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Network Adapter Info use WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)



  • Show information network card.
  • Easily copy information, for copy just click on the line want to copy.
  • Notifications connection, connection loss.
  • Supports exporting information to file (CSV/INI format).


Export to file INI format:   NetStatus.exe "PathFile.INI"   

Export to file CSV format:  NetStatus.exe "PathFile.CSV" CSV
Export to file CSV format:  NetStatus.exe "PathFile.CSV" /CSV
Export to file CSV format:  NetStatus.exe "PathFile.CSV" --CSV




Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;0=no, 1=require pre-declaration

Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_SkipObjectError")
Func _SkipObjectError()
    ; Do nothing special, just check @error after suspect functions.
EndFunc   ;==>_SkipObjectError

Global $sAdapterInfo
Global Const $sNotAvailable = "N/A", $sBlankIP = "", $sBlankMAC = "00:00:00:00:00:00"

ConsoleWrite(_PrintAdaptersInfo() & @CRLF)

Func _PrintAdaptersInfo()
    If Not IsArray($sAdapterInfo) Then $sAdapterInfo = _GetListAdaptersInfo(".")
    Local $sIndex, $sAdapter, $sAdapterName, $sAdapterStatus, $sGetIPType, $sIP, $sSubNetIP, $sMAC, $sGetwayIP, $sGetwayMAC, $sSpeed, $sDNS1, $sDNS2, $sDNS3, $sDNS4, $sDNS5, $sDNS6, $sDNS7, $sDNS8, $sReturn
    If IsArray($sAdapterInfo) And $sAdapterInfo[0][0] > 0 Then
        For $x = 1 To $sAdapterInfo[0][0]
            $sIndex = $sAdapterInfo[$x][0]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sIndex) <> '') And ($sIndex <> $sNotAvailable)) Then $sReturn &= '+ Index: ' & $sIndex & @CRLF & ''
            $sAdapter = $sAdapterInfo[$x][1]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sAdapter) <> '') And ($sAdapter <> $sNotAvailable)) Then $sReturn &= '- Adapter: ' & $sAdapter & @CRLF & ''
            $sAdapterName = $sAdapterInfo[$x][2]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sAdapterName) <> '') And ($sAdapterName <> $sNotAvailable)) Then $sReturn &= '- Adapter Name: ' & $sAdapterName & @CRLF & ''
            $sAdapterStatus = $sAdapterInfo[$x][3]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sAdapterStatus) <> '') And ($sAdapterStatus <> $sNotAvailable)) Then $sReturn &= '- Adapter Status: ' & $sAdapterStatus & @CRLF & ''
            $sGetIPType = $sAdapterInfo[$x][4]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sGetIPType) <> '') And ($sGetIPType <> $sNotAvailable)) Then $sReturn &= '- IP Type: ' & $sGetIPType & @CRLF & ''
            $sIP = $sAdapterInfo[$x][5]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sIP) <> '') And ($sIP <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sIP <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- IP: ' & $sIP & @CRLF & ''
            $sSubNetIP = $sAdapterInfo[$x][6]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sSubNetIP) <> '') And ($sSubNetIP <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sSubNetIP <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- SubNet IP: ' & $sSubNetIP & @CRLF & ''
            $sMAC = $sAdapterInfo[$x][7]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sMAC) <> '') And ($sMAC <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sMAC <> $sBlankMAC)) Then $sReturn &= '- MAC: ' & $sMAC & @CRLF & ''
            $sGetwayIP = $sAdapterInfo[$x][8]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sGetwayIP) <> '') And ($sGetwayIP <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sGetwayIP <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- Getway IP: ' & $sGetwayIP & @CRLF & ''
            $sGetwayMAC = $sAdapterInfo[$x][9]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sGetwayMAC) <> '') And ($sGetwayMAC <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sGetwayMAC <> $sBlankMAC)) Then $sReturn &= '- Getway MAC: ' & $sGetwayMAC & @CRLF & ''
            $sSpeed = $sAdapterInfo[$x][10]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sSpeed) <> '') And ($sSpeed <> $sNotAvailable)) Then $sReturn &= '- Speed: ' & $sSpeed & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS1 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][11]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS1) <> '') And ($sDNS1 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS1 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 1: ' & $sDNS1 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS2 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][12]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS2) <> '') And ($sDNS2 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS2 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 2: ' & $sDNS2 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS3 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][13]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS3) <> '') And ($sDNS3 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS3 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 3: ' & $sDNS3 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS4 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][14]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS4) <> '') And ($sDNS4 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS4 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 4: ' & $sDNS4 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS5 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][15]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS5) <> '') And ($sDNS5 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS5 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 5: ' & $sDNS5 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS6 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][16]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS6) <> '') And ($sDNS6 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS6 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 6: ' & $sDNS6 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS7 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][17]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS7) <> '') And ($sDNS7 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS7 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 7: ' & $sDNS7 & @CRLF & ''
            $sDNS8 = $sAdapterInfo[$x][18]
            If ((_StringStripWSCR($sDNS8) <> '') And ($sDNS8 <> $sNotAvailable) And ($sDNS8 <> $sBlankIP)) Then $sReturn &= '- DNS 8: ' & $sDNS8 & @CRLF & ''
            $sReturn &= @CRLF & ''
        Return $sReturn
        Return SetError(1, 0, '')
EndFunc   ;==>_PrintAdaptersInfo

