This is my first post. I've been using AutoIt for about a year. I am not the greatest but not useless either. I did search for my question before posting.
Can someone PLEASE help me write a script that detects a string of characters when scanned (I don't really care what they are so long as I can put it into a barcode) then simply emulates the an up arrow press.
My symbol scanner is configured to insert a carriage return after the scan, so that ASCII code may be need incorporate
I had a problem similar to this before, and this is how I handled this
First I set a hotkey
HotKeySet("{F9}", "BarcodeScannerInput")
Then I configured the barcode scanner to TYPE OUT (like a keyboard) F9, a 20ms pause, the scanned code, and then ENTER. I captured the code like this:
Func BarcodeScannerInput()
; Only accept input if my program is active. This is optional
if WinGetHandle("[active]") = $GUI Then
ConsoleWrite("Scanner triggered"&@CRLF)&