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TeenyScript *@ v2.1.3* - A new way of programming in AutoIt with objects and much more

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1 hour ago, rynow said:


really good work @tarretarretarre. I'm a big fan of oop and I 'm looking forward to trying your framework, but i dont use sciTe and code only with SublimeText.
how can I use teeniyScript anyway with SublimeText?


sorry for my bad English. I hope you understand me :)


Hello Rynow, Welcome to the Autoitscript forums, im glad you liked it, at this state of TeenyScript It wont run on SublimeText, I am currently doing some major patching, but I will add the SublimeText support on my "Todo list". Which one are you using? 2 or 3?


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2.0.0 release (8999 Bug Fixes and Sublime Text support added)

Just like that, some days later. Here is 2.0.0

Why everything in TeenyScript before the version 2.0.0 is broken

A very noob programming choice of me caused the whole nesting-story to collapse when mixing classes and methods See this example, also aliases were a pure nightmare. I found this while working on my biggest project.. SO Parse.au3 is mostly rewritten using a Treeview structure with inheritance (This is what I should have done from the beginning) instead of CRAP, yeah that's what it was. So now most logical errors are fixed by default.


  • @Use x AT y, now covers the whole file instead of a specific class (Since it didn't make sense to have it exclusive for parent class per file)
  • It's no longer possible to create anything else besides methods and properties in a class scope, instead the Construct keyword may be used to achieve the same result
  • Major parsing improvements (M A J O R)
  • Changed the way of accessing namespaces, from path/to/namespace/$func() topath/to/namespace::$func(). it looks more clean and makes more sense
  • Its not longer possible to construct in extensions, it will throw an compiling error

Bug Fixes

  • Custominit.au3 caused an Array error when a regular .au3 files generated a com error
  • No error on duplicate namespaces set
  • #2
  • It is now possible to ; comment out TS code, this was not done before so, code after ; for example, would still get parsed.
  • These are just some of the crucial I remember, but there is probably 50+ fixes /optimizations along this update

New features

  • Added support for Sublime Text 2 and 3 for non SciTe users. See "How to run with Sublime.txt" which is located in the directory
  • Added new Namespace keyword self::
  • Added "Smart cache" which automatically stores parsed data in memory if not modified, making TeenyScript scale better with larger projects.
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Hello team!

Here is some issues that I have been resolving 

Bug Fixes

  • SmartCache did not properly update the final file if working on 2 different projects at the same time, this is now resolved.
  • The Constructor would fail if multiple variable defaults were set, like this $MyConstruct(Construct, $a = $const_a + $const_b, $b = $some_global_var, $c =null) this is now resolved.
  • Fixed inheritance bug when some features would not get parsed if between other regular autoit functions
  • Directories with dashes would not be included in some cases, this is now resolved


  • @WorkingDir was previously set to TeenyScript dir, forcing the user to always use @ScriptDir, this is now resolved by setting the @WorkingDir to the same as @ScriptDir.

New features

  • Global variables can now be assigned in the global scope and will inherit the file's current Namespace, the variables are accessed like any other function . See more here
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  • 1 year later...
15 hours ago, JonusC said:

Shame your server is down so I can't see the docs :\ is the project dead? Or is it "finished" and production-ready?

Please consider moving the documentation to ReadTheDocs or something, if you are still around... or at least a mirror of the docs uploaded here or somewhere.

Hello. This project is on ICE and The server I hosted the page on is dead. I will (when i have time) move the docs to another place!

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13 hours ago, tarretarretarre said:

Hello. This project is on ICE and The server I hosted the page on is dead. I will (when i have time) move the docs to another place!


Understandable, it's a bold project. AutoItObject UDF is quite old, and I lack the skill to maintain it - so there is no rush. I've decided instead to work on my own preprocessor to convert pseudo-OOP code (i.e. fake) into Au3 code. It's not *real* OOP, but it will make it look like it - neater code, the appearance of encapsulation, calling methods on variables, things like that.

I'll be sharing it in a new thread once I have something a bit beyond a proof of concept :)

Thanks anyway!

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This is fantastic!!
Will you let us know when (if?) you get the site up and running?
Thank you for this project.



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"I hear voices in my head, but I ignore them and continue on killing."

"You have forced me to raise the indifference warning to beige, it's a beige alert people. As with all beige alerts please prepare to think about the possibility of caring."

An optimist says that giving someone power DOESN'T immediately turn them into a sadist. A pessimist says that giving someone power doesn't IMMEDIATELY turn them into a sadist.


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