Func _StringStripWSCR($iString = '')
    $iString = StringStripCR($iString)
    $iString = StringStripWS($iString, 8)
    Return $iString
EndFunc   ;==>_StringStripWSCR

Func _GetListAdaptersInfo($sComputer = ".")
    Local $Cols = 20, $strIndex, $objVAR, $objVARx, $zAdapter, $zAdapterName, $zSpeed, $zIndex, $zInterfaceIndex, $zGetIPType, $zAdapterStatus, $zIP, $zMAC, $zSubNetIP, $zGetwayIP, $zGetwayMAC
    Local $aReturn[1][$Cols] = [[0, $Cols]]
    If $sComputer = Default Then $sComputer = @ComputerName
    Local $sListIndexInterfaceName = _ListIndexInterfaceName()
    Local $objWMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Local $objWQLx = $objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionID != NULL", "WQL", 0x30)
;~  Local $objWQLx = $objWMI.ExecQuery('Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapter', "WQL", 0x30)
    If Not @error And IsObj($objWQLx) Then
        For $objVARx In $objWQLx
            $zAdapterName = $objVARx.NetConnectionID
            If (_StringStripWSCR($zAdapterName) = "") Then ContinueLoop
            $zSpeed = _ByteSuffixRound($objVARx.Speed) ; Vista+
            If Int($zSpeed) <= 0 Then
                For $z = 0 To UBound($sListIndexInterfaceName) - 1
                    If $sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][1] = $zAdapterName Then $zSpeed = _ByteSuffixRound(InterfaceIndexSpeed($sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][0]))
            $zAdapterStatus = $objVARx.NetConnectionStatus
            Switch $zAdapterStatus
                Case 0, 3
                    $zAdapterStatus = "Disable"
                Case 1, 2
                    $zAdapterStatus = "Connected"
                Case $zAdapterStatus = 7
                    $zAdapterStatus = "unPlugged"
                Case Else
                    $zAdapterStatus = $sNotAvailable
            $strIndex = $objVARx.Index
            Local $objWQL = $objWMI.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE Index=' & $strIndex, "WQL", 0x30)
            If Not @error And IsObj($objWQL) Then
                For $objVAR In $objWQL
                    $zAdapter = $objVAR.Description
                    $aReturn[0][0] += 1
                    $zIndex = $aReturn[0][0]
                    ReDim $aReturn[$zIndex * 2][$aReturn[0][1]]
                    $zInterfaceIndex = $objVAR.InterfaceIndex
                    If Int($zInterfaceIndex) <= 0 Then
                        For $z = 0 To UBound($sListIndexInterfaceName) - 1
                            If $sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][1] = $zAdapterName Then $zInterfaceIndex = $sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][0]
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][0] = $zInterfaceIndex
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][1] = $zAdapter
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][2] = $zAdapterName
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][3] = $zAdapterStatus
                    $zGetIPType = $objVAR.DHCPEnabled
                    If $zGetIPType Then
                        $zGetIPType = "DHCP"
                        $zGetIPType = "StaticIP"
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][4] = $zGetIPType
                    $zIP = $objVAR.IPAddress(0)
                    If _StringStripWSCR($zIP) = "" Then $zIP = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][5] = $zIP
                    $zSubNetIP = $objVAR.IPSubnet(0)
                    If _StringStripWSCR($zSubNetIP) = "" Then $zSubNetIP = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][6] = $zSubNetIP
                    $zMAC = $objVAR.MACAddress
                    If _StringStripWSCR($zMAC) = "" Then $zMAC = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][7] = $zMAC
                    $zGetwayIP = $objVAR.DefaultIPGateway(0)
                    If _StringStripWSCR($zGetwayIP) = "" Then $zGetwayIP = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][8] = $zGetwayIP
                    $zGetwayMAC = $sNotAvailable
                    If _StringStripWSCR($zGetwayIP) <> $sNotAvailable Then $zGetwayMAC = _GetMACFromIP($zGetwayIP)
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][9] = $zGetwayMAC
                    If Number($zSpeed) = 0 Then $zSpeed = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][10] = $zSpeed
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][14] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][15] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][16] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][17] = $sNotAvailable
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][18] = $sNotAvailable
                    Local $zDNS = $objVAR.DNSServerSearchOrder()
                    Local $dnsCount = UBound($zDNS) - 1
                    $aReturn[$zIndex][19] = $dnsCount
                    If IsArray($zDNS) Then
                        Switch $dnsCount
                            Case 1
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                            Case 2
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                            Case 3
