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After few hours on TinyMp3Player study, i have add music bar with success :)

After Mp3SearchEngine, TinyMp3Player help me a lot. U have my eternal gratitude for that ^^

my unfinished dev version looks like that now :



Posted (edited)

The backend seems to work well enough but the Gui leaves something to be desired especially while dragging the window maybe you could make the border show up when you mouse over the windows?


Edit: It also has issues when closing, sometimes hangs

Edited by Bilgus

Hi Bilgus and thx for testing and report.


Edit: It also has issues when closing, sometimes hangs

I have try reproduce this problem with v0.0.0.8 without success. After a lot of restart i have never see a hang problem on close ButtonPressed.


The backend seems to work well enough but the Gui leaves something to be desired especially while dragging the window maybe you could make the border show up when you mouse over the windows?

i not understand all but i think u want say : "sometime the gui don't want drag"

this problem is already fixed on my dev version see (post #10) :


-About Timeout/ GUI-blocking
          Curl_Easy_Perform() seems better but not the best for GUI Hang while timeout is not reached.
          I need study about Curl.au3 for use Curl_Multi_Perform() (study the non-GUI-blocking technique sample).
                    This is done. Curl.au3\Curl_Example_Multi.au3 rocks ;)

when script download data u can't move gui. with Curl_Multi_Perform() i can do something like :

;This is not a real code is just for explain.
while 1
   ;Do stuff like drag GUI
   If $DonwloadDone = 1 Then


I do my best for release my dev version like v0.0.0.9 soon (but i need some day probably)

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