MrKris1224 Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 Hi, i have problem and i haven't any idea how to solve it. Let's assume that. I have 2 points in 2D array marked as 1. other cells are 0. Now i wanna to connect these two points with line but there is problem because these two points are in array. Anyone have idea how to do it? Simply, this picture is 2D array. Green squares are two points in array which i wanna to connect. The red line and red squares are line which i wanna to "draw" in array by some function. But how this function can looks? Please help me. I am trying solve this for several weeks.
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted November 24, 2016 Moderators Posted November 24, 2016 You've been trying for several weeks, how about posting your code rather than making us guess? "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
jchd Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 Google "Bresenham". This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)
odaylton Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 This is matter of middle oak. You need to apply the equation of the line Y = a * X + b where a = slope of the line. Calculating the "a" A = Δy / Δx or (Y - Yo) / (X - Xo) or (Yb - Ya) / (Xb - Xa) Now simply substitute the coordinates of a point to define the "b". B = y-ax So just looping to define the values of y for the X components
UEZ Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 (edited) No need to reinvent the wheel -> quick search! #include <Array.au3> Global $aCanvas[25][12] drawBresenhamLine($aCanvas, 1, 1, 10, 21) _ArrayDisplay($aCanvas) Func drawBresenhamLine(ByRef $aArray, $iX0, $iY0, $iX1, $iY1, $bSE = True) Local $iDx = Abs($iX1 - $iX0) Local $iSx = $iX0 < $iX1 ? 1 : -1 Local $iDy = Abs($iY1 - $iY0) Local $iSy = $iY0 < $iY1 ? 1 : -1 Local $iErr = ($iDx > $iDy ? $iDx : -$iDy) / 2, $e2 Local $iSX = $iX0, $iEY = $iY0 While $iX0 <= $iX1 $aArray[$iY0][$iX0] = "*" If ($iX0 = $iX1) And ($iY0 = $iY1) Then ExitLoop $e2 = $iErr If ($e2 > -$iDx) Then $iErr -= $iDy $iX0 += $iSx EndIf If ($e2 < $iDy) Then $iErr += $iDx $iY0 += $iSy EndIf WEnd If $bSE Then $aArray[$iEY][$iSx] = "S" $aArray[$iY1][$iX1] = "E" EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>drawBresenhamLine Edited November 24, 2016 by UEZ genius257 and MrKris1224 2 Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
Gianni Posted November 25, 2016 Posted November 25, 2016 .... also, from a quick search "Bresenham" within --> within above link there are function to plot lines, circles, ellipses and Bezier segments: here a quick example of use: expandcollapse popup#cs The Beauty of Bresenham's Algorithm A simple implementation to plot lines, circles, ellipses and Bézier curves. #ce ; ------------------------------------------ #include <array.au3> Global $aArray[25][25] ; [x][y] 0 to 24 Global $aEmpty = $aArray plotLine(0,0,24,24) ; start y, start x , end y, end x _ArrayDisplay($aArray) $aArray = $aEmpty plotCircle(12, 12, 11) ; y center, x center, ray _ArrayDisplay($aArray) $aArray = $aEmpty ; plot an ellipse into a box plotEllipseRect(3, 1, 15, 8) ; y upleft, x upleft, y downright, x downright plotEllipseRect(1, 11, 23, 23) ; second ellipse in the same array _ArrayDisplay($aArray) $aArray = $aEmpty ; start point , curve point , end point plotQuadBezierSeg(0,0, 0,24, 24,24) ; y,x, y,x, y,x _ArrayDisplay($aArray) ; ------------------------------------------ ; Line Func plotLine($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) Local $dx = Abs($x1 - $x0), $sx = $x0 < $x1 ? 1 : - 1 Local $dy = -Abs($y1 - $y0), $sy = $y0 < $y1 ? 