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $zDNS[2]
                            Case 4
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $zDNS[2]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][14] = $zDNS[3]
                            Case 5
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $zDNS[2]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][14] = $zDNS[3]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][15] = $zDNS[4]
                            Case 6
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $zDNS[2]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][14] = $zDNS[3]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][15] = $zDNS[4]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][16] = $zDNS[5]
                            Case 7
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $zDNS[2]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][14] = $zDNS[3]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][15] = $zDNS[4]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][16] = $zDNS[5]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][17] = $zDNS[6]
                            Case 8
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zDNS[1]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][13] = $zDNS[2]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][14] = $zDNS[3]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][15] = $zDNS[4]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][16] = $zDNS[5]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][17] = $zDNS[6]
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][18] = $zDNS[7]
                            Case Else
                                $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[0]
        Return $aReturn
    Return SetError(1, 0, "")
EndFunc   ;==>_GetListAdaptersInfo
Func _ListIndexInterfaceName()
    Local Const $tagIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = "ulong Length;dword IfIndex;ptr Next;ptr AdapterName;ptr FirstUnicastAddress;" & "ptr FirstAnycastAddress;ptr FirstMulticastAddress;ptr FirstDnsServerAddress;ptr DnsSuffix;ptr Description;" & "ptr FriendlyName;byte PhysicalAddress[8];dword PhysicalAddressLength;dword Flags;dword Mtu;dword IfType;int OperStatus;" & "dword Ipv6IfIndex;dword ZoneIndices[16];ptr FirstPrefix;" & "uint64 TransmitLinkSpeed;uint64 ReceiveLinkSpeed;ptr FirstWinsServerAddress;ptr FirstGatewayAddress;" & "ulong Ipv4Metric;ulong Ipv6Metric;uint64 Luid;STRUCT;ptr Dhcpv4ServerSockAddr;int Dhcpv4ServerSockAddrLen;ENDSTRUCT;" & "ulong CompartmentId;STRUCT;ulong NetworkGuidData1;word NetworkGuidData2;word NetworkGuidData3;byte NetworkGuidData4[8];ENDSTRUCT;" & "int ConnectionType;int TunnelType;STRUCT;ptr Dhcpv6ServerSockAddr;int Dhcpv6ServerSockAddrLen;ENDSTRUCT;byte Dhcpv6ClientDuid[130];" & "ulong Dhcpv6ClientDuidLength;ulong Dhcpv6Iaid;ptr FirstDnsSuffix;"
    Local $aRet, $nBufSize, $stBuffer, $stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, $pIPAAStruct, $nIPAAStSize
    Local $pTemp, $nTemp, $nEntries, $aIndexEntries
    $aRet = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "ulong", "GetAdaptersAddresses", "ulong", 0, "ulong", 0x86, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ulong*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "")
    If $aRet[0] Then
        If $aRet[0] <> 111 Or Not $aRet[5] Then Return SetError(2, $aRet[0], "")
    $nBufSize = $aRet[5]
    $stBuffer = DllStructCreate("int64;byte [" & $nBufSize & "];")
    $aRet = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "ulong", "GetAdaptersAddresses", "ulong", 0, "ulong", 0x86, "ptr", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer), "ulong*", $nBufSize)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "")
    If $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(2, $aRet[0], "")
    Dim $aIndexEntries[Floor($nBufSize / 72)][2]
    $nEntries = 0
    $pIPAAStruct = DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer)
    While $pIPAAStruct <> 0
        $stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = DllStructCreate($tagIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, $pIPAAStruct)
        $nIPAAStSize = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "Length")
        $nTemp = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "OperStatus")
        If ($nTemp = 2 And Not False) Or DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "IfType") = 24 Then
            $pTemp = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "FirstUnicastAddress")
            If $pTemp <> 0 Then
                $aIndexEntries[$nEntries][0] = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "IfIndex")
                $aIndexEntries[$nEntries][1] = _GetStringW_FromPtr(DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "FriendlyName"))
                $nEntries += 1
        $pIPAAStruct = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "Next")
    If $nEntries = 0 Then Return SetError(-1, 0, "")
    ReDim $aIndexEntries[$nEntries][2]
    Return SetExtended($nEntries, $aIndexEntries)
EndFunc   ;==>_ListIndexInterfaceName

