kashamalasha Posted September 26, 2016 Posted September 26, 2016 Hi, guys. Could you help me to understand how to place child elements like MsgBox, InputBox etc. inside parent element? I want to set padding from top border of $hMainGui equal 20px and from left border equal 20px. Is it possible? Thanks in advance.
pluto41 Posted September 26, 2016 Posted September 26, 2016 (edited) #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $iPadding = 20 Local $mainUiHeight = 420 Local $mainUiWidth = 800 Local $hGUI = GUICreate ( "GUI", $mainUiWidth, $mainUiHeight, -1, -1 ) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) ; Retrieve the position x, y and size (width and height) of the control Local $aPos = WinGetPos ( $hGUI ) ; Display the position and size of the edit control. MsgBox ( $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Parent $hGUI", "Position: " & $aPos[0] & ", " & $aPos[1] & @CRLF & "Size: " & $aPos[2] & ", " & $aPos[3] ) ; Test Input box within Parent Window ( $iPadding 20 ) Local $sAnswer = InputBox("Question", "Where were you born?", "Planet Earth", "", Default, Default, $aPos[0] + $iPadding, $aPos[1] + $iPadding, 0) Exit 0 I have not very much experience with this. (i never had any use for it). But the question sounds interesting and i think the answer can be useful for others too. Anyway i tried some things and the above code comes close to what you want. a bit weird is that $mainUiHeight / $mainUiWidth is not exactly the values represented by $aPos[] Edited September 26, 2016 by pluto41
kashamalasha Posted September 26, 2016 Author Posted September 26, 2016 Nope. It doesn't work. Try to move your $hGUI window between the events. You will see that InputBox will appear with the wrong coordinates, regardless parent window.
pluto41 Posted September 26, 2016 Posted September 26, 2016 After every event you have to read $aPos = WinGetPos ( $hGUI ) again. I can't see why that would work.. But i admit there is probably a better solution. I will follow the topic for other suggestions
kashamalasha Posted September 27, 2016 Author Posted September 27, 2016 IC. I'll try to add WinGetPos before every InputBox in my code. Thanks.
genius257 Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 (edited) So I've looked into it and it is indeed possible, though i argue not worth the effort. From what i found via google there's 2 ways to center inputbox and msgbox, source: How do I change the MessageBox location? I made a crude example with the hook method: expandcollapse popup#include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIDiag.au3> $HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5 Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) $hWnd = GUICreate("", 700, 320) GUISetOnEvent(-3, "_MyExit", $hWnd) GUICtrlCreateButton("MsgBox", 10, 10) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MsgBox") GUICtrlCreateButton("InputBox", 10, 40) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_InputBox") ;~ $hProg = DllCallbackGetPtr( $pProg = DllCallbackRegister("WH_CBT", "LONG_PTR", "INT;UINT_PTR;LONG_PTR") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func _MyExit() DllCallbackFree($pProg) Exit EndFunc Func _InputBox() Local $hHook = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_CBT, DllCallbackGetPtr($pProg), Null, _WinAPI_GetCurrentThreadId()) InputBox("title", "promt", "default") _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx($hHook) EndFunc Func _MsgBox() Local $hHook = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_CBT, DllCallbackGetPtr($pProg), Null, _WinAPI_GetCurrentThreadId()) MsgBox(0, "Title", "Message") _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx($hHook) EndFunc ;~ When the message box is about to be shown, ;~ centre the dialog Func WH_CBT($uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If $uMsg < 0 Then Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($hHook, $uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf Local $tagCBTACTIVATESTRUCT = "BOOL fMouse;HWND hWndActive" If ( $uMsg = $HCBT_ACTIVATE ) And ( Not ( $wParam = $hWnd ) ) Then ;~ in a HCBT_ACTIVATE message, wParam holds ;~ the handle to the messagebox Local $hwndMsgBox = $wParam Local $tCBTACTIVATESTRUCT = DllStructCreate($tagCBTACTIVATESTRUCT, $lParam) ;~ Just as was done in other API hook demos, ;~ position the dialog centered in the calling ;~ parent form Local $rc = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($hwndMsgBox) Local $rc2 = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($hWnd) $dlgWidth = $rc.Right - $rc.Left $dlgHeight = $rc.Bottom - $rc.Top $newLeft = $rc2.Left + ( ($rc2.Right - $rc2.Left)/2 - $dlgWidth/2 ) $newTop = $rc2.Top + ( ($rc2.Bottom - $rc2.Top)/2 - $dlgHeight/2 ) _WinAPI_MoveWindow($hwndMsgBox, $newLeft, $newTop, $dlgWidth, $dlgHeight) EndIf ;~ return False to let normal ;~ processing continue Return False EndFunc The above code was parsed mostly from: SetWindowsHookEx: Centre the API Message Box Also i found a possible other option using TaskDialogIndirect, but couldn't find it used in a autoit related thread and long story short i got sidetracked converting TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure to autoit dllstruct Anyway i hope some of