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Rocket League GOOAAL Rando Playback

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Hello all! In celebration of Rocket League supporting cross platform play with the XBone I wanted to finally create a script to accompany my game winning goals!

Currently I have a switch where one button will play this soccer.mp3 while the other cuts the audio in case someone skips the replay during the game. I have a collection of mp3 files that I would like to use from "C:\Rocket" folder and I would like to play a random file from that directory so "C:\Rocket\*.mp3".


I am having trouble understanding the random() function and hot to integrate it. Or would I need to create an array before being able to use the random function? Also for note I am trying to use about 20 mp3 files.

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Global $g_bPaused = False
HotKeySet("{8}", "HotKeyPressed")
HotKeySet("{5}", "HotKeyPressed")

Func HotKeyPressed()
   Switch @HotKeyPressed
      Case "{8}"
      Case "{5}"

The recordings are newscasters similar to this. Thought that it would have been nice for this to have been in the game to begin with lol Thanks Everyone! :D



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@afallenhope you could do this with _ArrayShuffle():

#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Local $aMusic = _FileListToArray("C:\Rocket", "*.mp3", $FLTA_FILES, True)


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