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Posted (edited)

Hi! I want to send by mail some files with a certain extension (.xml in my case). These files are located in the script folder. First, I thought to use _FileListToArrayRec function to have a list of these files. But than I don't know how to send them all at once. I know that I can attach multiple files in this way: path1;path2;path3; etc.  and so I have tried to make a string of this type with the path of the files (with a for loop) but It doesn't attach any file (only instructions.txt). How could I do? ( what I did is just an idea, if there's something better that would be great) Thanks!

$aArrayXml = _FileListToArrayRec(@ScriptDir, "*.xml", $FLTAR_FILES)
_ArrayDisplay($aArrayXml, "LIST XML")
$LenghtArrayXml = UBound($aArrayXml)

If ($LenghtArrayXml > 2) Then
    For $i = 2 To $LenghtArrayXml - 1
        $temp = "&@ScriptDir&""\"&$aArrayXml[$i]&";"&""""
        $XmlListFile = $XmlListFile & $temp

$XmlListFile = StringTrimLeft($XmlListFile, 1)

if($LenghtArrayXml = 2)Then
    $rc =_INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body, @ScriptDir&"\"&$aArrayXml[1]&";"&@ScriptDir&"\instructions.txt", $s_CcAddress, $s_BccAddress, $s_Username, $s_Password, $IPPort, $ssl)
    $rc = _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body, @ScriptDir&"\"&$aArrayXml[1]&$XmlListFile&@ScriptDir&"\instructions.txt", $s_CcAddress, $s_BccAddress, $s_Username, $s_Password, $IPPort, $ssl)


Edited by Rapidnxit
Posted (edited)

Omg it was so easy. I could make a string with the files path with _ArrayToString function

$sAtt = _ArrayToString($aArrayXml, ";", 1)
Edited by Rapidnxit

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