this was useful to someone, especially @kashamalasha Credits to: MSDN, SetWindowsHookEx: Centre the API Message Box and _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx Example Edit: I made TaskDialogIndirect work. Special Thanks to @Danyfirex for the conversion of the TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure expandcollapse popup#include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIDiag.au3> #include <WinAPISys.au3> $HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5 Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) $hWnd = GUICreate("", 700, 320) GUISetOnEvent(-3, "_MyExit", $hWnd) GUICtrlCreateButton("TaskDialog", 10, 70) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_TaskDialog") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func _MyExit() Exit EndFunc Func _TaskDialog() Local $TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW = 0x1000;vista and above, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg157196.aspx Local $TDCBF_OK_BUTTON = 0x0001 Local $TDCBF_YES_BUTTON = 0x0002 Local $TDCBF_NO_BUTTON = 0x0004 Local $TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON = 0x0008 Local $TDCBF_RETRY_BUTTON = 0x0010 Local $TDCBF_CLOSE_BUTTON = 0x0020 Local $tagTASKDIALOGCONFIG = "uint cbSize;hwnd hwndParent;handle hInstance;int dwFlags;int dwCommonButtons;ptr pszWindowTitle; ptr hMainIcon_pszMainIcon;ptr pszMainInstruction;ptr pszContent;uint cButtons;ptr pButtons;int nDefaultButton;uint cRadioButtons;ptr pRadioButtons;int nDefaultRadioButton;ptr pszVerificationText;ptr pszExpandedInformation;ptr pszExpandedControlText;ptr pszCollapsedControlText;ptr hFooterIcon_pszFooterIcon;ptr pszFooter;ptr pfCallback;LONG_PTR lpCallbackData;uint cxWidth;" Local $tagTASKDIALOG_BUTTON = "int nButtonID;ptr pszButtonText" Local $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG = DllStructCreate($tagTASKDIALOGCONFIG) $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.cbSize = DllStructGetSize($tTASKDIALOGCONFIG) $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.hwndParent = $hWnd $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.hInstance = Null $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.dwFlags = $TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.dwCommonButtons = $TDCBF_OK_BUTTON $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszWindowTitle = Null $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.hMainIcon_pszMainIcon = Null $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszMainInstruction = _WinAPI_CreateString("string to be used for the main instruction") $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszContent = _WinAPI_CreateString("the dialog's primary content") $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.cButtons = 0 $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pButtons = 0; change ptr in type to STRUCT* $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.nDefaultButton = $IDOK $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.cRadioButtons = 0 $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pRadioButtons = 0; change ptr in type to STRUCT* $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.nDefaultRadioButton = 0 $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszVerificationText = _WinAPI_CreateString("string to be used to label the verification checkbox") $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszExpandedInformation = _WinAPI_CreateString("string to be used for displaying additional information") $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszExpandedControlText = _WinAPI_CreateString("string to be used to label the button for collapsing the expandable information") $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszCollapsedControlText = _WinAPI_CreateString("string to be used to label the button for expanding the expandable information") $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.hFooterIcon_pszFooterIcon = Null $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pszFooter = _WinAPI_CreateString("string to be used in the footer area of the task dialog");<A HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text</A> Warning Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source may cause security vulnerabilities. $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.pfCallback = 0;Pointer to an application-defined callback function. For more information see TaskDialogCallbackProc $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.lpCallbackData = 0;A pointer to application-defined reference data. This value is defined by the caller. $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG.cxWidth = 0;The width of the task dialog's client area, in dialog units. If 0, the task dialog manager will calculate the ideal width. Local $aReutn = DllCall("Comctl32.dll", "LONG", "TaskDialogIndirect", "STRUCT*", $tTASKDIALOGCONFIG, "INT*", 0, "INT*", 0, "BOOL*", 0) EndFunc Edited September 30, 2016 by genius257 Danyfirex 1 To show your appreciation My highlighted topics: AutoIt Package Manager, AutoItObject Pure AutoIt, AutoIt extension for Visual Studio Code Github: AutoIt HTTP Server, AutoIt HTML Parser
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