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Posted (edited)

Hello I am having a hard time reading a specific position in a array.  I located the position with $iIndex but I cant figure out how to display the line in a message box.


When I run it I get "WCC2ECZ98621" was found in the array at position 5393 on column 0

So I need to display column 0 position 5393


Thanks in  advance!!

#include <file.au3>
#include <array.au3> ; only for _ArrayDisplay()

$sFile = "\\Teesttterrr-pc\pxe\programs\DYMO\printer\logs\log.txt"

;Read in lines of text into 1D array
Dim $text
If Not _FileReadToArray($sFile, $text) Then
    MsgBox(4096, "Error", " Error reading text file to Array error:" & @error)
;_ArrayDisplay($text, "Debug: $text")

Local $sSearch = "WCC2ECZ98621"
If @error Then Exit

Local $sColumn ="WCC2ECZ98621"
If @error Then Exit
$sColumn = Int($sColumn)

Local $iIndex = _ArraySearch($text, $sSearch, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $sColumn)
If @error Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Not Found", '"' & $sSearch & '" was not found on column ' & $sColumn & '.')
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Found", '"' & $sSearch & '" was found in the array at position ' & $iIndex & ' on column ' & $sColumn & '.')
    ;display the line of the array located at $iIndex


Edited by magace
  • Moderators

I would be interested in the layout of your log file. My assumption, seeing you are identifying both a column and an index, is that you were working with a 2d array, something comma-delimited perhaps. But if you're getting the required value with the the code you have above, it is a 1d array. Why, then, the $sColumn variable?

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