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Posted (edited)


It's now working quite nice.

See this post in the UDF forum




Regards, Rudi.


------------ no need to read all the other lines -----------


this is  a first script, to get NASA solar pictures to my local disk. Works quite okay, but it is very slow.


1.) Possibly there is a chance to speed it up?


#include <Inet.au3>
#include <Date.au3>

$url = "http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/browse/"
$Start = "2016/01/01"
$NextDate = $Start

$RegExJpgName = '(.*?<a href=")([\d_]+?_1024_0193\.jpg)(">.*)' ; $2 returns the JPG file name. Size 1024x1024, Picture colouring type 0193 (whatsoever that exactly means ;-)

$SolarFolder = @TempDir & "\SolarJPGs\"

HttpSetProxy(1) ; direct access

While (_DateDiff("D", $NextDate, _NowCalcDate()) > -1)
    $NextFolder = $url & $NextDate & "/"
    ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') :     $NextFolder = ' & $NextFolder & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console
    $NextDate = _DateAdd("D", 1, $NextDate)

Func GetJPGs($_URL)
    $page = _INetGetSource($_URL)
    $aPage = StringSplit($page, "<tr>", 1)
    For $a = 1 To $aPage[0]
        If StringRegExp($aPage[$a], $RegExJpgName) Then
            $_JPG = StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($aPage[$a], $RegExJpgName, "$2"), 1 + 2)
            $_NextURL = $_URL & $_JPG
            $_NextJPG = $SolarFolder & $_JPG
            If FileExists($_NextJPG) Then ContinueLoop ; that file has been downloaded before ALREADY
            ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $_NextJPG = ' & $_NextJPG & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console
            $result = InetGet($_NextURL, $_NextJPG, 1 + 2, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>GetJPGs

2.) When I open the first picture with Irfan View, I can use the "right" arrow to "movie" through that series of JPG files. What is the easiest way to "merge" those pics to a movie? (format doesn't matter, one that's good for androids would be nice. No experience with all that so far. I found how to split movies to one pic per frame using Irfan, but not how to merge JPGs to a movie)


Any suggestions appreciated, propably there are ready-to-use tools out there I just missed, because I didn't know what to search for exactly.


Or there is an easy solution to "play" the images as a movie within an Autoit GUI?



Interesting points of time I've found so far are e.g.:

  • 2016-01-06@12:41:30 the focus on the sun was almost lost
  • 2016-01-13@13:55:18 it's obviously a satelite cam, starting a 360° rotation at this point of time

Regards, Rudi.

Edited by rudi

Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!

45 minutes ago, rudi said:

2.) When I open the first picture with Irfan View, I can use the "right" arrow to "movie" through that series of JPG files. What is the easiest way to "merge" those pics to a movie? (format doesn't matter, one that's good for androids would be nice. No experience with all that so far. I found how to split movies to one pic per frame using Irfan, but not how to merge JPGs to a movie)

Have a look here: https://autoit.de/index.php/Thread/84289-AVI-Compose-Video-UDF/

Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

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The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ



Thanks for pointing me to that UDF.




Regards, Rudi.

Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!

Posted (edited)

Hi again.

As I was watching the "irfan movie", I was wondering, if it might be possible, to get a somewhat 3D sensation, when I would present "older" JPGs to to the left eye relative to that one for the right eye. I found, that a delta of three PICs is giving me a quite nice experience:

script modified 2016-05-20@21'29:

Now you can use the UP and DOWN cursor key to expand / shrink the GUI. By that it's much easier, to increase the size without loosing the "split focus" (left eye left picture, right eye right picture)


Have fun!



#include <Inet.au3>
#include <Date.au3>

$url = "http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/browse/"
$Start = "2015/01/01"
$NextDate = $Start

$RegExJpgName = '(.*?<a href=")([\d_]+?_1024_0193\.jpg)(">.*)' ; $2 returns the JPG file name. Size 1024x1024, Picture colouring type 0193 (whatsoever that exactly means ;-)

$SolarFolder = @ScriptDir & "\SolarJPGs\"

HttpSetProxy(1) ; direct access

While (_DateDiff("D", $NextDate, _NowCalcDate()) > -1)
    $NextFolder = $url & $NextDate & "/"
    ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') :     $NextFolder = ' & $NextFolder & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console
    $NextDate = _DateAdd("D", 1, $NextDate)