Func InterfaceIndexSpeed($IfIndex)
    Local $tBuffer, $pBuffer, $iResult, $iSpeed
    $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[256];dword[5];byte[8];dword[16];char[256]")
    $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer)
    DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 2, $IfIndex, 1)
    $iResult = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "long", "GetIfEntry", "ptr", $pBuffer)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    $iSpeed = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 2, 4)
;~  $sDescr = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 5)
    $tBuffer = 0
    Return SetError($iResult[0], $iSpeed / 1000 / 1000, $iSpeed)
EndFunc   ;==>InterfaceIndexSpeed
Func _GetStringW_FromPtr($pStr)
    If Not IsPtr($pStr) Or $pStr = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    Local $aRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "lstrcpynW", "wstr", "", "ptr", $pStr, "int", 32767)
    If @error Or Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "")
    Return $aRet[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetStringW_FromPtr

Func _GetMACFromIP($rMAC)
    If ($rMAC = "") Or ($rMAC = $sNotAvailable) Then Return $sNotAvailable
    Local $sbMAC = DllStructCreate("byte[6]")
    Local $siMAC = DllStructCreate("int")
    DllStructSetData($siMAC, 1, 6)
    Local $rHexMAC = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "int", "inet_addr", "str", $rMAC)
    $rMAC = $rHexMAC[0]
    $rHexMAC = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "int", "SendARP", "int", $rMAC, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sbMAC), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($siMAC))
    $rMAC = ""
    For $i = 0 To 5
        If $i Then $rMAC &= ":"
        $rMAC = $rMAC & Hex(DllStructGetData($sbMAC, 1, $i + 1), 2)
    If ($rMAC = "") Or ($rMAC = $sBlankMAC) Or ($rMAC = $sNotAvailable) Then Return $sNotAvailable
    Return $rMAC
EndFunc   ;==>_GetMACFromIP
Func _ByteSuffixRound($iBytes, $iRound = 2)
    $iBytes = Number($iBytes)
    If $iBytes > 1000000000 Then Return $sNotAvailable
    Local $A, $aArray[5] = ["Bps", "Kbps", "Mbps", "Gbps", "Tbps"]
    While $iBytes > 999
        $A += 1
        If $A > 3 Then ExitLoop
        $iBytes /= 1000
    Return Round($iBytes, $iRound) & " " & $aArray[$A]
EndFunc   ;==>_ByteSuffixRound
Func CreateContentCSV()
    Local $sContent
    If Not IsArray($sAdapterInfo) Then $sAdapterInfo = _GetListAdaptersInfo(".")
    If IsArray($sAdapterInfo) And $sAdapterInfo[0][0] > 0 Then
        $sContent &= '"NIC","InterfaceIndex","Adapter","AdapterName","AdapterStatus","GetIPType","IP","SubNetIP","MAC","GetwayIP","GetwayMAC","Speed","DNS1","DNS2","DNS3","DNS4","DNS5","DNS6","DNS7","DNS8"' & @CRLF
        For $x = 1 To $sAdapterInfo[0][0]
            $sContent &= '"' & $x & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][0] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][1] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][2] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][3] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][4] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][5] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][6] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][7] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][8] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][9] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][10] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][11] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][12] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][13] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][14] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][15] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][16] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][17] & '",'
            $sContent &= '"' & $sAdapterInfo[$x][18] & '"' & @CRLF
        Return $sContent
        Return SetError(1, 0, False)
EndFunc   ;==>CreateContentCSV
Func CreateContentINI()
    Local $sContent = "[NetworkInfo]" & @CRLF
    $sContent &= "Time = " & @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "-" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & @CRLF
    If Not IsArray($sAdapterInfo) Then $sAdapterInfo = _GetListAdaptersInfo(".")
    If IsArray($sAdapterInfo) And $sAdapterInfo[0][0] > 0 Then
        $sContent &= "TotalNIC = " & $sAdapterInfo[0][0] & @CRLF & @CRLF
        For $x = 1 To $sAdapterInfo[0][0]
            $sContent &= "[NIC" & $x & "]" & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "InterfaceIndex = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][0] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "Adapter = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][1] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "AdapterName = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][2] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "AdapterStatus = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][3] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "GetIPType = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][4] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "IP = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][5] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "SubNetIP = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][6] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "MAC = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][7] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "GetwayIP = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][8] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "GetwayMAC = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][9] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "Speed = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][10] & @CRLF & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS1 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][11] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS2 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][12] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS3 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][13] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS4 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][14] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS5 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][15] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS6 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][16] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS7 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][17] & @CRLF
            $sContent &= "DNS8 = " & $sAdapterInfo[$x][18] & @CRLF
        Return $sContent
        Return SetError(1, 0, False)
EndFunc   ;==>CreateContentINI


