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          I need to edit a listview which has many edit controls with same ClassNameNN and ControlID .I need to edit an edit control on the third row,Since attributes is same the modications I made is affected in the row of edit control.I used below commands but could not get the desired results.How do I solve this??

Control List View    Custom Indicator - TC.Adaptive.Candlesticks    Input parameters    SysListView321    Select    2

Control Click    Custom Indicator - TC.Adaptive.Candlesticks    Input parameters    [CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]    LEFT    2
Control Command    Custom Indicator - TC.Adaptive.Candlesticks    Input parameters    [CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]    Editpaste    Italian


Thanks In Advance



I don't think a listview has many edit controls with same ClassNameNN and ControlID. I think it is always the same control that is used to edit the cells. It's just moved.

I'm quite sure it is not possible to have controls with the same ClassNameNN and ControlID.

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funkey is correct listview controls don't have a built in ability to edit cells, when this functionality is required programmers use a seperate edit control. When a users clicks on a cell the the edit control is enabled and placed to cover the cell that was clicked, the data from the underlying cell is copied to the edit  control for the user to modify and then written  back to the underlying listview cell. To the uses it appears that every cell is an edit control. So you should be fine with activating a listview cell and then using the same edit control ID.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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