Func GetJPGs($_URL)
    $page = _INetGetSource($_URL)
    $aPage = StringSplit($page, "<tr>", 1)
    if @error then Exit
    For $a = 1 To $aPage[0]
        If StringRegExp($aPage[$a], $RegExJpgName) Then
            $_JPG = StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($aPage[$a], $RegExJpgName, "$2"), 1 + 2)
            $_NextURL = $_URL & $_JPG
            $_NextJPG = $SolarFolder & $_JPG
            If FileExists($_NextJPG) Then ContinueLoop ; that file has been downloaded before ALREADY
            ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $_NextJPG = ' & $_NextJPG & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console
            $result = InetGet($_NextURL, $_NextJPG, 1 + 2, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>GetJPGs


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

$SolarFolder = @ScriptDir & "\SolarJPGs\"

$s = FileFindFirstFile($SolarFolder & "*.jpg")
If $s = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Empty", "No JPGs found in path" & @CRLF & $SolarFolder)

$next = FileFindNextFile($s)
$L = $SolarFolder & $next
$next = FileFindNextFile($s)
$R = $SolarFolder & $next
$shift1 = $R
$shift2 = $R
$shift3 = $R
$LastDate=StringLeft($next,4) & "-" & StringMid($next,5,2) & "-" & StringMid($next,7,2)

Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll")

$h = 300
$w = $h * 2

$GuiTitle="solar movie, " &$h & " px, "

$Gui = GUICreate($GuiTitle & $LastDate, $w, $h)
$Left = GUICtrlCreatePic($L, 5, 5, $w / 2 - 10, $h - 10)
$Right = GUICtrlCreatePic($R, $w / 2 + 5, 5, $w / 2 - 10, $h - 10)

While 1
    $shift3 = $shift2
    $shift2 = $shift1
    $shift1 = $R
    $L = $shift3
    $next = FileFindNextFile($s)
    If @error Then
        MsgBox(0, "", "The End")
        $NextDate=StringLeft($next,4) & "-" & StringMid($next,5,2) & "-" & StringMid($next,7,2)
        if $NextDate <> $LastDate Then
            WinSetTitle($gui,"",$GuiTitle & $LastDate)
        $R = $SolarFolder & $next
        GUICtrlSetImage($Left, $L)
        GUICtrlSetImage($Right, $R)

Func ReadMsg()
    If WinActive($Gui) Then
        If _IsPressed("26", $hDLL) Then ; up arrow key
            $h += 2
            $w = $h * 2
            WinMove($Gui,"",$aPos[0]-1,$aPos[1]-1,$w,$h) ; symmetrically expand one pixel in each direction
            $GuiTitle="solar movie, " &$h & " px, "
            WinSetTitle($gui,"",$GuiTitle & $LastDate)
            $Left = GUICtrlCreatePic($L, 5, 5, $w / 2 - 10, $h - 10)
            $Right = GUICtrlCreatePic($R, $w / 2 + 5, 5, $w / 2 - 10, $h - 10)
        If _IsPressed("28", $hDLL) Then ; up arrow key
            $h -= 2
            $w = $h * 2
            WinMove($Gui, "", $aPos[0]+1,$aPos[1]+1,$w,$h) ; symmetrically shrink one pixel in each direction
            WinSetTitle($gui,"","solar movie, " &$h & " px, " & $LastDate)
            $Left = GUICtrlCreatePic($L, 5, 5, $w / 2 - 10, $h - 10)
            $Right = GUICtrlCreatePic($R, $w / 2 + 5, 5, $w / 2 - 10, $h - 10)

EndFunc   ;==>ReadMsg

Regards, Rudi.


<edit: Typos, & Start Date set to 2015/01/01>

Edited by rudi

Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!

  • 4 years later...
  • Developers
16 minutes ago, JockoDundee said:

What you need is an MJPEG player.

?  What @Reginald needs to do is ask a real question. That first post is a statement.... curious what the next post will be.

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55 minutes ago, Jos said:

?  What @Reginald needs to do is ask a real question. That first post is a statement.... curious what the next post will be.

Bait and switch.  I came in to this discussion after being lured by the promise of a Hot! 6 reply thread.  I didn’t take the time to notice that the only thing new was just a stone cold  necro-post.  Apologies.


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