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I was just working on a project that involved decoding a stream of binary data from a serial port in AutoIt.  It took me a few hours to figure out how to process the data efficiently in AutoIt and I did not find any helpful examples on how to do so, so I thought I would share my core example and maybe save someone else some time.  There may be a more efficient way to do this, but this works well for me.


Author: ToasterKing
This is an example of a way to parse streaming binary data that follows a strict format with a header and footer.
In this example, each frame is 5 bytes with a 2-byte header of 0xD5AA and a 1-byte footer of 0xAD.
The _BinaryParse() function accumulates incoming data in a buffer.  Once a footer is found, it searches backward
for the header, and if it is in the right position, it extracts the remaining 2 bytes in the middle,
then moves on to looking for the next frame.

; The data source might be something asynchronous like serial or TCP, but since this is just an example, I'm just putting the data in a variable.
Local $fSomeData
$fSomeData = Binary("0xD5AA24B1") ; Binary data constituting almost a complete frame.
_BinaryParse($fSomeData) ; Call the function with the received data.  It isn't a complete frame, so it is just stored in the buffer until more data is received.
$fSomeData = Binary("0xAD62D5AA92E7AD") ; Remainder of the previous frame, one garbage byte (0x62) which should be skipped, and a complete additional frame.
_BinaryParse($fSomeData) ; The function should be able to parse both frames now.

Func _BinaryParse($fNewData)
    Local Static $fBinaryReceived = Binary("") ; Buffer for received data
    ConsoleWrite("Hey, the function is called!" & @CRLF)
    ; Add new data to the buffer.
    ; This ridiculous monstrosity is the only way I could find to append binary data to binary data in AutoIt.  It must be converted to strings first.
    ; Both, one, or no substrings will begin with "0x" depending on whether they contained binary data.  To be converted back to binary properly, only one instance
    ; of "0x" must exist at the beginning of the string.
    $fBinaryReceived = Binary("0x" & StringReplace(String($fBinaryReceived) & String($fNewData),"0x",""))
    ConsoleWrite("Data in the buffer: " & String($fBinaryReceived) & @CRLF)
    Local $iLength = BinaryLen($fBinaryReceived) ; Count the bytes in the data
    If $iLength > 0 Then
        Local $fBinaryReceivedTemp = $fBinaryReceived ; Create temporary copy to work on
        Local $fByte1,$fByte2
        For $i = 1 To $iLength
            If BinaryMid($fBinaryReceivedTemp,$i,1) = 0xAD Then ; If the 1-byte footer found
                ConsoleWrite("Footer found at end of " & $i & " of " & $iLength & " bytes!" & @CRLF)
                If BinaryMid($fBinaryReceivedTemp,$i - 4,1) = 0xD5 And BinaryMid($fBinaryReceivedTemp,$i - 3,1) = 0xAA Then ; and the 2-byte header is found 4 bytes before that
                ConsoleWrite("Header found before the footer!" & @CRLF)
                    $fByte1 = BinaryMid($fBinaryReceivedTemp,$i - 2,1) ; Get 1st byte in the body (between header and footer)
                    $fByte2 = BinaryMid($fBinaryReceivedTemp,$i - 1,1) ; Get 2nd byte in the body (between header and footer)
                    ConsoleWrite("Here is the critical data: " & String($fByte1) & " " & String($fByte2) & @CRLF) ; Just display the 2 bytes for demonstration purposes.  Normally, you'd do something more useful with it here.
                $fBinaryReceived = BinaryMid($fBinaryReceivedTemp,$i + 1) ; Truncate the original data to remove all of the bytes just processed, then continue processing $fBinaryReceivedTemp


Edited by toasterking

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