1 : - 1 Local $err = $dx + $dy, $e2 ; /* error value e_xy */ While 1 ; /* loop */ setPixel($x0, $y0) If($x0 = $x1 And $y0 = $y1) Then ExitLoop ; break $e2 = 2 * $err If($e2 >= $dy) Then ; /* e_xy + e_x > 0 */ $err += $dy $x0 += $sx ; /* x step */ EndIf If($e2 <= $dx) Then ; /* e_xy + e_y < 0 */ $err += $dx $y0 += $sy ; /* y step */ EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>plotLine ; Circle Func plotCircle($xm, $ym, $r) Local $x = -$r, $y = 0, $err = 2 - 2 * $r ; /* II. Quadrant */ While($x < 0); Do setPixel($xm - $x, $ym + $y); /* I. Quadrant */ setPixel($xm - $y, $ym - $x); /* II. Quadrant */ setPixel($xm + $x, $ym - $y); /* III. Quadrant */ setPixel($xm + $y, $ym + $x); /* IV. Quadrant */ $r = $err; If($r <= $y) Then ; /* e_xy+e_y < 0 */ $y += 1 $err += $y * 2 + 1 EndIf If($r > $x Or $err > $y) Then ; /* e_xy+e_x > 0 or no 2nd y-step */ $x += 1 $err += $x * 2 + 1 EndIf WEnd ; While ($x < 0); EndFunc ;==>plotCircle ; Ellipse ; This function plots an ellipse inside a specified rectangle. Func plotEllipseRect($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) Local $a = Abs($x1 - $x0), $b = Abs($y1 - $y0), $b1 = BitAND($b, 1) ; $b1 = $b & 1; /* values of diameter */ Local $dx = 4 * (1 - $a) * $b * $b, $dy = 4 * ($b1 + 1) * $a * $a ; /* error increment */ Local $err = $dx + $dy + $b1 * $a * $a, $e2; /* error of 1.step */ If($x0 > $x1) Then ; /* if called with swapped points */ $x0 = $x1 $x1 += $a EndIf If($y0 > $y1) Then $y0 = $y1 ; /* .. exchange them */ $y0 += ($b + 1) / 2 $y1 = $y0 - $b1 ; /* starting pixel */ $a *= 8 * $a; $b1 = 8 * $b * $b; While($x0 <= $x1) ; do [ setPixel($x1, $y0); /* I. Quadrant */ setPixel($x0, $y0); /* II. Quadrant */ setPixel($x0, $y1); /* III. Quadrant */ setPixel($x1, $y1); /* IV. Quadrant */ $e2 = 2 * $err; If($e2 <= $dy) Then $y0 += 1 $y1 -= 1 $dy += $a $err += $dy ; += $a; } /* y step */ EndIf If($e2 >= $dx Or 2 * $err > $dy) Then $x0 += 1 $x1 -= 1 $dx += $b1 $err += $dx ; += $b1; } /* x step */ EndIf WEnd ; while ($x0 <= $x1); While($y0 - $y1 < $b) ; [ /* too early stop of flat ellipses a=1 */ setPixel($x0 - 1, $y0); /* -> finish tip of ellipse */ $y0 += 1 setPixel($x1 + 1, $y0) ; ++); setPixel($x0 - 1, $y1); $y1 -= 1 setPixel($x1 + 1, $y1) ; --); WEnd EndFunc ;==>plotEllipseRect ; #cs ; Bézier curve ; This function plots a quadratic Bézier curve limited to gradients without sign change. Func plotQuadBezierSeg($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) Local $sx = $x2 - $x1, $sy = $y2 - $y1; Local $xx = $x0 - $x1, $yy = $y0 - $y1, $xy; /* relative values for checks */ Local $dx, $dy, $err, $cur = $xx * $sy - $yy * $sx; /* curvature */ ; assert($xx * $sx <= 0 && $yy * $sy <= 0) ; /* sign of gradient must not change */ <--------- ? ? ? ? what's this ;If ($sx * (long) $sx + $sy * (long) $sy > $xx * $xx + $yy * $yy) Then ; { /* begin with longer part */ If($sx * $sx + $sy * $sy > $xx * $xx + $yy * $yy) Then ; { /* begin with longer part */ <--------- (Long) removed $x2 = $x0 $x0 = $sx + $x1 $y2 = $y0 $y0 = $sy + $y1 $cur = -$cur ; /* swap P0 P2 */ EndIf ; } If($cur <> 0) Then ;{ / * no straight line * / $xx += $sx ; ************************** $sx = ($x0 < $x2 ? 1 : - 1) $xx *= $sx ; = $x0 < $x2 ? 1 : -1 ; /* x step direction */ $yy += $sy $sy = ($y0 < $y2 ? 1 : - 1) $yy *= $sy ; = $y0 < $y2 ? 1 : -1 ; /* y step direction */ ; ************************** $xy = 2 * $xx * $yy $xx *= $xx $yy *= $yy ; /* differences 2nd degree */ If($cur * $sx * $sy < 0) Then ;{ /* negated curvature? */ $xx = -$xx $yy = -$yy $xy = -$xy $cur = -$cur EndIf ; } $dx = 4.0 * $sy * $cur * ($x1 - $x0) + $xx - $xy; /* differences 1st degree */ $dy = 4.0 * $sx * $cur * ($y0 - $y1) + $yy - $xy; $xx += $xx $yy += $yy $err = $dx + $dy + $xy; /* error 1st step */ While($dy < $dx) ; do { setPixel($x0, $y0); /* plot curve */ ; If ($x0 == $x2 && $y0 == $y2) Then Return; /* last pixel -> curve finished */ If($x0 = $x2 And $y0 = $y2) Then Return; /* last pixel -> curve finished */ $y1 = 2 * $err < $dx; /* save value for test of y step */ If(2 * $err > $dy) Then $x0 += $sx $dx -= $xy $dy += $yy $err += $dy ; += $yy; EndIf ; } /* x step */ If($y1) Then $y0 += $sy $dy -= $xy $dx += $xx $err += $dx ; += xx; EndIf ; } /* y step */ WEnd ;} while (dy < dx ); /* gradient negates -> algorithm fails */ EndIf ; } plotLine($x0, $y0, $x2, $y2); /* plot remaining part to end */ EndFunc ;==>plotQuadBezierSeg Func setPixel($x0, $y0); it draws a single pixel $aArray[$x0][$y0] = "*" Return EndFunc ;==>_setPixel UEZ 1 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
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