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how can I read the complete Version and Build-Numer for Windows 10?
If I execute "winver.exe" in windows command-line I get the Build "10586.420".
When I run "@OSBuild" in autoit I get "10586" and when I run "FileGetVersion(@SystemDir & "\WinVer.exe"" I get "10.0.10586.0".

How can I get the rest of the number 420?

Thanks for help!

Posted (edited)

Have you tried using FileGetVersion on cmd.exe instead of winver.exe?

If that doesn't work, check out the following registry key to see if the info you're looking for is there:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

If so, you can use RegRead to grab it out of the registry

Edited by MuffinMan
added another possible solution

you can use the shorthand in Win10, but i left it all there in case some of those on older OS would like the same


$sCommand = "Powershell [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.tostring()"
$iPID = run($sCommand , "" , @SW_HIDE , $stdout_child)

$sOutput = ""

     While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then ExitLoop

msgbox(0, '' , stringsplit($sOutput , @LF , 2)[0])


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