° and à ) becomes A with strange accents... 
Thanks :) 

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Ah! Exactly as I predicted :D.

It's not your script's fault... its MS Excel's fault! It does not have proper Unicode handling! As for the fix, I have no idea since I don't use MS Office Suite :(

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

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And please, TheDcoder, can you explain to me a few things or, If you can ( and u don't want to explain to me ), how can I work with event of GUI... Something like...

If a certain field of a "form" is empty, the field is colored, and, when the user does write something in that field, this turns back in it's normal form... Something that works with "lost focus" or, I really don't know... Thanks :) 

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1 minute ago, FrancescoDiMuro said:

If a certain field of a "form" is empty, the field is colored, and, when the user does write something in that field, this turns back in it's normal form... Something that works with "lost focus" or, I really don't know... Thanks :) 


Sorry but I do not know anything about GUI events... you can search the forum or ask a question in the AutoIt GUI Help and Support subforum :)

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

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11 minutes ago, j0kky said:

@FrancescoDiMuro: my italian friend, the help file has a beautiful guide on event mode GUI, then you can try tons of related snippets on the wiki and on this forum :)

Hey! Thanks for your suggestion! :) But, I still can't find what I'm looking for, neither in those snippets and so on... I know that's not the correct forum section, but my "work" is simple, only seems I'm not able to manage the tools I have... Checking the content of the input, if it's blank, set a different bk color and set the focus on the control. Seems so easy, but I don't know how to do it... Especially, the reason why I'm not able to do this, it's because I can't find the "missing ring" about "How can I detect the change of state of a control?"... Something like, I go in that control, and then, I leave it, without writing anything in it... Here goes the code I just described above... Thanks for your help guys :) 

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Posted (edited)

for example you could add an


function which checks for the field content\focus, when it tries the field has lost its focus and it has no content, the function does something...

But there are lots of solutions, another one is registering with GUIRegisterMsg for WM_COMMAND message to receive EN_KILLFOCUS notification and check with the called function for the content in the field.

Edited by j0kky
36 minutes ago, j0kky said:

for example you could add an


function which checks for the field content\focus, when it tries the field has lost its focus and it has no content, the function does something...

But there are lots of solutions, another one is registering with GUIRegisterMsg for WM_COMMAND message to receive EN_KILLFOCUS notification and check with the called function for the content in the field.

Can you please post a practice example? I was looking at something like that, but about EN_KILLFOCUS or EN_ENABLE or something like that, I didn't find any documentation... Thanks :) 

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Posted (edited)

A simple example:

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>

Global Const $EN_KILLFOCUS = 0x0200

Global $hGUI = GUICreate("My gui")
Global $hEdit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 30)
Global $hEdit2 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("Prova a cliccarmi senza scrivere niente nel primo riquadro", 180, 230)

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $nMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit

Func _WM_COMMAND($hwnd, $msg, $wparam, $lparam)
    If _WinAPI_LoWord($wparam) = $hEdit1 _
        And _WinAPI_HiWord($wparam) = $EN_KILLFOCUS _
        And GUICtrlRead($hEdit1) = "" Then ControlFocus($hGUI, "", $hEdit1)


Edited by j0kky

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