Binary and Source: 


Edited by Trong
fix bugs and add features



Thanks for this worthwhile utility script.  I was able to get the result I expected on the first PC I tested (shown below).

However, on a second PC that had its network adapter disabled by the control panel settings, the script got an "incorrect number of subscripts" error.  I inserted an _ArrayDisplay() statement.  The array shows only one row with 0 and 5 in the columns. 

Can your utility be made to show all adapters in the PC, even those that are disabled?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Posted (edited)
On 20/4/2016 at 10:21 AM, qwert said:

Thanks for this worthwhile utility script.  I was able to get the result I expected on the first PC I tested (shown below).

However, on a second PC that had its network adapter disabled by the control panel settings, the script got an "incorrect number of subscripts" error.  I inserted an _ArrayDisplay() statement.  The array shows only one row with 0 and 5 in the columns. 

Can your utility be made to show all adapters in the PC, even those that are disabled?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Show all adapters in the PC (no incude special Adapters) , 
but if Adapter disabled then only get a name 
can't get more info !

Edited by VIP



try this:

#include <array.au3>

$iPid = run("powershell get-netadapter -IncludeHidden -verbose" , "" , @SW_HIDE , $stdout_child)

$sOutput = ""

     While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then ExitLoop


$aOut = stringsplit($sOutput , @LF , 2)



,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

10 minutes ago, iamtheky said:

try this:

#include <array.au3>

$iPid = run("powershell get-netadapter -IncludeHidden -verbose" , "" , @SW_HIDE , $stdout_child)

$sOutput = ""

     While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then ExitLoop


$aOut = stringsplit($sOutput , @LF , 2)



Only get MacAddress, not have IP info. And can't run if not install/have PowerShell


20 minutes ago, VIP said:

And can't run if not install/have PowerShell

What Version of Windows are you using that doesn't come with PS by default?

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator

Posted (edited)
On 20/4/2016 at 11:49 PM, BrewManNH said:

What Version of Windows are you using that doesn't come with PS by default?

Windows XP and Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (Lite version - very popular) not have PS by default

And Get-NetAdapter Applies To: Windows 8.1, Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows Server 2012 R2 and higher

Edited by VIP



I just moved to win10. lots of good fun in powershell 5.0

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


so how can I get Network Adapters information via PS? 
"powershell get-netadapter" command on only  get the Name and MAC address, without IP information.


Posted (edited)


Though, that will be the return of adapters that are not disabled.

Edited by iamtheky

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


Thanks for the update.  I now have 11 devices identified on one of my PCs.  Here's a sampling:

WAN Miniport (SSTP)
WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Intel(R) 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection

But only two of them have any information listed for them.  Should it be finding 11 Network Adapters?  Can it be made to find only the 2 or 3 actual hardware devices?


Update new version! 
Code optimized and fast and faster.

P/S: I do not know how to delete old screenshot!



@VIP: Thanks for this latest update.  I've tested it on two PCs running Win7 Pro and it fetches the information accurately.

Very good work!

  • Trong changed the title to Get Network Adapter Info

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