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Posted (edited)

Have this following input parameter(Complex list of inputs) that need to be SEND as part of HTTP POST Request. 

Have been searching forums to find an AutoIT equivalent to enapsulate the following data, but unsuccessful.

Below given Working Code is failing with 400-Bad Request for obvious reason of incomplete input - unable to send ip_list and other array type parameters


1. How to encapsulate the below given data for $oHttp.Send()

2. How to enapsulate special data types like

 null - aligned_device_tempate parameter

White sapced values - () and

empty array? - hostname or device_groups


Input Parameter in JSON format to be converted & sent in AutoIT compatible

      "name": "SnmpSIM",
      "description": "EM7 device created by BDD test case",
      "organization": "/api/organization/0",
      "aligned_device_template": null,
      "aligned_collector": "{{feature.appliance_id[0].id[0]}}{{feature.appliance_id[0].id[1]}}",
      "discover_non_snmp": "1",
      "scan_ports": [
      "ip_lists": [
        "start_ip": "{{feature.json.ip}}",
        "end_ip": "{{feature.json.ip}}"
      "dhcp_enabled": "0",
      "duplicate_protection": "1",
      "model_device": "1",
      "log_all": "1",
      "scan_all_ips": null,
      "port_scan_timeout": null,
      "initial_scan_level": null,
      "scan_throttle": null,
      "interface_inventory_timeout": "600000",
      "max_interface_inventory_count": "10000",
      "bypass_interface_inventory": "0",
      "hostnames": [],
      "device_groups": []


Working Code

; The data to be sent
$sPD = 'name=SnmpSIM&description=EM7 device created by BDD test case&credentials=37&organization=/api/organization/0&aligned_device_template=null&aligned_collector=1&discover_non_snmp=1&dhcp_enabled=0&duplicate_protection=1&model_device=1&log_all=1&scan_all_ips= null&port_scan_timeout= null&initial_scan_level= null&scan_throttle= null&interface_inventory_timeout=600000&max_interface_inventory_count=10000&bypass_interface_inventory=0&hostnames=&device_groups=&scan_ports=21'

; Creating the object
$oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
$oHTTP.Open("POST", "", False)

$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/em7-resource-uri")

; Performing the Request

; Download the body response if any, and get the server status response code.
$oReceived = $oHTTP.ResponseText
$oStatusCode = $oHTTP.Status

If $oStatusCode <> 200 then
 MsgBox(4096, "Response code", $oStatusCode)

; Saves the body response regardless of the Response code
 $file = FileOpen("Received.html", 2) ; The value of 2 overwrites the file if it already exists
 FileWrite($file, $oReceived)


 SAMPLE VBA CODE for Reference

 Dim Items As New Collection
 Dim Item As Dictionary
 Dim Id As Long

 For Id = 1 To 2
     Set Item = New Dictionary
     Item("iditem") = Id
     Item("amount") = 1
     Items.Add Item
 Next Id
 Request.AddBodyParameter "id", 5633
 Request.AddBodyParameter "items", Items

$oDictionary = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$oDictionary.ADD("start_ip", "")
$oDictionary.ADD("end_ip", "")


Edited by sivaramanm

Need some help sending the following JSON content. I have looked at the JSON UDFs available here but couldn't understand how to use them for my use.

      "name": "SnmpSIM",
      "description": "EM7 device created by BDD test case",
      "organization": "/api/organization/0",
      "aligned_device_template": null,
      "aligned_collector": "{{feature.appliance_id[0].id[0]}}{{feature.appliance_id[0].id[1]}}",
      "discover_non_snmp": "1",
      "scan_ports": [
      "ip_lists": [
        "start_ip": "{{feature.json.ip}}",
        "end_ip": "{{feature.json.ip}}"
      "dhcp_enabled": "0",
      "duplicate_protection": "1",
      "model_device": "1",
      "log_all": "1",
      "scan_all_ips": null,
      "port_scan_timeout": null,
      "initial_scan_level": null,
      "scan_throttle": null,
      "interface_inventory_timeout": "600000",
      "max_interface_inventory_count": "10000",
      "bypass_interface_inventory": "0",
      "hostnames": [],
      "device_groups": []


Auto-IT Script:

$JSONString = ""
$oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
$oHTTP.Open("GET", "", False)

$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/em7-resource-uri")

$oHTTP.Send($JSONString) ; **Need helpt to encapsulate the JSON String.**
$oReceived = $oHTTP.ResponseText
$oStatusCode = $oHTTP.Status

If $oStatusCode == 200 then
 $file = FileOpen("Received.html", 2) ; The value of 2 overwrites the file if it already exists
 FileWrite($file, $oReceived)


Posted (edited)

@Danp2 Thanks for your response. I have looked at WinHTTP UDF. my issue is i am not sure how to send the JSON content either as a variable or as a binary data file.
for instance cURL utulity has the following option to send the JSON data as a binary file.

