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Hello all,

I have searched the web and the forum but didn't find an answer. I am new to AutoIt (using v3.3.14.2) and have a very basic questions:


#Include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IECreate("someurl.org")

ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "oIE: " & $oIE & @CRLF & @CRLF)


WinMove($oIE, "", 0, 0, 1000, 600)


When I run it, it opens the IE, but when I check the console, the variable $oIE is empty. No object handle seems to be assigned to it.

The following WinMove() doesn't work since there is no object to use.

When I use additionaly _IEPropertyGet() to explicit get the handle and write it to a variable and write it to the console, it works. I can see the hex handle.

What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in forward!



So far I found out that an object has been assigned to $oIE when I use a _IENavigate() just after the _IECreate(). Seems my error is, that this object can not just be used in another type of functions like WinMove() for example, unless I got it from _IEPropertiesGet()?


Thanks in forward for an enlightment.


_IECreate returns an object variable, not an handle, this is because WinMove doesn't work with it.

Also, ConsoleWrite doesn't see the content of object variables and has a strange behavior with them (but it can print handles).

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