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Hello. I need to perform a specific string replace, but not sure how to go about it.

The scenario is this: I have a large block of text. Within the text colons appear ":",  Sometimes the colons are used in a sentence appearing after a word. Other times they appear in between numbers like a ratio or a sport score (e.g. "6:8").

I want to replace the colons appearing between numeric values like 6:8 with the word "to", but not the ones appearing at the end of a sentence.

Is there a way that I can have StringReplace (or any other method) differentiate when to replace the colon based on it appearing between numbers?

I did try searching for a similar scenario.

Thank you for any help. 

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You need a RegEx:

$sText = "Fred: 6:8"

$sNewText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "(\d)(:)(\d)", "$1 to $3")

ConsoleWrite($sNewText & @CRLF)


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Thanks Melba! I have got to get into using Regular Expressions. :-)

You probably could have come up with that solution in your sleep, I know.

Thank you again and for the quick response!

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I have got to get into using Regular Expressions


Quite a steep learning curve, but well worth the effort. I started out reading this site -although there are plenty of others.

Good luck - and try not to let your brain bleed too much over the keyboard!


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You would be surprised how far proper knowledge of PCRE can go where your resume is concerned.

It seems like a relatively modest subject, but for some weird reason it can make even some very professional developers get really anxious.

So: go for it! :) 

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