MarkBe Posted October 25, 2016 Posted October 25, 2016 I am using autoIT to elevate a batch script that installs applications and patches. This needs to run on both x86 and x64 computers so I compiled the AutoIT in x86 RunAsWait ($USERNAME, $DOMAIN, $PASSWORD, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE, @ComSpec & " /k " & $SourcePath & $SoftwareBatchInstaller, @SystemDir) To speed the install process the batch script that I am calling (SoftwareBatchInstaller) contains a bunch of RegCheck commands to look for the uninstall key; skips that install if found. Then it can be used to install further patches just by running the AutoIT again @ECHO off SETLOCAL enableextensions SET InstallPath=\\server\share\ SET RegApp1=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{123123-123-123-123-123123123123123} SET RegApp2=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{123123-123-123-123-123123123123456} SET FileApp1=app1.exe SET FileApp2=app2.exe :: Install App1 SET RegCheck=%RegApp1% SET InstallFile=%FileApp1% CALL :InstallSW :: Install App2 SET RegCheck=%RegApp2% SET InstallFile=%FileApp2% CALL :InstallSW EXIT :InstallSW REG QUERY %RegCheck% >nul 2>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (EXIT /B) ECHO. ECHO Installing %InstallFile% START "%InstallFile%" /wait "%InstallPath%%InstallFile%" /s /v"/qn /norestart" EXIT /B The trouble I am having is that the batch script runs correctly when elevated on a x64 machine but when called from the AutoIT the RegCheck does not find the keys it's looking for so runs the install again of software that is already installed Any ideas on a better way to do this? Am I missing a switch on the @ComSpec that will run the batch as is rather than "converting" it to x64?
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted October 25, 2016 Moderators Posted October 25, 2016 When dealing with the registry on a 64bit machine, I typically will do something like this: Local $sKey = ((@OSArch = "X64") ? "HKLM64" : "HKLM") & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" Local $sSubKey = "" For $i = 1 To 100 $sSubKey = RegEnumKey($sKey, $i) ConsoleWrite($sSubKey & @CRLF) Next "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
MarkBe Posted October 26, 2016 Author Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) Thanks for the help. Rather than getting the batch to run correctly, I moved to installing the application using AutoIT rather than calling a batch script and I got most of the way done (registry checks, uninstall of old versions) except the .exe installer does not install. It pops up the "installing" window but does not get to the UAC prompt. Please can you check my syntax? #NoTrayIcon #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $SoftwareName="7-Zip" Local $SourcePath="\\server\7Zip\" Local $x86Installer="7z1604.exe" Local $x64Installer="7z1604-x64.exe" Local $InstallerSwitches=" /S" Local $USERNAME="User" Local $PASSWORD="Password" Local $DOMAIN="OurDomain" ; Installation of software. Calls the EXE with elevated rights Local $SWInstaller=((@OSArch = "X86") ? $x86Installer : $x64Installer) MsgBox (48, "Installing", "Installing " & $SoftwareName, 3) RunAsWait ($USERNAME, $DOMAIN, $PASSWORD, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE, $SourcePath & $SWInstaller & $InstallerSwitches, @SystemDir) Edited October 26, 2016 by MarkBe
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted October 27, 2016 Moderators Posted October 27, 2016 Try adding #RequireAdmin at the top of your script. "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
MarkBe Posted October 30, 2016 Author Posted October 30, 2016 On 28/10/2016 at 2:33 AM, JLogan3o13 said: Try adding #RequireAdmin at the top of your script. I did try your suggestion but didn't work for non-admin user. I am pushing this app out to users that don't have admin rights, hence the run-as element. Am I correct in that the #RequireAdmin tag will only allow the script to run if the user is an admin? I am also compiling the script in x86 to allow this to be run on both architectures (in case that makes a difference). Publishing the .exe through group policy .zap file so can't check for system architecture before .exe is run
