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Posted (edited)

Hi All,

I'm a long time lurker and big fan of AutoIt.

In the spirit of giving back to the community that has given me so much, here's my first contribution. It's not very well documented and is still really in Beta stage.

The idea is to enable people who cannot code to gain some of the benefits of AutoIt by creating simple scripts in a spreadsheet. The contents of send() commands or execute() commands can be put in a spreadsheet and this script will read those strings and either send or execute them in a specified window. I've also added an expandable help section (see screenshots) that will allow the user to copy some sample strings to the clipboard for repasting into the spreadsheet.

I've attached a sample spreadsheet as a CSV. It's pretty hard to come up with a more complex sample as everyone uses quite varied software.




edit: uploaded new version 1.5.6 and re-named ADEPT (Auto Data Entry and Processing Tool).





Edited by Walkabout


I ran the script (copied from the code in your post). And it gave some errors.

C:\_\Apps\AutoIT3\test.au3(563,45) : ERROR: RefreshWindowList() previously called with 0 arg(s). Min = 1.

Func ReFreshWindowList(ByRef $OldWindowList)


Still in BETA or maybe some more documentation would be nice.



I ran the script (copied from the code in your post). And it gave some errors.

Still in BETA or maybe some more documentation would be nice.


Thanks for your feedback. It ran fine on my PC at work, but I had the same problem as you when I ran it at home. Might be a Beta version thing. I've fiddled with it and it seems to be working OK on 3.1.87 now, though Au3Check does throw up an error about Execute(). Just ignore it.

I'm glad you looked in here as it was your little script using Execute that gave me the idea to do this B)

I've also uploaded a sample source file (Excel), and some screendumps of the GUI before running it. The second one shows the help expanded which allows the user to copy AutoIt3 commands to the clipboard for pasting into the source spreadsheet.





Thanks for the feedback.

Nice screenshots !!

I will update my Beta version today and try again.

your little script using Execute that gave me the idea

Glad you liked the Execute example B)

You can do a lot of cretive things with this, if you think about it.

Keep up the good work !!


Updated script to deal with Excel "Cannot Empty Clipboard" error. For general reference, leave a short sleep (I've had success with 50ms) between a copy in an Excel Window and a Clipget(). Excel seems to do some post copy playing around with the clipboard which conflicts with the operation of Clipget().



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