I am looking for either to send the JSON data in serialised format like key1=value1&key2=value2 format (which i tried but not working as given below) or sending as binary data file.

curl -v -H 'X-em7-beautify-response:1' -u 'username:password' "" -H 'content-type:application/json' -- data-binary @new_note.json

Below one fails with 400-Bad Request Error.(Most likely due to invalid JSON format)

$sPD = '"{""name"":""SnmpSIM"",""description"":""EM7devicecreatedbyBDDtestcase"",""credentials"":""/api/credential/snmp/38"",""organization"":""/api/organization/0"",""aligned_device_template"":null,""aligned_collector"":""3"",""discover_non_snmp"":""1"",""scan_ports"":[""21"",""22"",""23"",""25"",""80""],""ip_lists"":[{""start_ip"":""{{feature.json.ip}}"",""end_ip"":""{{feature.json.ip}}""}],""dhcp_enabled"":""0"",""duplicate_protection"":""1"",""model_device"":""1"",""log_all"":""1"",""scan_all_ips"":null,""port_scan_timeout"":null,""initial_scan_level"":null,""scan_throttle"":null,""interface_inventory_timeout"":""600000"",""max_interface_inventory_count"":""10000"",""bypass_interface_inventory"":""0"",""hostnames"":[],""device_groups"":[]}"'

$oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
$oHTTP.Open("POST", "", False)

$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

$oReceived = $oHTTP.ResponseText
$oStatusCode = $oHTTP.Status


If $oStatusCode == 200 then
 $file = FileOpen("Received.html", 2) ; The value of 2 overwrites the file if it already exists
 FileWrite($file, $oReceived)


Edited by sivaramanm


you may try the following:

1) what's the deal with the double-double-quotes in your JSON string? replace each pair of double-quotes characters with a single double-quotes character.

2) i'm not at all certain you need the enclosing double-quotes around your entire JSON string. try to remove them.

3) you may need to escape the double-quotes inside the JSON string. something like this:

$sPD = '"{\"name\":\"SnmpSIM\",\"description\":\"EM7devicecreatedbyBDDtestcase\",\"credentials\":\"/api/credential/snmp/38\",\"organization\":\"/api/organization/0\",\"aligned_device_template\":null,\"aligned_collector\":\"3\",\"discover_non_snmp\":\"1\",\"scan_ports\":[\"21\",\"22\",\"23\",\"25\",\"80\"],\"ip_lists\":[{\"start_ip\":\"{{feature.json.ip}}\",\"end_ip\":\"{{feature.json.ip}}\"}],\"dhcp_enabled\":\"0\",\"duplicate_protection\":\"1\",\"model_device\":\"1\",\"log_all\":\"1\",\"scan_all_ips\":null,\"port_scan_timeout\":null,\"initial_scan_level\":null,\"scan_throttle\":null,\"interface_inventory_timeout\":\"600000\",\"max_interface_inventory_count\":\"10000\",\"bypass_interface_inventory\":\"0\",\"hostnames\":[],\"device_groups\":[]}"'

this is after replacing each pair of double-double-quotes ("") with a backslash and a double=quotes (\"), but the enclosing double-quotes pair is maintained.

i know for a fact that escaping the double-quotes inside the JSON string is required when passing it to an external utility, e.g. cURL. not sure if this is needed in a direct call.

Signature - my forum contributions:



LFN - support for long file names (over 260 characters)

InputImpose - impose valid characters in an input control

TimeConvert - convert UTC to/from local time and/or reformat the string representation

AMF - accept multiple files from Windows Explorer context menu

DateDuration -  literal description of the difference between given dates


Touch - set the "modified" timestamp of a file to current time

Show For Files - tray menu to show/hide files extensions, hidden & system files, and selection checkboxes

SPDiff - Single-Pane Text Diff


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