MarkBe Posted October 31, 2016 Author Posted October 31, 2016 Managed to get this working. copied to local drive, then used Comspec to run the installer expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> ;########################################################################################################## ; 7-Zip installation script ; Author : Mark Beaven ;########################################################################################################## ;Variables ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local $SoftwareName="7-Zip" ; Error messages (shouldn't need to alter these) Local $UninstallingOldMessage="Uninstalling old versions of " & $SoftwareName & "." Local $AlreadyInstalledMessage=$SoftwareName & " is already the current version." Local $InstallingNewMessage="Installing " & $SoftwareName & "." Local $EndMessage=$SoftwareName & " is now installed. Click 'OK' to close this window." Local $FailMessage=$SoftwareName & " failed to install. Please report error to your local IT department." ; Source path (Don't forget the "\" at the end of the path)==> \\Servername\Share\ Local $SourcePath="\\Servername\Share\7Zip\" Local $WorkingDirectory="C:\InstallCache\7zip\" Local $x86Installer="7z1604.exe" Local $x64Installer="7z1604x64.exe" Local $InstallerSwitches=" /S" ; Registry location and values that are checked for current software version. Don't use paths with hash values ; Ensure the x64 key is preceeded with 'HKLM64' Local $RegKey86="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip" Local $RegKey64="HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip" Local $RegValueName="DisplayVersion" Local $RegValueData="16.04" ; Reg keys and values that are checked for old versions Local $920RegKey86="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{23170F69-40C1-2701-0920-000001000000}" Local $920RegKey64="HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000}" Local $920RegKey86on64="HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{23170F69-40C1-2701-0920-000001000000}" Local $920RegVerString="DisplayVersion" Local $920RegVerValue="" ;Uninstall strings Local $920UninstallStringx86="MsiExec.exe /X{23170F69-40C1-2701-0920-000001000000} /qb- /norestart" Local $920UninstallStringx64="MsiExec.exe /X{23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000} /qb- /norestart" ; Variables to set to NUL Local $CheckVersion86="" Local $CheckVersion64="" Local $CheckVersion86on64="" ;Credentials ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local $USERNAME="AdminUser" Local $PASSWORD="AdminPWD" Local $DOMAIN="Domain" ;########################################################################################################## ; Excecution ;########################################################################################################## ; Check for and uninstall old versions Local $CheckVersion86=RegRead ($920RegKey86, $920RegVerString) Local $CheckVersion64=RegRead ($920RegKey64, $920RegVerString) Local $CheckVersion86on64=RegRead ($920RegKey86on64, $920RegVerString) If $CheckVersion86=$920RegVerValue Or $CheckVersion86on64=$920RegVerValue Then MsgBox ($MB_ICONWARNING, "Uninstalling", $UninstallingOldMessage, 3) RunAsWait ($USERNAME, $DOMAIN, $PASSWORD, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE,$920UninstallStringx86, @SystemDir) EndIf If $CheckVersion64=$920RegVerValue Then MsgBox ($MB_ICONWARNING, "Uninstalling", $UninstallingOldMessage, 3) RunAsWait ($USERNAME, $DOMAIN, $PASSWORD, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE,$920UninstallStringx64, @SystemDir) EndIf ; Variables to set to NUL (again) Local $CheckVersion86="" Local $CheckVersion64="" ; Check existing version of Software Local $CheckVersion86=RegRead ($RegKey86, $RegValueName) Local $CheckVersion64=RegRead ($RegKey64, $RegValueName) If $CheckVersion86=$RegValueData Or $CheckVersion64=$RegValueData Then MsgBox ($MB_ICONWARNING, "Installation aborted", $AlreadyInstalledMessage) Exit EndIf ; Installation of software. Calls the EXE with elevated rights Local $SWInstaller=((@OSArch = "X86") ? $x86Installer : $x64Installer) MsgBox ($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Installing", $InstallingNewMessage, 3) FileCopy ($SourcePath & $SWInstaller, $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller,$FC_CREATEPATH ) RunAsWait ($USERNAME, $DOMAIN, $PASSWORD, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE, @ComSpec & ' /k START "' & $SoftwareName & ' Installer" /wait "' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches & ' && EXIT', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) ;Check install went OK Local $CheckVersion86=RegRead ($RegKey86, $RegValueName) Local $CheckVersion64=RegRead ($RegKey64, $RegValueName) If $CheckVersion86=$RegValueData Or $CheckVersion64=$RegValueData Then MsgBox ($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Installation completed", $EndMessage) Else MsgBox ($MB_ICONWARNING, "Installation failed", $FailMessage) EndIf
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